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Everything posted by Lozz196

  1. I’m going to try, aside from strings and works needed I’ve got everything I need so fingers crossed I can last this one out.
  2. Agree, we really are spoiled for light portable gear now.
  3. I left my last band due to the workload, which was getting more intensive as we progressed. I would have loved to have stayed but I would have held them back from their full potential as well as right royally doing myself in health wise. Whilst this band sounds great - drummer interference on bass matters aside - I get the feeling you’ve virtually made your mind up, shame it does sound like a band that’s doing great stuff.
  4. My thoughts are if the same is made every time the song is played by a band then it has to be addressed by someone in the band so as to try and get it right. But a one off mistake, well we can all make those, listen to some of the live work by Slash, a great guitarist but even he hits a wrong note at times. Though saying that, in my last band we had a way of dealing with mistakes at gigs. If one of us dropped a howler it would be announced and then we would play our song Wanchor in dedication to said howler maker. It certainly meant that very few mistakes were ever made.
  5. If I recall correctly it was Verse is F, Eb, Bb Chorus is F, Ab, Bb
  6. There’s a used V2 Duff at Classic And Cool Guitars for £1150
  7. I keep looking at that black 1100s. My first “proper” bass was a 1987 1100s so more than a bit of nostalgia leading me.
  8. Sounds like a Friday afternoon instrument to me. I’ve got 3 Mexican made JMJ Mustang basses and all 3 are superb quality.
  9. The highest tension strings - roundwounds - I’ve used are Rotosounds, Warwick Red Label and Fender. Many moons ago back in the late 80s I was in a band that detuned to D and used Roto 50-110s.
  10. I use Elixirs, I only play with a plectrum and have never suffered any fraying or flaking. The set I’ve had on my JMJ have been on since April and still have plenty of zing to them.
  11. I`ve done this and didn`t really notice much difference other than easier to hear it of course. But my sound at the time was quite trebly/aggressive so I wasn`t focusing on the low end and any lack of this.
  12. I just watched a very good review of this by our very own @Dood, and yes fortunately adding drive or blend doesn’t add volume.
  13. Sounds really nice, what strings are you using, the whole bass sound just fits in the mix really well.
  14. Yes bizarrely the Shape function, which scoops the mids is engaged when in the Out position.
  15. Re this Paul, does the volume increase when the Drive level or Blend level is increased?
  16. There’s not much in them to be honest, JMJ has P-width neck, Squier J-width. JMJ sounds beefier but when you look at specs the pots in the Squier are 500s v the 250s of the JMJ, so a KiOgon loom sorts that (as does turning the tone control down to about 75%). Both similar weight, both have a nice gloss neck. Tuners on JMJ are Hipshots, just regular on Squier but they hold tuning fine.
  17. The Green Day one would be the one I’d choose if I were doing this.
  18. Having used one the other night I’d add in the Peavey MiniMax, has a very warm rounded sound in the mix.
  19. I’ve not had the II Pro version but the I Pro and the US Standards before them allow for a very good low action and the setup/hardware is exactly the same. As such I reckon the posts above about a lot of relief in the neck are spot on, chances are the owner doesn’t know how to set up the bass (I was just like that many moons ago with similar action) providing the truss rod works ok once the neck is adjusted I’d expect those saddles to be raised a bit, I’ve never had mine all the way down like that on numerous basses with the same setup/hardware.
  20. It depends, in my last band when I used to tour I’d take 2 US Precisions but for regular gigging it would be a US to gig and Mex as a backup. Now in my current band I’ll be taking 2 Squier Mustangs and gigging whichever is the same colour as the guitarist is using.
  21. I’m glad Last Christmas is No 1, I think it’s a great song. I don’t think it’s indicative of anything, I remember in 1986 the Xmas No 1 was Reet Petite by Jackie Wilson, originally released in 1958.
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