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Everything posted by planer

  1. [quote name='pfretrock' timestamp='1421667086' post='2663688'] I wonder if the 'Fretless' label inside can be explained by they started out fretless but were later fretted (with some QA issues) ? [/quote] It might for the fivers, however mine is a 4 string fretted but the label still says 5 string fretless.
  2. [quote name='UglyDog' timestamp='1421587023' post='2662913'] When I get a moment, I'll take a snap of my RBX next to my Tanglewood ABG. Compare it with your pic and it should give an idea as to whether the Harley Barley ABGs are any bigger than 'normal'. [/quote] Cool. This is my first acoustic, so I had no idea what to expect. Harley Barley - like it :-) edit- and thanks everyone for your string advice, much appreciated.
  3. Finally - I have a picture. This is the HB Thomman cheapie-special with my RBX374, as a size comparison more than anything. It's mahoosive and makes the Yam feel like a toy. I don't really have a black bass fetish (f'narr), given the choice I'd have had a natural one from Thomman, but black was all they had so I jumped on one while I had the chance. It's a nice thing, and sounds way better than it 'should' for the money. Happy bunny. I'd like to try some flats on it if I can find some for reasonable money. Recommendations anyone?
  4. I bought Sammys Vox Amplug this week. An easy, friendly transaction, thank you mate for making it very straightforward. Sorry I couldn't stay for a brew, was on a bit of a mission!
  5. [quote name='gelfin' timestamp='1420732431' post='2652766'] Reminds me of the times I have done the soldering then found I haven't put the plug casing on. A real pain when you have just done a Din plug. [/quote] ...or a 78 pin high-density D connector (ask me how I know - doh!)
  6. Most heatshrink is 2:1, though there are some that are 3:1. You are right about 12mm shrinking to 6mm, etc. It doesn't stretch at all, so connector removal is required. I don't think hairdryer would get hot enough, a normal heatgun with a curved reflector is what I use. When I mark cables in this way, I use either white or yellow heatshrink, and write the id on the heatshrink with a fine permanent marker before shrinking. hth :-)
  7. planer

    2 x BG250's

    Have you considered the bg250-210? The 210 configuration would match the bam210, though with a bit less power. I have a bc212 and it's as light as a feather, pair that with a bh500 and you'll be loud and lightweight.
  8. [quote name='kodiakblair' timestamp='1420576816' post='2650909'] They are huge eh Planer [/quote] Vast! I've just discovered mine has its own postcode.
  9. I'd be very wary of any arrangement that isn't straightforward and transparent. It sounds like a scam to me if I'm honest. I would at the very least want to ring the buyer when the 'courier' is on the doorstep, and require verifyable address and phone number for the buyer. As the others have said, make 100% sure any cash you are given is cash and not worthless bog-roll.
  10. [quote name='mr pablo' timestamp='1420236411' post='2647125'] I caved and ordered one of the black 4string fretted ones. It should be here soon[/quote] That's what I bought, it's a nice thing, especially at the deko price. I can't decide if I like the brightness of the strings or not, but I've not played it enough to really know. That decision will make itself once we've spent some time together. I found one 2mm imperfection in the finish, right on the end of the headstock, and the back of one of the tuners has a tiny scratch. Beyond that there's no difference from a 'new' one, and to be honest, if I'd bought this one for the new price I wouldn't be sending it back as 'damaged' or anything. I guess their major issue was that they are all labelled as 5 string fretless, and thankfully, mine isn't! It plays fine, there's no fret buzz that I can hear, though the action is a bit high at the moment. The biggest surprise for me is the size of it - it's bloody enormous, especially against my Yam, which now feels like half a skateboard in comparison. It's definitely not as easy to play as the Yam either, mostly because of the size of the body (the bass, not mine). So far, I'm loving the sound, it's plenty loud enough for solo practice, and probably loud enough to accompany an acoustic guitar. I'm away on a work course all next week, and I'm considering taking the acoustic instead of the Yam. I'll bung up a pic later, when I'm at home.
  11. Welcome to the site bud, get stuck in!
  12. [quote name='miles'tone' timestamp='1420151562' post='2646235'] I've been a fan of Ruby Turner ever since catching Jools and his R&B Orchestra at the Albert Hall a few years ago. It was a good night all round, but when Ruby let rip I had goosebumps from my cheeks to my toes! You can't argue with that, it eirher happens or it doesn't. I was astonished by her talent :)x [/quote] We saw her with JH in Brighton just before Chrimbo. She is a force of nature, just awesome. FWIW I quite like Jools, I go to see the Brighton Christmas show every year and watch Later if I'm about when it's on. I like the variety of performers and I'll take live music in any form over 99% of the dross that fills our telly schedules any day of the week. To those who wish to criticise the show / format, you carry on lads, it's cool if you don't like it. I'm sure you're not bothered that I do, so we're all good right?
  13. What an awful way to treat a new member, especially a top level pro player. Vail I hope you are reading these messages as generally basschat is a decent site, and your input is very welcome. Please reconsider what appears to have been a swift departure.
  14. Awesome mate, I've just spent a couple of hours clicking through the reviews. Some very interesting stuff, and I even found myself reading some of the guitar articles - whatever next!! Sign-up / sign-in process is refreshingly quick and easy. It's a tiny price to pay for access to a large amount of well-written, nicely presented and interesting content. Thanks very much
  15. Welcome to the site mate :-)
  16. A lesson in how to write an interesting kit comparison :-)
  17. Just...wow! What a piece of kit - amazing.
  18. I've just shipped two expensive delicate packages to the US and I used Parcel Monkey. For what little part they actually played they were fine. I forget who the actual courier was but both were delivered quickly and arrived in one piece. If I were shipping something in from the US I would have a look at the Parcel Monkey website and see if any of the big US couriers were listed in the quotes, then pick one of them, as the US portion of the journey is likely to run smoother if you use a national courier, rather than Parcel Force or someone not US-based. The key thing is packaging. Couriers are, in my (25 year) experience, much of a muchness and you've only got to see some of the hidden camera footage on yt to see that the biggest names can still treat your parcels like trash. However, if whatever you are sending is packed to survive a nuclear holocaust, then whatever happens to it en-route it will survive. When I pack stuff for work I try to imagine the box falling from the cargo door of an aircraft onto the tarmac. If I'm happy I've done everything I can to prevent it being damaged, then it's pretty likely to make it.
  19. Now that, I do believe, is a PROPER Christmas present. Love it. Happy Christmas hon :-)
  20. All the best for tonight bud, enjoy yourself :-)
  21. Nice one mate, of course you know that we're all gonna want pictures! ;-)
  22. Ha - I've got the opposite problem, mine is being delivered to home and I'm at work! I just hope my wife is in when it arrives.
  23. Mine arrived in the UK late last night, so fingers crossed yours did too. Looks like I will get it for Chrimbo after all *dances round the kitchen* :-)
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