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Everything posted by planer

  1. @stubass - Happy NBD mate I got a bargain-bin B-30 about Chrimbo and, as you are finding, for the money they are fantastic.
  2. [quote name='Jenny_Innie' timestamp='1423645581' post='2687295']Everything from Sex on Fire to One Direction requests. Is it me? [/quote] Deffo not you I think this thread proves attempted mid-song communication is rife. [quote name='Jenny_Innie' timestamp='1423645581' post='2687295'] [size=3][i]it turns out it's something by some old age pensioners.[/i][/size][/quote] Love it.
  3. I'm struggling with the whole 'in perfect condition' bit. Or is it that sh*t is the new great?
  4. [quote name='UglyDog' timestamp='1423486455' post='2685306'] Stratospheric arrogance. [/quote] He's entitled to his opinion, but mostly ^ ^ ^ this. To suggest that one artist give away his award (for what they're worth...) to another just on [i]his [/i]say-so is laughable. Why doesn't KW just run the whole thing then he can give all the awards to his buddies.
  5. Changed my vote from one to two, since the arrival of the bargainest bass of the week, the Harley Benton cheapie acoustic. I can't decide if I like the noisy factory phosphor-bronze strings or not. Yesterday I didn't, and very nearly ordered some nylons to replace them. But they sounded great with a pick this afternoon, so apparently the jury's still out...
  6. Shouldn't this be in the Daily Awesomeness thread? Amazing :-)
  7. Love it. It needs nothing. What a great colour :-)
  8. Moving To New York by The Wombats - fun fun fun :-)
  9. [quote name='Twincam' timestamp='1422989481' post='2679245'] I immediately yelled out "P90 pickups!" which were indeed the pickups on the guitar. Everyone turns and looks at me, the guitarist gave me a thumbs up and a nod before launching into a solo. A Slightly strange thing to yell out. Oh well. [/quote] Brilliant! Guitar Tourette's :-)
  10. I fear that with enough credit card torture, I could easily end up with a Yamaha collection.
  11. That's a nice looking bass mate, congrats :-) I love my 'cheapie' RBX but I have an undercurrent of gas for an old bb.
  12. 'But the bass...you can turn up the bass. Nobody turns it down.' Awesome
  13. Just looking at the picture is frightening... has it killed and eaten any passers-by yet?
  14. [quote name='Jenny_Innie' timestamp='1422543247' post='2673908'] Now don't go playin' this thru no lame-ass sound system. You gotta play this though an audiophile stuff or with some absolutely no tat allowed headphones. [/quote] I played it through my pc squeakers. Does this make me a bad person? Still sounds great though
  15. Oh dear, that's juuuuust round the corner from here... Mrs would blow a fuse, wouldn't she?
  16. Hello mate welcome to the site.
  17. Good for you hon, long may it continue! I find these 'look what I've done' threads very inspiring. Shame then that I am work in the middle of nowhere, and my bass is 55 miles away...
  18. [quote name='RhysP' timestamp='1422373214' post='2671810'] They will then quite often find a renewed appreciation of the music their parents listened to as they get older. I know I have.[/quote] I have too. Another great thread Blue, it's been a good read buddy. I sure hope I'm still playing and enjoying music when I'm old(er).
  19. Love it. He's dead passionate about the music and plays some great stuff. This sort of show is wasted in the early evening though imo, but there's no chance of it being on during the day is there? Same with P. Jones on a Monday (7 pm, R2), such a good show.
  20. Hi mate, welcome to the mad-house :-)
  21. Howard Jones on Radio 2 this morning. Not very rock'n'roll but still gives me goosebumps. The sounds of my yoof.
  22. I like Ashdown kit but... Six Hundred Pounds Really boys? £400 would still be too much.
  23. Congrats mate. My wedding ring has never been a problem, has been there ten years and not got in the way of anything much. It's dead light though as it's made from titanium, to be honest I don't think it makes too much difference as once you've had yours on for a little while you'll stop noticing it. Titanium has all sorts of benefits, it's feather-light, strong and possibly best of all, dead cheap! Mine was about £75 iirc.
  24. [quote name='Andyjr1515' timestamp='1421701382' post='2664175'] Maybe a bit quieter but no 'clatter' so much more usable and therefore I find I can play actually louder. Plugged in no appreciable difference. [/quote] That sounds like the effect I'm after, cool :-)
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