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Everything posted by skidder652003

  1. well he did order the VIPee ticket...
  2. very sorry to hear this awful news, all the very best wishes for the poor lady.
  3. I have the phaser, it's awesome but I rarely have the opportunity to use it.
  4. it would be less strain on your PC if you used the stomp for hardware effects.
  5. .then not...then again. .then not...then again. .then not...then again. .then not...then again. .then not...then again. .then not...then again.
  6. Ozone elements going for free to celebrate 20 years or something. It seems to be an equaliser, downloaded it and it looks pretty decent. https://www.izotope.com/en/products/downloads/ozone_elementsv9.html
  7. https://www.powerdrumkit.com/download76187.php
  8. you use more than ONE string?
  9. yep my preamp also doubles as a DI (although I use the DI out the back of my Markbass these days) so it's for emergency use only. It goes at the end of my signal chain/pedals. Tuner goes in first.
  10. When you say your compressor on the Ampeg doesn't seem to do much, that's kind of what they do. There's a very subtle change in most compressors (that I've used). I'd avoid the Boss CS-3. Here's the best site to find out about all things err "compressory" http://www.ovnilab.com/ I use the Boss LMB 3 after reading the reviews, cheap as chips and much better than the CS 3 http://www.ovnilab.com/reviews/bosslmb3.shtml Alternatively as above the spectracomp gets great reviews.
  11. one day..in the not too far distant future..someone will actually do a demo in a band scenario with all the different strings rather than a completely pointless bedroom demo. Not saying that's the case here BTW...
  12. Just came across this, surprised it hadn't crossed my radar before. Ok it's a guitarists pedal really. We're getting him one next week to do some Frampton and Nazareth stuff. It's only £85 quid which is cheap compared to what talkboxes used to be. No filthy slobber hose needed either! https://www.dv247.com/en_GB/GBP/TC-Helicon-Talkbox-Synth/art-GIT0042339-000
  13. I use one of these, works fine but I'm only using a lightweight Markbass combo, don't know how it would cope with something heavy. https://www.thomann.de/gb/ultimate_amp150.htm?glp=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwzOqKBhAWEiwArQGwaHeFau1iDS898-hXuSnQhmL2jZh9CQEu7yu5l4juilY9gXkuZlT92hoCqoEQAvD_BwE
  14. To paraphrase from The great movie Platoon "I gotta a real bad feeling about this one" Turned up at a social club last night ( I know), huge cavernous hall with wooden floor, darts match going on at the other end by the bar. Maybe 20 people in the place in total, all at the far end Average age, mid 70's. Acts roster on the wall, all duo and solo "Turns" with 80's era mug shot posters. Kick off 9pm (sharp). Led Zep, Free, sabbath, you get the idea...Disaster Take a break, events "manager" legs it over "Got to ask you lads to pack up, the members say you're not their cup of tea, they want the Jukebox back on. Humiliation. At least we got paid. Probably won't be back.
  15. You must have seen our band then! Seriously though, £800 seems ok for a good desk, especially one that can record stems. I really enjoy mixing the gigs but it can be a pain using the zoom Q2n's for audio. Quality can vary from venue to venue and having each track recorded could give me hours of mixing fun! If we flog our old desk for a couple of hundred, it's only another 150 each, just a couple of gigs really.
  16. yeah it's big (but fine). It's not a semi electric either but sounds huge. I put some elixir nanowebs last year and they're still fresh
  17. Thinking of going back down the digital route but with a more analogue type mixer desk. Would like to record each member of band actually onto SD card in the desk to transfer to DAW the next day. These 2 desks fit the bill, both with 20 to 24 individual track recording. Used to have an X-Air 18, did the same thing but using a tablet was a pain. Tascam is much bigger and heavier but looks better and more robust but the zoom has 6 Aux sends to the Tascam's 3. Probably not a deal breaker as its for live gig use rather than studio / multi headphone use. Anyway, anyone bit the bullet and got either one yet? Just wondered how they found them? Both roughly the same price, just under the £800 mark. Here's a comparison https://www.audiotechnology.com/reviews/tascam-model-24-vs-zoom-livetrak-l-20
  18. I have a faith Saturn 12 string. It's a thing of beauty. I never play it though, criminal really.
  19. yes. I got my lad a Harley B Tele and it's frankly amazing for the £130 it cost me. Maybe if she likes Gibson's, something like this? https://www.thomann.de/gb/harley_benton_cst_24t_emerald_flame.htm
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