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Everything posted by Lozz196

  1. My fave amp ever, sadly too heavy for me now tho.
  2. Orange Bass Terror, very tubey - well there is a tube in it after all.
  3. I think it depends on why you sold it in the first place. If it was just moving on to hopefully a better instrument then I’d say don’t bother, possible case of rose tinted glasses. However if it were a case of you really loved the bass but had to sell to raise funds for whatever reason then go for it and get it back home with you.
  4. Should be fine, I use regular scale Elixir 50-105 on mine.
  5. Earl Pilanz on eBay for the tort guard.
  6. That’s why I hate heights, I don’t trust myself when those thoughts are there. If I’m enclosed or being driven over a high bridge - say the QU2 bridge - I’m fine, but put me on a balcony or doing the driving myself and nah, not for me.
  7. I’m all sorted, Fender JMJ Mustangs & Squier 60s Classic Vibe Mustangs taking band duties, my fave Fender US Precision staying at home in the warm.
  8. I`m pretty certain that`s the same for the majority of us, certainly is for me
  9. Depending on his age and more importantly back, there are two I`d recommend. The first being for a younger fitter person with no back issues, the Dunlop D3809BK, essentially just a very hardwearing nylon black strap. The second being more practical for someone with back issues, the Mono GS1 (or Betty as it`s known), makes wearing a heavy bass much easier.
  10. I was pretty much the same with my last band, I absolutely loved it, got to do and see so much but it got to the point where the amount of travelling and carrying gear got too much for me. Being an originals band we didn`t do PA but the endless bags & boxes of merch more than made up for that, virtually living on the motorways at weekends and spending hours in airports, well it was all great fun but I just couldn`t do it any longer. Any thoughts of wanting to do it again were definitely quelled last week when I saw their gigs, Edinburgh on Friday, Leeds on Saturday, no thanks!
  11. Sounds like perfectly normal behaviour to me
  12. I have best which are my Fender JMJ Mustang basses, and then the worst - even though they’re amazing they’re not as good as the JMJs - my Squier Classic Vibe Mustang basses. So I suppose I’m rather fortunate on this one with best being super amazing and worst being just amazing.
  13. I used to do that with an Aguilar Tonehammer, get the sound desired from the TH then add in the Sansamp with everything at midday (aside from Blend on full). It added a lot of oomph to the sound and sculpted it into the mix really nicely.
  14. I know what you mean @franzbassist, I use the DBX160-type one on my Zoom MS60B at home for this and it sharpens/cleans up the notes nicely without making any other noticeable change to the sound, really helps for learning songs as with the notes being sharper I can really focus on exactly when to play them.
  15. One train of thought opposing the other there Mark, not good. Has said band member offered any clues as to why they don`t want anything booked next year or just left you all guessing?
  16. I can’t remember if Kevin Mooney of Adam & The Ants used a Ripper or Grabber, but do remember that was the first Gibson bass I’d seen - or at least with knowing it was a Gibson.
  17. In the words of Booze & Glory, I Still Carry On
  18. If it weren’t so politically incorrect The Proper Vicious Lesbians would be a great band name.
  19. Positively screams “specialises in technical blackened death metal”.
  20. Two great looking basses there
  21. I think that as soon as it gets to the songs that they need their phones for I’d pack my gear up leaving my share of the fee up until that time, saying rehearsals are for rehearsing and not learning. Do it a couple of times and it might sink in, hitting peoples pockets often does.
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