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Status Updates posted by TheGreek

  1. Nearly 40,000 members - just 11 more till we're there

    1. Grangur


      Hey @I Denby just joined. He's number 39,998!  Just 2 more to go!
      Welcome @I Denby 

    2. TheGreek


      Now at 40,003 - somebody got in under the radar...

  2. NEW COMBO DAY - check out my review on the Ashdown EVO 180 11 here:



    1. discreet


      Nice. Used an Ashdown 4X10 combo as backline once, wasn't looking forward to it much but it turned out to be excellent - huge, punchy and warm. Led to a dalliance with Ashdown that lasted for some time. Until I got GAS again, in fact... ;)

  3. No Andyjr1515 build to follow...I'm having withdrawal symptoms...:$

    1. itsmedunc


      Build another! 😀

    2. roman_sub
    3. LukeFRC


      got enough money


  4. Puppy just back from the Vet after being spayed - firstly it was weird her not being here, now she's acting weird.

    Would come as no surprise if aliens landing tonight..

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Marc S

      Marc S

      Hope she's OK now? Has she settled down? :)

    3. TheGreek


      Glad that I'm only ever going to have to do this once.

      First day I had a weird dog, clearly under the effects of Chemical Happiness, off her food then vomited what she had eaten.

      Since then she hasn't been able to be let off a lead, she's not used to being kept on a lead, so I have a 18 month old puppy with pent up, frustrated energy unable to play with her (many) friends.


    4. itsmedunc


      Greatest thing I have ever found to calm a dog down is a log burner! No not a lump of wood on the head chaps but the heat! Just had one installed and now all 4 of my dogs snooze away in front of it merrily! Might be a bit extreme for you though ?

  5. Reminders eh??? Just been watching a documentary about Fleetwood Mac - reminded what a great album "Tango in the Night" is.

    Copy going in the car...

    1. Soledad


      John McVie gets a shout from me - first found him in The Bluesbreakers when he was about 21/22. An early influence of mine. Then he got to marry Christine Perfect... ;)

    2. Hobbayne


      I bought it when it first came out.

      They played at Wembley arena to promote it, but Lindsey Buckingham quit and they had to get two blokes to replace him.

      Still a good gig though.

  6. Showing my ignorance here...BBOT (in relation to bridges) "Bent Bit Of Tin"??

    1. Bassfinger


      Big Balls Outside Trousers?

    2. Billy Apple

      Billy Apple

      .... How long have you been on BC?

    3. TheGreek


      Shameful I know...one of those questions that you feel stupid asking.

      That's the problem with acronyms....if I have a SLR do I shoot photos or people???

  7. Sold my PJB 47 cab to another BC. Not a big cab but, God, the amount of space it seems to have made in my living room...

  8. Stumpy acoustic thing with sharp skinny strings on arrived today....you'll be able to gauge my interest by watching the "other musical things for sale" thread..xDxD..

    1. TheGreek


      Those skinny strings sure cut into the fingers...

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. prowla


      Calling it "she" and saying it "plays like butter" - it's a no from me!

    3. Fishman


      but he's recorded at abbey road, sun studios and clasto 🤣

    4. Jambo63


      Checked the serial number on the below link - says it's a 1972, but recommends checking the date on the end of the neck and also the pots as well


      Info copied form link above - has same serial number as Korean make by Samick

      Serial number: 352128


      Production year: 1972
      Made in Fullerton, USA
      Production year: 1988 - 1996
      Made by Samick, Korea
      For more accurate annual determination for electric models see:potmeters


    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. TheGreek


      @SpondonBassed, I think @Andyjr1515 is busy at the moment - he was the skill behind the Silk Bass. Would be a nice project for somebody when he has time.

      I am (not very successfully mind) trying to downsize.

    3. SpondonBassed


      If you are worried about having too many basses I have a solution.  Buy it for me to turn into a useable hack (an haxe, if you will) and I'll keep it here until you need it 've paid for all the expensive hardware and labour I cram into it...?


    4. prowla


      Gumtree is such a crappy sales site: I seached around for the item location and eventually spotted it in the window title.

      Plus, the search facility is pretty useless.

  9. Watching the tracking info on the PF website for a bass to arrive at my local (1m) depot so I can go and collect rather than wait another day.

    Reminds me of a Bob Marley track....

    1. kingforaday


      I did not know you could do that!? So as soon as it says it's 'at the local depot'... you can just go and get it???

    2. TheGreek


      I'm assuming so - my depot is about a mile away and a number of my friends work there so if ID isn't enough....

      Fortunately it arrived bright and early (8.30) delivered by somebody I went to school with.

    3. blisters on my fingers

      blisters on my fingers

      "I did not know you could do that!? So as soon as it says it's 'at the local depot'... you can just go and get it???"

      Not a good idea unfortunately - the drivers will be in the depot loading their vans from 6.00 am, the tracking might well show that your bass is at the local depot, but within an hour or so, once loaded onto a route the bass will stay on the van until an attempted delivery is made.

      If you are now at the depot trying to collect your bass while at the same time the driver is at your address ringing your doorbell.... well you can see how this ends ☹️



  10. Why are there so many ACGs (well 3..) for sale at the moment?? Are you all mad??

    All three are nice basses BTW.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. bobpalt


      Or like me (with no success!) its because I don't really play bass any more.......

    3. skej21


      @CameronJ Not gonna share here. Not sure it's strictly within the rules for advertising etc.

    4. CameronJ


      Ah, fair enough!

  11. With 4 basses for sale I'm beginning to think that Fleabay85 has been murdered by his wife and she's selling all his gear.

    If you live nearby can you pop round and check they don't have a new patio.

    1. Chewie


      Ha ha!  Perhaps it's the other way round & he's sorting out a business flight somewhere?

    2. discreet


      Has anyone seen them together recently?

  12. "Spare" Yamaha NE1 Para Equalizer arrived today. Weeheee!!

    1. pantherairsoft


      That was a great little tone box. I suspect the only reason it didn't get wider love was because it wasn't in a pedal format.

    2. Risk101


      Lovely - I see the price of that BBNE2 has been shaved to a much more reasonable £1850 although the 4.5kg puts me off (weakling that I am !!)

    3. Gaucho 5

      Gaucho 5

      Still got my NE1 wouldn't be without it, often considered changing it to run from a power board as 9v battery is not ideal, that said you do get a very long battery life with these😁 


  13. 🎼I don't wanna wait in vain 🎵🎶....


    Sitting watching the Parcelforce Track your Parcel page to see if my parcel arrives tonight so I can try to collect it from them tomorrow....

    1. snorkie635


      Good luck with that. I waited over a week for a pair of socks I'd ordered to turn up. I blame his black and white cat.

    2. TheGreek


      Went and collected the parcel earlier...


      The waiting wasn't in vain...

    3. snorkie635
  14. SORTED - Many thanks to @neepheid


    Is anybody near Aberdeen and can help facilitate a transaction?

    PM me please.

    1. snorkie635


      Give Neepheed a shout. He's up that way I think.

    2. TheGreek


      Yep, Neepheid to the rescue!!


      Just the man for the job!!

    3. snorkie635


      Excellent. Hope it works out. Give me a shout if you need a translator. 😀

  15. 15th SE BASS BASH....JUST 1 WEEK TO GO!!!

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. HMX


      Thanks! I see 'Recent Status Updates' and a list of everyone's updates but nowhere to add my own. Weird. And I'm a web designer/developer 😅😅😅

    3. SpondonBassed




      You should be seeing ^this^ if you're on a desk or laptop.  I can't speak for 'phone or tablet users though.  Have you tried from your own profile?

    4. Lozz196


      Am on call so can`t attend, aaarrrggghh

  16. 1968 Gibson EB2 in Hertford




    Cos items on Gumtree can't be posted in W&W thread.

    1. Reggaebass


      I’ve nearly done some deals with Phil before, really nice guy 

  17. Anybody fancy a Turkey sandwich?


    Remember Turkey is for Xmas,  not (seemingly) for life...

  18. Anybody in Stoke on Trent who can do me a favour?

    Please send me a PM.

  19. Bomb disposal squad have been in a house locally for a couple of hours...residents told to stay away from the windows and use the back of the house 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. TheGreek


      You wouldn't believe that it - students.


      Bomb Squad carried out a controlled explosion before letting residents return to their homes.

    3. Lozz196


      The police blew up the students?


      Good on them!

    4. Royaly T

      Royaly T

      During the 2nd World War Plymouth was bombed heavily by the Germans causing millions of pounds worth of improvements.

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