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Everything posted by fretmeister

  1. the HPF is amazing for allowing more low thump through. It's witchcraft! I think it will probably bump my Super Symmetry off the board.
  2. Alas I got her to pay my cash into the bank for me so she knows!! Can't wait. Working late tonight in the hope I can skive half a day tomorrow to play. The Cali Complressor arrived already - what a lovely thing that is!
  3. I didn't like the Lomenzo at all, but I really like my EBS. Even for low drive.
  4. I sold my VMTD quite quickly. Just wasn't for me.
  5. If we were on first our singer used to say "Thank you to the warm down bands"
  6. [quote name='yorks5stringer' timestamp='1502997399' post='3354986'] There's a lot of flippant comments on this thread... [/quote] Bravo!
  7. Darkglass B3K Most people use it cranked I think. Personally I love it at low gain. Adds a wonderful quality. I even use it when playing big band!
  8. I'm blaming all of you. I've ordered one. And it seemed a bit stingy to not order an Origin Cali Compact Bass while I'm at it. (Dear Wife. I am soooooo sorry...)
  9. I'm definitely out of ideas then. Mine is one of the quietest pedals I've ever known. Even if I'm just using a 1-Spot and daisychaining a few other things. Do you do your testing at the same time of day? Is the tumble dryer on? Have you got an old and crappy lamp somewhere close? Do you live within the boundary of the LHD?
  10. Weird! No idea then. Sorry. (Unless the Palmer only has 2000mah in total and the individual outputs share it in limited amounts?)
  11. Get an isolated supply with sufficient current. I run mine either with a Gigrig Power Generator set up, or with the Warwick Rockboard XL battery power supply (the latter isn't isolated, but it's not connected to the mains either - and I only have that, a tuner and an EBS Sheehan Deluxe)
  12. Right then. I have cash. But no local stockist. So I'll have to go to the bank and pay it in so I can order online. Damn you all!
  13. I made the mistake of buying a Karnivool album to listen to while I cooked dinner too. Aaarrrggghhhhhh
  14. What an odd thing. I can't decide if it is genius or just pointless.
  15. [quote name='Saved' timestamp='1502978516' post='3354824'] The truth is,i am not sure if i realy need a 18" simulator. Just thinking about it. In the other hand,a 18" simulated through a 15" cab,remains a 15" cab..Maybe the EQ can make a 15" sound like a 15" simulated to sound like 18". Is it better to go flor a 18" cab? I can't find anything. I found a lot 18" cabs but all of them are old and discontinued (maybe the 18" is not a good idea and thats why they discontinued,but c'mon,sound is personal taste and companies products what sell better) [/quote] If you want a good 18 inch sound with a sim then you'll need a FRFR cab in the first place. Not sure there is a "18inch sound" anymore with new speaker tech though
  16. [quote name='dlloyd' timestamp='1503416158' post='3358056'] If you have Netflix the Ken Burns' Civil War multi-part documentary is on there. I can't recommend it enough. [/quote] Thanks for that - added it to my watch list
  17. [quote name='Al Krow' timestamp='1503401465' post='3357872'] Plus a tuner and some overdrive and we're there? [/quote] Tuner - maybe. Drive - nope. Too many people like too many different drive pedals. Drive pedals fall into that "I won't use so don't want to pay for it" Whereas compressors are not only tone influencing, but can also be problem solvers in certain venues.
  18. Put a compressor in it. Sometimes I take a stupid board with me. Sometimes my Helix. Sometimes I don't need any of that. But I always have a compressor. Would be awesome to have a good one built in. I view compression much like guitarists view a drive channel on an amp.
  19. [quote name='TimR' timestamp='1503394644' post='3357798'] Yes. Removing I don't have an issue with. Proudly displaying? I'm not sure. Destroying, I don't agree with. They're historical monuments regardless of any feeling. [/quote] Now we are getting somewhere. No one is calling for the destruction of history. Merely that certain persons and events are not celebrated. Plenty of museums have "Dictators of the 20th Century" areas, or wax works of murderers. They also have dummies with KKK white hoods on them. That is the proper place for them - museums are academic institutions preserving history. They do not celebrate such persons, they merely ensure their existence is remembered. But there is still a difference. Hitler caused a huge world wide upheaval. Pol Pot ran one of the hugest forced labour regimes in history. Stalin took Lenin's ideas and turned them into something Lenin never intended and oppressed millions of people They are historically significant. Jimmy Savile was just a nonce. There is no need to keep any statue of him anywhere. not even to prop a door open in the basement of a storage unit.
  20. [quote name='Trueno' timestamp='1503392461' post='3357766'] Source, please. [/quote] "[color=#081721][font=georgia, tahoma, arial][size=1] As Lord Chancellor, he had imprisoned and interrogated Lutherans, sometimes in his own house, and sent six reformers to be burned at the stake, "[/size][/font][/color] [color=#777777]"[and who] would punish religious dissent not only with “displeasant” words but with state violence."[/color] http://www.luminarium.org/renlit/wood.htm And https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=DdAYSzj20t0C&pg=PA406&lpg=PA406&dq=%22while+he+was+in+office+he+did+everything+in+his+power+to+bring+that+extermination+to+pass.%E2%80%9D%22&source=bl&ots=Wm5Y1K7pJT&sig=YUyefQvYGhnSxZ9gbx2DwgpYess&hl=en&sa=X&ei=99hmUfTCMO_B4APS2oCQDw&redir_esc=y#v=onepage&q=%22while%20he%20was%20in%20office%20he%20did%20everything%20in%20his%20power%20to%20bring%20that%20extermination%20to%20pass.%E2%80%9D%22&f=false
  21. [quote name='TimR' timestamp='1503390539' post='3357734'] Yes. I would. Smashing things up are what mobs do. It is an indication of how tribal people become in a group. It's not a civilised way to behave. [/quote] Leaving a statue up of one of those people is as bad as not cleaning up racist graffiti. Leaving it there may not be an indication of approval, but it is also not an example of condemnation of unacceptable conduct.
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