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uncle psychosis

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Everything posted by uncle psychosis

  1. I just had exactly the same issue. No problems elsewhere. Chrome Version 55.0.2883.87 m (64-bit) on Windows 10.
  2. I can't stand Jamie Cullum but that was actually quite good. Nice find.
  3. [quote name='skej21' timestamp='1473006733' post='3125982'] I think you're missing one of the saddest points made by your own observations... The 'next generation' will be more interested in music like electronic music or acoustic material and probably less interested in 'bands'/traditional musicianship. Covers bands 20 years from now will either be a guy with a laptop and a launchpad blasting out classic dub tracks or a guy with an acoustic and a looper covering Ed Sheeran. [/quote] Music is music. The idea that electronic music or acoustic music is "sad" because it isn't four blokes with electric guitars is laughable. Times change. Music evolves. Art evolves. There will always be music, it just might not be the same as it was when you were a teenager. Happened to the be-bop fans, happened to the swing fans, happened to the New Romantics, happened to the NeoClassicists, happened to the Surrealists, happened to the Beatles. You can still get all that stuff, its just not mainstream anymore. Big deal.
  4. [quote name='Beedster' timestamp='1473113948' post='3127146'] But you're not, without an explicit agreement you cannot be held responsible in this situation. I'm sure it's 100% the owner's responsibility to ensure the security of their property, not their paying customers (correct me if I'm wrong legal folks)? [/quote] All fine, except if one day something goes missing and the court of public opinion finds you guilty. I can already see the Facebook posts asking the owner to "name and shame" the band who were the last ones in when the '59 Les Paul disappeared. Even if he doesn't name you publicly you can bet it'll happen privately.
  5. Flute is my first instrument and Hubert Laws was always one of my heroes. This is probably my favourite track: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zQTrGkA5FXA Nice workout for the rhythm section, Moment's Notice is an absolutely killer chord sequence.
  6. [quote name='mcnach' timestamp='1466409650' post='3075521'] I got the album on Friday and waited until Saturday night to listen to it with my gf, by request. Upon first listening I was a bit disappointed... [/quote] I saw them last week and was completely disappointed. They looked and sounded like a band going through the motions.
  7. Hi folks I've got an unopened bag of 24 Jim Dunlop Nylon Big Stubby 3.0mm plectrums up for grabs. [b]£10 posted[/b] please This is a stock photo of what they look like:
  8. [quote name='Kex' timestamp='1464105187' post='3056592'] As i keep saying, I knew how much the VAT was and i knew how much the import duty was, my surprise was that the PO charged almost three times that to collect it. [/quote] As posted elsewhere by Mr Fretmeister: [I]Think about what they do for that £8 They have plenty of paper work to do - they complete the VAT return to the HMRC on your behalf. They are able to do this electronically and the HMRC are content to allow them to release the item to you when they've done that paper work. On small items they even pay the Vat for you to speed up the process. If they didn't do it, then when it arrived you would get a letter advising of the item arriving. Then you would have to complete the Vat returns to the HMRC and post them off. Then the HMRC would (in about 6 weeks) write to you to inform you of the monies owed. Then you would make payment. Then another 6 weeks later you would get permission to have the item and you could collect it. It might be annoying, but that £8 saved you more than a month of sodding about with the HMRC yourself before the item was officially allowed into the UK.[/I]
  9. You can do the same thing with a bit of washing up sponge or similar. Lots of photos here: https://www.talkbass.com/threads/carol-kayes-method-of-muting-open-strings-with-felt.701308/
  10. [quote name='uk_lefty' timestamp='1461752063' post='3037286'] My point was I could buy, for arguments sake, this year's limited run fender or Gibson or other whatever that may be, solely for the purpose of investment and not to consider playing it, just leave it in the case. Agreed a reissue won't have the value of the original, but what of a 2016 original limited run instrument? What would that be worth in mint condition in 20yrs time? It's a gamble but probably better than +1% year on year [/quote] I really doubt it, to be honest. To make money, instruments have to be desirable as well as rare. There's nothing particularly or unusually desirable about a modern Fender or Gibson. Remember you lose at least 20% of the value in VAT the second you leave the shop. You need a lot of appreciation just to overcome that.
  11. If all you're interested in is a fantastic instrument, playing/sound wise, then buy a modern instrument. They tend to be cheaper and there's more choice. If you want to own a piece of history, then vintage basses are just inherently cool. Some of them have the added benefit of also being fantastic instruments.
  12. [quote name='tauzero' timestamp='1461232577' post='3032632'] Historically, probably distortion, then echo using tape loops, ring modulators, and then as semiconductors got into the act, phasers and waa-waa. Later on, with bucket-brigade devices, chorus, flanger, reverb. [/quote] Flanging is *possibly* even older than overdrive (there's certainly not much in it). It was discovered in the 1940s, legend has it by a certain Mr Les Paul. The original effect was made by manipulation of tape machines (hence the name). Bucket brigade implementation came *much* later.
  13. [quote name='mcnach' timestamp='1460632577' post='3027396'] I did think of that too, but I thought the tap-tempo function is a little more involved to get at, isn't it? The Line6 is ideal, 'though. I sent him the link, we'll see. I like the functionality of the Zoom, personally... but for our purposes I think the Line6 is the winner [/quote] The zoom ms-70-CDR or whatever its called looks great too. Not sure how much of a faff the tap tempo is though. I'd also like it to have more trem models but you can't have everything...
  14. It matters in the sense that the sound will be different depending on the order. It doesn't matter in the sense that you can't break anything.
  15. [quote name='Callumjord' timestamp='1460889909' post='3029515'] Has anybody placed an eq pedal between the amp and cab to remove any boomy/boxy frequencys? [/quote] I'd imagine that's a [I]really[/I] good way to damage your EQ pedal. The output from a power amp is designed to drive speakers and pedals are designed for instrument level signals. If your bass could drive speakers directly we wouldn't need amplifiers You could maybe do it if you also put a dummy load in but I suspect it would be a lot of hassle and would sound rubbish. Just put the EQ pedal last in your chain or in the effects loop.
  16. It really depends on how you define "new"---there are only so many things you can do to audio signals. There's only about half a dozen fundamental things you can do to a soundwave, its how you combine them that creates specific "effects". Even things like the Miku, which seems a bit nuts at first, doesn't really do anything particularly "new". Its fairly common synth techniques but controlled by a guitar instead of a keyboard. That's not to say that people aren't coming up with new ideas for making cool sounds, but they're basically all just going to be different versions of stuff that already exists. Luckily there's an infinite way of combining them to do interesting things
  17. [quote name='AustinArto' timestamp='1460672843' post='3027847'] I like the look of the Cusack Tap-A-Whirl, nice well thought out feature set, but I've never had one. [/quote] If my lottery numbers come up tomorrow a Tap-A-Whirl and a Chase Bliss Gravitas will be in my shopping basket in about 30 seconds flat. The Tap-A-Phase looks similarly fun.
  18. http://skreddypedals.com/skreddy_pedals_dynamic_mids_enhancer.php Designed for guitar, but may do what you want?
  19. There are quite a lot, but some of them are [i]very[/i] spendy. Off the top of my head: Empress Tremolo Diamond Tremolo Suhr Jack Rabbit (has tap tempo and strum tempo) Seymour Duncan Shape Shifter Chase Bliss Gravitas (total overkill for your needs by the sound of it) Line6 Tonecore Tap Tremolo Cusack Tap-A-Whirl If you want a cheap one then the best option is probably something like a line6 M5. The tremolo effects on the M5 seem to be very popular and they're very cheap pedals. If you can find a second hand Seymour Duncan that's probably a good choice too. I have an Empress and its fantastic. Its very simple to operate.
  20. [quote name='Zenitram' timestamp='1460377007' post='3025081'] Why not, if they've paid for it? Maybe I misunderstood. [/quote] They won't have "paid". You'll get an email that claims to be from Paypal, but isn't really, or a dodgy Western Union deal or some other form of scam. I think the classic form of this one is an email from "paypal" that says "we have received this payment, we will release the funds to you when you enter the tracking information". Potentially they'll do a classic paypal chargeback scam but I think its more likely they'd just try and scam you completely.
  21. [quote name='ivansc' timestamp='1460318258' post='3024662'] Worth considering how regularly the string places are likely to turn around their string stock. I bought ten set of strings (guitar) from Thomann and when thy arrived they had small rust spots along the length of the stings. Turns out they were old stock from [b]a bath[/b] that was known to be faulty [/quote] No wonder they were rusty!!
  22. Neotech for me. Great straps. Makes a huge difference.
  23. Strings Direct / Stringbusters. For anything obscure its sometimes cheaper to order directly from the states. Basstringsonline are good.
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