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Everything posted by fretmeister

  1. [quote name='dannybuoy' timestamp='1506690766' post='3380460'] Quite, but I find all this vitriol rather odd when there are no similar threads ripping into Aguilar, Mesa, Glockenklang, Vanderkley etc, whose amps cost even more? [/quote] I've ripped into Mesa loads of times. Mainly because of Westside Distribution being price gouging twats.
  2. Any good FRFR powered cab should work very well. They are now more popular as they are often used with Helix / Fractal type things too. I use a Yamaha DXR10. It handles bass beautifully. They were on offer recently at about £460 - definitely worth a try
  3. DOD BiFet Preamp. Has a useful tone control as well. Or an EQ pedal. The MXR 10 band is very handy for this application.
  4. I think there is probably a lot of people who would like to gig more, but if they have established jobs already then giving that up is a huge risk, particularly if there are other family members to support. A friend has a very good band and he asked me to join. I would love to - they gig a lot and they are well organised - getting shows arranged months in advance. But I often travel with work, and sometimes only get a few days notice. I can't gig in my home town if I have an all day appointment in London - I wouldn't be back in time. So I do really want the gig - but I refuse to be the unreliable member. It's not fair on them. And the average pub / bar gig round here pays £200 to £250 split between the entire band, so quitting my day job and playing for a living is just not an option. Even 7 nights a week for a 4 piece band round here would be £437.50 each per show before expenses and tax. Pubs in the East Midlands generally do not host gigs on Monday's to Wednesdays anyway.
  5. [quote name='Al Krow' timestamp='1506635594' post='3380151'] +1000!! [b]Over priced, over hyped and last year's sound.[/b] Pointless speakers? Well actually once the short lived buzz about the transient metal sound has fizzled out, IMHO [b]A pointless product range[/b]. There I've said it... [/quote] Over priced - these days I'm afraid I have to agree. Over hyped - not convinced, but even if that is true that is from the customers not the company. Just like Klons and the like. Last Year's sound - Not a clue! In the last 2 or 3 years I've only bought a couple of albums that were recorded after 1980! But looking at comparisons - the TS boosted Dual Rectifier was "last year's sound" for a solid 10 years! And it's still here. Pointless Product Range. Cannot agree there at all. I get they might be pointless to you and to anyone else who doesn't like the sound, but that doesn't mean it is generally pointless. Ukulele's are pointless to me! The pedals did something new both in terms of sound and blending options. That is innovation. The amp (M900) is excellent and despite the assumed use for metal, it does a fantastic B15 sound and is very versatile. I use mine doing Big Band work with the drive circuit on low. Even the preamp pedals are superb for recording with or doing direct even with just clean sounds. I cannot agree that a DI capable preamp is pointless. I would go as far as saying that every gigging bassist should have one - not a Darkglass model specifically, but at least something of that ilk. Once we establish that the product type has a point, then individual makes' features are merely choice and have nothing to do with "pointlessness" The cabs - yes. Unnecessary and over priced, and by the specs very heavy too. I really don't know what Doug was thinking with them on the spec alone. When the frankly astonishing price is taken into account the really do look like taking the piss. I realise that at the mo UK buyers are getting shafted by exchange rate issues and that it will get worse because of the thing that cannot be named, but even so the prices are now reaching a risky point - the point when shops stop stocking product. Just like Jim Bergantino said when he popped up in the other thread. And with Bass Direct who are no longer bringing in Mike Lull basses. But even so - the cabs! Honestly. WTF happened there? Twice as expensive as Barefaced and twice the weight? And the only "unique" selling point is a new cross-over that is supposedly more friendly to bass distortion? The cabs are the point DG jumped the shark / nuked the fridge / whatever the new description is. I like Doug. He seems a nice bloke and he's clearly a very talented engineer. But all that bollocks about bassists not thinking about how important cabs are in the signal chain gives absolute damning proof that his marketing guys should be staked out, smeared with BBQ sauce and left for the wolves.
  6. I've bought a Euromillions lottery ticket just in case - it is a lovely bass! Fingers crossed for Friday night's draw!
  7. [quote name='Bill Fitzmaurice' timestamp='1506600326' post='3379836'] I can't speak to Perrier, but in the US most bottled water is tap water. The bottles it comes in cost more than the contents. It's a true testament to the notion that no one ever went broke [i](or lost an election )[/i] underestimating the intelligence of the American public. [/quote] My brother is a Foreign Exchange trader. His mantra is "Never bet against stupid" And he's right. He voted Remain (and fully understood the economics) and played the market anticipating a leave win. He also assumed Trump would win because that was the stupid choice. It's probably why he's got a London penthouse and I haven't ! (He can't play like I can though!)
  8. [quote name='dood' timestamp='1506599995' post='3379834'] We must have had the same system!! [/quote] I got mine in about 1986
  9. ha ha! The seller on Amazon has dropped the price to £14.50... but increased the postage to a tenner. Making it the same price as before.
  10. the first "hi-fi" I ever had was a Matsui! Record player, twin tapes, and the world's worst graphic equalizer! And a whopping 7.5W RMS.
  11. Alas, after my wife checked my finances.... Good luck with the sale.
  12. [quote name='Bill Fitzmaurice' timestamp='1506547919' post='3379541'] It could be that they know that they're entering an already flooded marketplace with a product that no one really needs, and that they'll probably only sell them to owners of their electronics as a result of brand loyalty. That makes the number of cabs they think they can sell quite small, which raises the cost of building them, so they're pricing them accordingly. [/quote] Could be. I also have a hazy memory of something from Economics at school - that Perrier water (I think it was them. Or another expensive water brand) was not originally called that name. It was something else and it was sold at a LOWER price that the other brands. It didn't sell at all - it was viewed as cheap. So it was rebranded and sold at a price 50% HIGHER than everyone else and it sold. It was now viewed as exclusive and luxurious. Same product. Just changed the bottle.
  13. Yay for Brexit! (Sorry, but I had to do that!)
  14. [quote name='Musicman20' timestamp='1506527470' post='3379373'] Just use a Helix into a monitor/PA or even powered cab/bass amp into cab...far more flexible for bass. [/quote] That's what I do if I don't have to keep moving my gear. Helix into Yamaha DXR10 powered cab. It's brilliant.
  15. [quote name='Cuzzie' timestamp='1506521400' post='3379313'] Here I go again....... The cabs are made in the UK 410 is $1399 in US and £1295 at Andertons looking at a conversion rate why is it pro rata £250 cheaper in the US considering they are made on these shores..... I'm not knocking the product, I have not heard enough and they may be worth the money, but....: [/quote] Vat. US prices don't have VAT. It just seems that if they are being made here they are still applying the same shipping overhead to all of them.
  16. [quote name='dave_bass5' timestamp='1506520540' post='3379308'] Batting from the other side, i would question why the drummer never followed it up after it was first mentioned. We know know he is disorganised, but i also believe it was mentioned he is also an adult ;-) [/quote] No one said he was an adult. They said he was a drummer.
  17. [quote name='eude' timestamp='1506516684' post='3379278'] I'll second that! I wonder they're smoking?! Are there any other 4x10s out there that cost that much? Eude [/quote] Some Epiphani ones do. Not sure about anyone else though.
  18. and 84lb in weight when most of the world wants lightweight. That's 35lb heavier than the BF Four10.
  19. [quote name='Musicman20' timestamp='1506516295' post='3379271'] [url="https://www.andertons.co.uk/p/DG-410CAB/bass-cabs/darkglass-dg-410c-4x10-bass-cab?_ga=2.149573302.1069399008.1506431566-637290218.1490189901"]https://www.anderton...0218.1490189901[/url] Jeeeeeeessss! [/quote] Almost the same as the Euro conversion then. No way is that selling enough. DG appear to have jumped the shark.
  20. [quote name='NancyJohnson' timestamp='1506513997' post='3379248'] Ultimately, it's a lot of money for a 2x10 and 4x10. I'd rather use it to get a Barefaced. P [/quote] That. I just don't get the business idea of pitching a new 2x10 at a money level twice as expensive as BF, Berg, or Vanderkley. I can't see DG shifting enough to make it viable against that competition.
  21. There's quite a few guitar amps where the pedal is optional. For all we know Doug did some market research and found that most people don't change tone on the amp and decided to offer the amp at a lower price because the pedal wasn't included.
  22. The Barefaced Two10 is £519 and is awesome. I can't see the value in a 2x10 at £900!
  23. [quote name='Musicman20' timestamp='1506502711' post='3379134'] Who is making the cabinets? That is serious cash for a 2x10. [/quote] Don't know - rumours were of a UK builder.
  24. [quote name='Cuzzie' timestamp='1506502622' post='3379133'] My interpretation in the website is no footswitch at all included Footswitch The Footswitch jack allows you to remotely engage and disengage the Microtubes Engine via our Intelligent Footswitch (sold separately). Hold the footswitch to Mute the amplifier. The VMT/B3K push button will remain operational with the Intelligent Footswitch plugged in. * Use a regular mono instrument cable to connect the amplifier to the footswitch. * Remove the cable from the footswitch jack in the rear panel if you want to control the amp from the front panel. * The Microtubes 500 will only work with our proprietary Intelligent Footswitch or Super Intelligent Footswitch (both sold separately). A generic Footswitch will not work with the Microtubes 500. That is naughty.... [/quote] Blimey. That's not good.
  25. 'm assuming you get the 1 button footswitch with it like for the M900, and that the multi swtich is optional? The multi-one has a flaw in that settings that work for the B3K circuit don't really work for the VMT circuit, so there's not a lot of point swapping between them. I leave the B3K setting on all the time anyway - with a very low drive level. Then hit it with an AO if needed.
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