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Everything posted by Lozz196

  1. The Japanese ones have J width necks. As do the Squier Classic Vibe 60s, which are very nice basses (I have a couple of these for gigging). Unless it’s gone our very own @FinnDave is selling one on here.
  2. Very near. As some on here may know I’m Precision mad, but had to make the change to short scale this year due to back issues and I’ve not been disappointed in any way with the sound of the Mustangs.
  3. Yup it’s funny but sometimes a certain brand or gauge of strings can really bring a bass to life.
  4. I wouldn’t have been that bothered about the fretboard scratch but the ding on the back of the neck, no, not on a brand new bass, that would go back.
  5. I had two V2 Tech21 Para Drivers, one I just preferred, it seemed to be more alive and have more sparkle to the sound than the other one so I used that one for live work and the other for home use. Similarly with my Ashdown ABM600s, had two, both great but the first one just seemed to have more about it but I couldn’t say exactly what it was.
  6. Congrats, I kept on looking at this one and wondered if it would end up owned by a Basschatter (other than myself, I showed amazing levels of restraint for once).
  7. Reviving an old thread, I’ve just got in from rehearsal where I used one of these and I really liked it, had a really nice solid sound to it that was great for the classic rock that we do.
  8. Yep, good call, Eden cabs are very nice.
  9. Adjustable tweeter screams bass cab to me
  10. Same here, in my youth I tried to make it, did a UK tour and swiftly realised it was my hobby and what I did for enjoyment, didn`t want to make it my day job so quit that band and took a few years off playing. No idea if I would have ever made it (tho given percentages probably not) but I`m convinced I made the right decision as music has similarly been my escape and since quitting the booze my main source of enjoyment.
  11. Same here, I use the RM500 and it’s a very good amp, the gruntiest Class D amp that I’ve used. I pair it with two of their PRO NEO ABM210s - or at least would but every gig since I’ve had them has had a provided backline.
  12. You can, just be mindful of the ohms thing. In all likelihood the amp will be 500 watts at 4ohms, and there`s a good chance that the cab will be 300 watts at 8ohms (but do check). If this is the case then the 500 watt amp would deliver approximately 250, maybe 300 watts to the 8ohm cab so this should be ok, but obviously keep your ears finely tuned to make sure you`re not overloading it. If the amp is 4ohms then you can connect two 8ohm cabs to it or one 4ohm cab (I know, whoever made this up did it on purpose to be confusing).
  13. Nice one Chris, I`ve got the same, primarily as a backup/fall-back option should the sound-person not want me to do the pre-amp/amp-less thing. I`ve only used it quietly at home through an Ashdown PRO-NEO ABM210 but I thought it sounded very nice.
  14. My fave is XR3, did backing vox on that at Rebellion, was a bunch of fun
  15. Have a good un, they’re an awesome band (and great chaps too).
  16. My choice too, tho am yet to find a band willing to play it.
  17. I just get the regular ones then cut up an old t shirt and wrap that around the areas where the instrument will touch it, this from experiencing exactly the same issues in the past.
  18. Good rehearsal this afternoon. Our lead singer/rhythm guitarist has just come out of hospital after having another op on what’s left of his right leg (which was amputated from just below the knee last year). With this in mind he decided - and we all agreed - to get another guitarist and he just does stand up vocals. So first rehearsal with new line up today, or would have been but new guitarist (who was in the band some years ago) got COVID on Thursday. So as we had to pay for it anyway we rehearsed with just one guitar for today and it sounded great, singer able to concentrate much more on his vox which were just amazing. Some of the older songs sounded a bit empty on solos but very encouraging was that all of the songs we’ve just recorded for our new album didn’t suffer the lack of the second guitar at all, they sounded really punchy & powerful. This good in case we have to gig with just the one guitar - apparently the new/old guitarist more than capable of doing it on his own as well, we’ve now just got 2 guitarists, no longer a lead & rhythm. I can’t wait for the first rehearsal with the new line up now given how good this afternoon went. Oh, and we added in Motorheads No Class, I’ve never played it before but after a couple of goes round it sounded really tight & powerful.
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