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Status Updates posted by Sibob

  1. Oh dear......got love-sick for my long-gone Lakland 55-01....so bought another. oops

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. TheGreek


      My thinking too @Rich

    3. Sibob


      Getting it setup, then will post about it :) 

    4. geoham


      I keep toying with the idea of getting rid of mine, then play it and immediately decide against it!

  2. Eeeep, my 'lockdown parts bass' is coming back from setup on Sunday :D
    Much excite

  3. Hipshot Ultralites arrived! Now just waiting on La Bella Black Tapewounds and the project bass will be ready for final assembly 🤗

  4. Camel Journey Precision & Lakland DJ5 in the house, busy week lol. Promise I’m done for at least 6 months now 😆

    1. hiram.k.hackenbacker
    2. Happy Jack

      Happy Jack

      Presumably there's a second camel carrying the battery-powered combo for the Precision?


  5. Excited, new neck arriving today for project bass. Need to decide on replacement pickup (Precision) and tuners (I think Hipshot Ultralites....Lollipops of course)

    1. Marc S

      Marc S

      Ooooh tell us more @Sibob tell us more, tell us more ;) 

  6. Missed out on an Ibanez Blazer bass on Facebook last night....and now searching around for another (I want another P style bass for tape-wounds)....someone convince me I shouldn't? lol

    1. SpondonBassed


      Do they do a double-breasted version of the Ibanez Blazer?

    2. hiram.k.hackenbacker


      You want a bunch of GAS loaded Basschatters to advise you not to buy something you want? Good luck 😂

  7. Moollon in the house :D 

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Daz39


      C'mon, c'mon, inquiring (nosey) minds need to know - how does it look, does it Djent like Butter?

    3. Platypus


      Could do with a few Moollon photos in here:


    4. Sibob


      Post is up


  8. Moollon P currently in customs awaiting attention.......now comes the real wait lol

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Sibob


      @Quatschmacher Ah awesome, I saw that posted on Instagram by one of the staff there, thought it was a great spec! Great job!

    3. Quatschmacher


      Cool, I’m not on Instagram so didn’t see it. I was hoping heys post on Facebook.

      Can you send the link to the post - I can’t find it.  

    4. Sibob
  9. Eugh, first signs that getting my Moollon P delivered from South Korea is going to be a ball-ache! 🙄

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Kevsy71


      Sorry to hear that @Sibob , hopefully they have come across this before with the courier and can sort it out. Best of luck!

    3. Sibob


      Yeah, I imagine Moollon will be right on it!

    4. Sibob


      Looks like it’s all sorted and sending back out to me on Monday. Moollon contact is great, replying to put my mind at rest on a Saturday!

  10. Lockdown has me enquiring about a Limelight. DOH

    1. discreet


      Any excuse is a good excuse for a Limelight. :biggrin:

    2. Sibob


      It’s either that or an original 70’s variant of this colour scheme...which isn’t going to happen lol

  11. What do Limelight Precision’s tend to come in at new nowadays?

    1. SpondonBassed


      Roughly waist level?

    2. ead


      My only frame of reference is a J bass from 2018 that was just over £1,100.  Had a maple blocked and bound neck that would have added a few £s to the price I guess.

    3. prowla


      You can get a Squier upgraded with a fake Fender logo on it for a couple of hundred quid.

  12. Does anyone here own an Elrick NJS 5 in Walnut Brown?

  13. Cioks DC5 on the way to power my new 'mini' board. 12v Trickfish Minnow and 4 other 1590a 9v effects, all on a PT Nano, very cool :) 

    1. TJ Spicer

      TJ Spicer

      Sounds awesome! I also use a PT Nano and Cioks for my fly board - best PSU I've used to date - supreme stuff! Enjoy!

    2. prowla


      I've got a DC-8 under my Pedaltrain.

      Slightly annoying the connectors they use, but I think the choice may be because it allows them to make the case smaller.

  14. NAMM has been good to me, Trickfish Minnow and 2 new LK straps.......looking at an amp today :D

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. JapanAxe
    3. Sibob


      @Happy JackI’ve been in Anaheim since Tuesday and just going to the airport now 🙂

    4. Happy Jack

      Happy Jack

      We're running a day behind you. Happy landings!

  15. They're heeerreeee, NBD thread up :)

  16.  2 more Precisions en route to me 🤦‍♂️

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. JapanAxe


      Stop - there will be none left for the rest of us!

    3. Old Horse Murphy

      Old Horse Murphy

      I'll see your two P's and raise you one Tony Franklin Fretless and one SR5.

      My wife is going to murder me...

    4. GreeneKing


      I do have an even number OCD thing. I can't relax with music volume or car heating set to an odd number etc.

      Basses? I'm about to hit 5. Thanks for reminding me.....

  17. Lakland 44-64 sold, sad to see it go. But Moollon P incoming in April and my eye on a Precision 5...which should hopefully be with me by mid-December :D

    1. Marc S

      Marc S

      ooo, looking forward to seeing your Moolon P
      But if you're getting a new Moolon P... why do you want another P?
      .......said the man with 4 x P basses! lol

    2. Sibob


      Because more Precisions is good Precisions 😂

  18. Bass deposit paid......horrah :D 

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Sibob


      @Quatschmacher Direct with them, i’m pretty sure they can do that :).

      I think I actually saw a US Lakland with that setup on Reverb. Will drop you a message if I can find it 

    3. Quatschmacher


      Thanks. I'm checking out the Lakland PJ from here tomorrow. Where did you order your Moollon?

    4. Sibob


      @Quatschmacher Ordered the Moollon directly with them :)

  19. Uh-oh, sent an email about a bass! 🙈

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Sibob
    3. CameronJ


      Then it must be a Lakland, surely? 🧐

    4. Sibob


      @CameronJ Similar......although currently a minor procedural stumble at the deposit stage

  20. 1590a Bass Overdrive with relay bypass in the house....they said it couldn't be done, Schu-Tone Pedals have done it!

    1. Daz39


      Dim question - what's the difference with a relay bypass over the standard type?

    2. Sibob


      @Daz39 The type of switch really. Most standard ‘true bypass’ pedals use a 3PDT mechanical footswitch, hence them being quite clunky and relatively heavy to operate. When utilising a relay bypass, the actual on/off happens within the relay, so you can use a soft-footswitch to simply send a signal telling the relay to switch the effect on/off, it’s not reliant on a mechanical action from the footswitch.

      Ultimately their are pros/cons to both, and different people have different preferences, but for the particular situation I’m in, softswitch is the way to go :)

  21. Popped a TC Spark Mini on my board so I can switch between a couple of basses with very different outputs without changing pedal settings. Perfect, super quiet, super transparent, sorted! :)

    1. Rikki_Sixx


      Spotted one of these on a Cash Converters recently, didn't realise what it did at the time. Sounds really useful in your situation!

    2. stewblack


      I bought a Bigshot 1/0 for similar purpose. Has tuner out too which is nice. Input 2 has a volume control I plan to use fretless on some tunes but not all so makes changing quick and slick

    3. Jean-Luc Pickguard

      Jean-Luc Pickguard

      I have a TC spark mini for bits where the bass needs to be the loudest thing in the room. Great little pedal!

  22. New Jocee single out today (link in status): 
    2006 Mustang with La Bella flats all over it! Decent headphones/speakers needed


    1. Teebs


      Thanks - I'll have a listen when I get home :)

    2. JapanAxe


      Nicely played @Sibob

    3. Teebs


      Very nice! :)

  23. Does anyone relatively close to Hemel Hempstead have a Precision 5 string I might borrow for a couple of days?

    1. Paul S

      Paul S

      How close is close?  I'm just over an hour away and my Jake 5 is sitting doing nowt just now.

    2. Sibob


      Hey Paul, thanks very much for the offer, but yes probably a little far for the purpose. Essentially I just want to give a P5 a try on gig in London on Sunday......see if I like it compared to my 55-01 :).  But not enough to embark on a two hour round trip. Thank-you very much for the offer though :) 

  24. Don’t worry, the Basschat Podcast will be back soon!! Couple of weeks :)

  25. 10 days and counting for the Lakland in customs 🙄

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Sibob


      Being delivered Monday, the day before I leave for NAMM 😂 

    3. CameronJ


      Oh god, I can’t wait to meet the same fate once my Wingbass is finished...

      What’s the percentage they charge these days?

    4. Sibob


      @CameronJ I ended up paying around 25% on top of the final balance (which included shipping) 😣.

      More than I expected this time, however still cheaper than me getting it in the UK

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