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Everything posted by planer

  1. Oh ok then, it's only for a giggle right? Whatever you do [i]don't[/i] give me a #number
  2. [quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1417682628' post='2622917'] You put plates and beer mugs on him? [/quote] We do. He protested a bit at first, but once I'd put some big bolts through the old chap (f'narr) to hold him to the wall, he went strangely quiet...
  3. I missed this when it was in Brighton a while back :-( I'm a bit of a regular at Herbies 'Jazz Breakfast' shows in Brighton - he is a ledge in our house. He's always got time to talk, chats to the young ones at the shows (I take my 7 year old and he loves it). And yes, that old Jazz sounds amazing.
  4. Botanist David Bellamy has been bound by a restraining order after being caught in the bushes outside a famous bassists house. His lawyer said in his defence he was just looking for evidence that Herbie Flowers.
  5. I'd be made up, a great one for the 'pub story' folder.
  6. [quote name='nerkoids' timestamp='1417363275' post='2619565'] I am not strictly a bass player... [/quote] [quote name='nerkoids' timestamp='1417363275' post='2619565'] I have three basses: [/quote] You, my fine fellow, will fit in just fine. Welcome to the mad-house :-)
  7. Another vote for the Polytune. The 'poly' bit could seem like a bit of a gimmick, but makes a quick check really really quick. The only slight issue I have with mine is the footswitch; it's never really felt very positive. Before the TC, I had an Ashdown tuner, one of the enormous orange ones - it struggled with the E on my RBX374, and dropping to a D was really hit & miss.
  8. [quote name='skankdelvar' timestamp='1417120997' post='2617324'] He does lovely work; I've got a Bassman, a Princeton, an SS practise amp and a Copicat already lined up for servicing [/quote] He does indeed, Steve did my Bassman 70 a couple of years ago. Lovely friendly knowledgeable chap with a house like 'the museum of amps', or something. They were EVERYWHERE!
  9. Hi Kevin, it's only been 4 years since you joined... Welcome to the site mate, blah blah, you know what it's like here already, don'tcha? Have spent and will spend lots of happy holidays on the IOW, we love it.
  10. Bloody BC - I'm gassing for a bargain acoustic now! *stomps off grumbling...*
  11. Awesome. He's quite good too...
  12. If you're still on speaking terms, I would suggest to him that perhaps he has misunderstood your question and particularly your motives for asking. Explain those motives if invited, and just ask again. If his figures are transparent and charity really does benefit (properly) from the event, I can't really see why he has an issue, maybe no-one had ever asked before...
  13. [quote name='Justice' timestamp='1416842451' post='2614152'] This looks like it could be an ideal bass for me as an absolute beginner. I'll send a PM. [/quote]True bud, I bought an RBX for the same purpose. They are great basses, especially for the money.
  14. [quote]Would I buy one? I’d buy three![/quote] [quote][b]Cons[/b]: There's only three in the world at the moment.[/quote] Bit greedy really, taking the whole planets stock in one hit. Seriously though, it looks like a good gadget, but it could be a bit gimmicky to take off in a big way, even if the mfrs can convince the market over the durability. And then there is the battery 'issue', if they could find a way to power it from bass-players' flatulence then it's a winner.
  15. I bought a BC 212 from Mike - a pleasant experience from start to finish. Prompt friendly messaging and well-organised delivery. A top man and I would be very happy to deal with him again. Thank you Mike, you made it all dead easy.
  16. No, you're not the last. Loved it 'Wait, no. This isn’t 1985. There is no keyboard player.' - priceless.
  17. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1415812884' post='2604041'][i]We have almost 3 sets of material, and want to play out soon.[/i][/quote] This says to me they've been playing together a good while to get '[i]3 sets of material[/i]', but the '[i]want to play out soon[/i]' bit suggests they may have never done a gig, and possibly never will. Surely once there is enough material to play a gig, a gig is what happens next? Especially if you '[i]want to play out[/i]'...
  18. [quote name='dannybuoy' timestamp='1415736019' post='2603274'] When I press on the video image, all that happens is the Quote and Edit buttons appear, as if I just pressed on the text area of a normal post.[/quote] Same for me, I thought it was my phone. On the very odd random occasion it works, but 99% of the time it doesn't. That's a Sammie S5 with KitKat 4.4.2
  19. That appears to be a fairly normal Allen head, what you're seeing is into the bottom of the recess that the Allen key fits into.
  20. [quote name='Kevsy71' timestamp='1415459933' post='2600592'] The sockets there are all labelled 400 Volt, which IIRC is a 3-phase supply for industrial heaters. Throwing caution to the wind we plugged in to them with our 230 v equipment, and it all seems to work. [/quote] Honestly, that made me gasp. It should have read 'taking our lives in our hands we plugged in and...' For your own sakes, please be more cautious next time.
  21. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1415270686' post='2598542'] Edit: Hmm, looks like I seriously underestimated the gullibility of hi-fi buffs... [url="http://eandt.theiet.org/news/2011/nov/power-cable.cfm"]http://eandt.theiet.org/news/2011/nov/power-cable.cfm[/url] [/quote] Amazing. Some gold-standard marketing going on there...
  22. I've contacted them a couple of times, both by email, and had a good response. Their customer service is generally very good, and they are on here too, so you could always send a pm.
  23. Keep it as-is. I like smooching through all the stuff I can't afford... Price in the thread title would be handy though, y'know, for when I plunder my Mrs' shoe fund.
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