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Everything posted by SH73

  1. Recording your own songs is fun and rewarding and you only need the minimum equipment to start with. Laptop, interface, DAW and speakers or headphones (can be damaging your hearing) . Some interfaces come with a free DAW. You can literally record your music on the go. Of course in time you may expand on getting various plug ins , microphones etc. Possibilities are endless.
  2. I use these. it depends on bass and amp settings.
  3. I've had Steve Harris flatwound sig strings on Squier p bass no issues
  4. not yet. it doesn't seem to mention the length
  5. I'd like the sweet bottom end please.
  6. I record my songs with squier jazz bass. it's sooooo versatile.
  7. footie? who watches that?
  8. on BBC4 at 8 pm tonight.
  9. yeah I wondered. I couldn't find one for £56.
  10. Isn't Planet Rock centred around classic rock songs? They eventually ran out of tunes so yeah it does sound repetitive. I only stick it on whilst cooking but get kerrang on too.
  11. This is the new cheese slicer your dynasty.
  12. I know how you feel. I had a tsb guitar but changed the colour. I wouldn't say no to this one: www.google.co.uk/search?q=dave+murray+strat&client=ms-android-samsung&prmd=sivn&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiUn-7K3_bZAhWEjqQKHf6RC9MQ_AUIESgC&biw=360&bih=560#imgrc=gc1VXiITB5fwFM:
  13. Hard to choose but hoping that no one chooses The bodyguard theme.
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