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Everything posted by Lozz196

  1. I did up until I was in a band with a record deal and did a UK tour, I then realised music was my hobby and trying to make it my job ruined it for me.
  2. I’ve always had pretty decent service in PMT Northampton. Admittedly last time I was in there was late 2022 so not exactly recent but was good all the same.
  3. Boz Boorer All Stars in West Hampstead this Sunday. No idea what to expect, going as Boz recorded/mixed our forthcoming album so will be nice to catch up with him.
  4. I tried one briefly and was amazed at how comfortable the neck was to play.
  5. I suppose I’m quite fortunate in my gigging band, being originals material for most of our gigs there is backline provided so not much to pack away and carry which suits my current glass back situation.
  6. Same, have been back doing originals since 2011 and only had to provide a PA at one venue - which was a favour to the venue btw - otherwise PA, monitors, lights always there.
  7. Yep, only encountered it once and once was enough.
  8. A year of birth (1965) Precision wouldn’t be in that budget so I think I’d struggle to find a single instrument at that value that I wanted.
  9. Do it, they’re great basses, I’ve got the CV60s one and have been quite knocked out by how good it is to play.
  10. Yep, for me I went short scale due to back issues, if it hadn’t been for that in all likelihood I wouldn’t have even thought of short scale. I dare say that’s probably a factor with many of us.
  11. I’m at J8 on M1, happy to do an hour or so Northbound if it helps.
  12. I don’t miss those days but I most certainly remember them. Even when I had an Orange valve amp head of some kind it was still lighter than my cab.
  13. Awesome, I always had very good service from Marshall when I used their amps - and being only 30 mins drive away meant very easy to sort too.
  14. I voted 30”. I switched to short scale last year due to back issues and I’ve found that the ergonomics of an instrument that size just suit me better. It’s strange the way these things work out.
  15. I quite like his demos, some of the driven sounds are a bit much for me but I like to see the bass lines played, nice to see complicated lines played both so effortlessly and with such enthusiasm. Annoyingly after reading this thread I’m sure all I’ll notice forever onwards will be the gurning….
  16. Which might be in a case itself, aaarrggghh!
  17. In my old punk covers band we just used to have a vocal PA with each of us having our own monitor (we all sang). For a while we added to the PA and put everything through it to "spread the sound" but not to make us louder. A good few people who had watched us for years mentioned that it made us sound too smooth & professional and detracted from the punk music we played. So we went back to the original format of vox only PA.
  18. They do the same with punk too Pete, we played a couple of times, even the introducing stage was a proper big stage with full decent backline and playing to about 500 people.
  19. Great sounding amps, I’ve never heard a bad sound from them when I’ve seen them used live.
  20. I had a not exactly the same thing when returning a bass to them that I just didn’t get on with. I dropped it off personally and the first thing said was “it’s got Rotosounds on it, they’re not the stock strings”. My reply was they were the strings that came on it - which they were. They then tried it out, tested it etc, and finally relented and reimbursed. Did make me think about purchasing online from them again.
  21. Yeah, amateur, he’ll never get anywhere……….
  22. So they obviously didn’t.
  23. All off, clean the fretboard, replace strings, check intonation. As I use Elixirs I generally only have to change strings about once a year, if that.
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