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Everything posted by SH73

  1. I own a solid state guitar amp which suits my needs. I am thinking getting a Marshall head 1987 re issue 50 w. For home use recording and practice. I get loads if options on Amplitube but to satisfy my Gas I'm after a valve amp.At the end of the day it's a real deal right? Anyone owned or tried one?
  2. I don't gig but can imagine that hardware stores sales bags to suit your needs. I know for fact that angling stores do. I own a couple and they have all different compartments. They're lightweight, robust and waterproof. Have a look. This gives you an idea. https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=fishing+holdall&oq=fishing+holdall&aqs=chrome..69i57j0l3.7061j0j4&client=ms-android-samsung&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8
  3. 1. From music shop however I have bought online before and they sent me the wrong colour. 2. Try before buy. But I bought before without trying due to good reviews 3.local shops struggle with space so it would be the big amps and cabs 4. Depends in what it is and how bad and soon I want it 5. Guitar booths I used to work and run a music shop in my early 20's and must say guitars and basses where the least sold items. It was more about violins brass instruments keyboards and various accessories to cater school kids and classical musicians. You might be struggling to compete with big boys and online retailers.
  4. I own a Squier C vibe. It's brilliant. Although I changed pups for SD the C neck feels very comfortable. Rolling back the bridge volume gives a similar p bass sound.
  5. If her and her 18 yo son has screaming matches late at night it sounds like domestic violence and perhaps poluce should be aware 😉
  6. I don't see the point. Even songs that end with a note ringing , it's eventually faded after 5 secs or so.
  7. On my latest bass, well it's not mine, yet, there's a set of flats with only inner core of strings touching the bridge saddle. The strings are over 30 years old and not sure if the strings meant to be like that or they have been worn out.
  8. I started individually tweaking frequencies going by my ear not numbers. It sounds good to me but...
  9. Cheers. Although I don't understand the master eq curve, I'll work it out tomorrow.
  10. Nice jazzy and funky sound. I'm jealous of mastering and mixing. My songs tend to come out mushy.
  11. Bought switch squirty cleaner from Maplin and pots work great. Very smooth, no cracking sound. This bass needs no mods. It's fine as it is slightly battered with slightly cracked headstock. Oh hang on...doesn't it make it relic?
  12. I might have a crack at it this month
  13. I've had R66LD on one of my jazz basses. They still sound pretty bright and growly
  14. I've only done two videos. I mic'd up the amp with sm 57 and recorded the sound via interface in Ableton software. I then mixed the bass sound with the backing guitar track and did all the compression and mastering. I placed a digital camera in front of me to record the motion and sound. When I imported the bass sound and video into movie media maker I muted the sound on video and synced the two together.
  15. I was toying with the idea of building a Steve Harris royal blue sparkle p bass. Luckily I found one here and since then I saw another one for sale. It's worth saving up if you're a fan. The bass is awesome and beefy.
  16. The bass sounds amazing. Don't know if it's the flat wounds strings or the pick ups. The bass has a gentle growl and deed sound.
  17. I've used a squirty aur can I had and it did the job well. Neck volume pot still not 100 %.
  18. Finish off the two guitar rebuilds. Get a music room and a cheeky drum kit. Plus the usual around the house gardening projects.
  19. Some people swear that drink taste better out of can than bottle and triangle cut sandwiches taste better than rectangular cut. I prefer drinking bottled beer out of a bottle not a glass. Sure it tastes the same.
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