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Everything posted by skidder652003

  1. stunning, reminds me of this for some reason ( maybe it's the Imperial) GLWTS
  2. Thanks Phil. Our first gig is tomorrow, table bookings and..it's sold out! 100 people inside and loads more outside and at our last rehearsal on Wednesday I forgot whole sections of our 20 minute medley from hell, so no pressure!
  3. Good Times Bad Times, by Zep. That little bass run used to be a major sweaty lip moment as I was on my own. It's ok now but there's a few other tricky bits in it that made me dread it coming up even though I love the song.
  4. gotta love a committed skin beater
  5. Almost Funny if it wasn't tragic Minister of Culture, Arts and Flags you rock! https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-57387840
  6. I know he pretty much divides opinion on here but I think this is a really fantastic bit of melodic and tasteful playing (well perhaps before the slapfest starts) There's also a useful link to the Interactive TAB below the video if anyone fancies learning it (it's hard btw). I'm going to have a go although the slap is well beyond my ability. actually starts at 1:07 https://tabs.ultimate-guitar.com/tab/davie504/s-l-a-p-p-guitar-pro-3445838
  7. hope you're on the road to recovery matey.
  8. This one really was. I was looking for recommendations on sub £5 (3 meter) guitar leads as our guitarist is too tight to put his hand in his own pocket...
  9. we have 14 gigs booked up to December, the first one is next Sat (can't wait) But..it's been really hard getting them. Most landlords I speak to aren't taking bookings until after the 21st and waiting to see what happens.
  10. hmmm. I tend to get mine serviced every 12 to 18 months. I don't gig it very much these days but when I do I'm pretty terrified of it and I don't want it blowing up on me. A re valve is horrendously expensive. Even if the tec takes a looks, gives it a basic service and says yep it's fine, that's worth £50 quid a year to me.
  11. yeah just got my daughter a 2015 MacBook pro Retina display (?) with 8 GB of RAM for £275. Probably a bit weedy for Logic but she's into DJ'ing so runs RekordBox no problem.
  12. If you have a decent spec Mac (expensive!) then moving onto Logic would be a good move IMO I only left macs because they can be so expensive to upgrade to, and reaper runs on a fart. The free plugins available now are so good that unless you're a professional they're good enough for most people (again IMO) But for £200 quid Logic will give you anything you will probably ever need. Good Luck!
  13. please remove mods thanks, daft question
  14. Thanks guys, I have the original power supply for the DHA pedal so I'm using that but it just looks a bit messy. I was hoping to get a cheap brick to power them all (the compressor is just a Boss LMB 3) but I think its going to be a no no with that large mA draw. It was just that I sometime get drops in volume from the pedal board to the amp for a few seconds and I was wondering if it was a power supply issue. The tuner and compressor are just daisy chained from a 9V adaptor. I think I shall have to play around with it all. I go tuner, compressor, DHA pedal in that order, maybe I could swap that around. I just hope the issue isn't the DHA pedal, that's all
  15. Hi all I have a Dave hall VT2 EQ pedal that runs from its own power supply at 12V (doubled to 24V?) at 1200mA I'd love a power brick to supply it and my other 2 - 9V pedals, a compressor and a TU3 tuner. Does such a thing exist? Would less mA be a problem? ie 12V and 500mA. I always get confused between too much or less voltage and milliamps.
  16. never needed a spare axe at a gig (now wait until next week) in over 25 years of gigging. Needed a spare amp now and again but use a DI to PA so that's covered. Arrived at a gig and had forgotten my strap, luckily they dug a spare from behind the bar!
  17. suit? He can play what the hell he likes, the doctor sez i was impotent, so I'm gonna dress impotent!
  18. Hi On Maiden https://www.hi-onmaiden.com/
  19. I would go so far as to dare suggest that without either a decent singer or a tight drummer, you're knackered.
  20. All bands will always be judged on the ability or not of their LEAD singer. It took me 10 years to realise this with the addition of our female lead singer whoi can sing her donkey off, Before this we had muddled along with our guitarist taking lead duties. OK we got asked back but it was always the elephant in the room. You can be the greatest rhytmn section ever, the greatest guitarist since Hendrix, but if the singer 'aint cutting it live, forget it; you'll always be that band who would be great if they got a decent vocalist. Walk now..
  21. God knows why we endure this ritual humiliation every year. It's not like the UK isn't represented on the world stage in contemporary music. Ah, I just realised what i said when I mentioned the word "music"..
  22. is this any good? i like the idea of an all in one type package. Anyone got it?
  23. our drummer has a similar thing on his drum stool, cost him a fortune. He's always urging me to get the pad version but at 800 quid I've politely declined!
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