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Everything posted by skidder652003

  1. One Tone to rule them all... My Preccccccccious!!!!
  2. you've obviously been to my gigs at the Volunteer in Honiton!
  3. have you ever known the bass player in a band to have the time and luxury to actually mic up their cab? far too busy sorting out the PA and lights and the Guitarists (Gods) Mic placement to the mm on his poxy 412 as well as getting in the first round...
  4. £91 inc postage, good reviews, J & D - J Bass https://www.dv247.com/en_GB/GBP/J-D-Bass-guitar-JB-3TS-4-String-3-Tone-Sunburst/art-BAS0000913-002
  5. recording your band and you're in the band? Just press record on your phone and away you go!
  6. Marshall VBA's come up now and again around the £400 mark, although the running costs...well...
  7. Just discovered this, it works on my phone and iPad. No more walking over to the pc to hit record and legging it back to the kit. I know I'm a Reaper fanboi but this is great.
  8. If you can afford one go for it. You could probably move it on for what you paid for it. I have one, hardly use it anymore (heavy) but now and again it comes out for what I hope is a possible special gig/venue. I had the same curiosity over the valve ownership/experience as you and I'm glad I took the plunge but it can be expensive to service, especially a re-valve. If I was going to do it again, I'd go lighter so something like a Handbox would be my suggestion.
  9. sadly not but I'm a little disappointed that you didn't put up a picture of a bitchin' allen key...
  10. had a play, that's pretty good fun and great for ideas. Thanks.
  11. great news that evaluation doesn't run out after 60 days btw. Reaper runs as normal for ever, they just put a temporary popup at the beginning to remind you to buy a license when you can.
  12. yeah MP4 is MPEG-4. Still no sound though? Weird. Try Format as QT/MOV/MP4 Try the video codec as MJPEG Try Audio codec as 16 bit PCM what are you playing back the video on? if you have a windows machine it's worth downloading VLC player (free) as it has the right codecs for reaper.
  13. I'm not too sure but I wonder if that mpeg 2 format might be an issue? I usually render video in mpeg 4 or MOV files with 16 or 24 bit PCM for audio.
  14. Markbass 210, 44lbs. Not tried it but I have the 112 combo and it's light as a feather (well, not quite). I imagine this would be killer too https://www.gak.co.uk/en/mark-bass-cmd-102p/4281?gclid=Cj0KCQjwmIuDBhDXARIsAFITC_4u9OlS10r8GkLJqOAwhOVoRCxxZ8gOa7-2hLYs28du33NFUoAKqGEaAlJ5EALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds
  15. thats brilliant thank you! Downloaded it, unzipped it and it fired straight up in reaper!
  16. I have used my markbass combo on a tilted stand as a monitor, i.e. in front and to the right of me, as well as going through that and DI to the PA. Worked well, could certainly hear myself for a change.
  17. we had RCF 310's briefly as stage monitors but IMO they struggled at higher volumes, especially for bass. We swapped them for 315's and they're much better. Depends on your volumes I guess.
  18. I've never considered myself a complete bass player until I can slap to a competent degree. I still can't (currently attempting to learn Love Games and struggling). Probably an issue with being in thrall to it in the 80's.
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