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Everything posted by planer

  1. Hey - welcome to the site :-)
  2. Now you've got a nice bass and if the Ibanez really is as bad as you describe, stick it on eBay as a project and it's done. I had an old bass for years too, didn't play it and moved it around etc etc. I decided to 'treat myself' and the old one just went, because I knew I'd never play it again. Do it miss it? Nope.
  3. Hi mate, welcome to the site. Got your Bandcamp page playing in the office right this very second, sounding great. edit: to say I've listened to all your Bandcamp stuff now and it's just superb. Incandenza is soooooo cool.
  4. That's cool mate - I'll be happy if mine is playable, I'm realistic about what I'm getting for £40.
  5. That looks like a handy thing, though I think I'd be worrying about it slipping. Have you ordered one?
  6. Hi mate, welcome to the nut-house :-)
  7. Well if it does, I hope it visits a Christmas market and brings me a present :-)
  8. That's a lovely thing indeed mate, and would be my yob bass. And lol at your bog-jam, that's dedication.
  9. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1418671861' post='2632232'] Ooops, I meant to say thanks to Planer. blue [/quote] It's cool mate, I'd figured it out :-) and if you would rather call me timestamp, that's cool too. I've been called a lot worse!
  10. [size=4]It's either horrid or awesome I guess. It's not my cup of tea for sure.[/size] [size=4]However I did like this contradiction from the description: 'This is a one of a kind guitar, less than 1,000 were made!'[/size] Unless that 'less than 1000' comment actually meant, err, one.
  11. [quote name='Annoying Twit' timestamp='1418595340' post='2631630'] It might be interesting to compare the cost of the bass to other household expenses. E.g. the cost of toilet paper for a year. [/quote] Ok then. I went into Lidl today (yes I really actually did!) And bought a nine pack of bog roll for £3.27, making them approximately 36p each. There are six of us in the house at the mo, so I reckon we go through five rolls a week. At that rate of dumpage, we flush away £94.50 worth of bog roll a year (52.5 weeks), about twice what I've just spent on my H-B deco bass which, if it's a decent one, will last me decades. Pretty good value I reckons...
  12. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1418593109' post='2631598']I like pictures and I sort of like people to have an image and vibe for who they're exchanging ideas with. It's a credibility thing I guess. Blue [/quote] It works bud, I like your pictures. Now we know who you are and what you're about. It's a good thing :-)
  13. [quote name='kodiakblair' timestamp='1418585148' post='2631468'] Planer There's a good chance you'll get it this week. I ordered on a Sunday morning and it was delivered by 1pm on the Wednesday. Even allowing for xmas 10 days is plenty time.[/quote] That's good news - thank you mate :-) However it gives me less time to think up an excuse I can use to justify its arrival!
  14. [quote name='Annoying Twit' timestamp='1418573619' post='2631286'] @Planer - looking forward to your New Bass Day post. [/quote] Me too bud, I'm buzzin' for it to arrive, but I suspect it won't be before Chrimbo.
  15. Damn you Basschat! I succumbed. Incoming cheapie acoustic - Happy Christmas me :-P
  16. Surprised this thread has made it this far without a picture request! Pictures please :-) edit - ...and then I found them. Doh!
  17. Oh the joy of playing badly, I'm with you there bud. Welcome to the site :-)
  18. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1418231783' post='2628265'] [size=4] Inspection time came, and our instructors went about examining and admiring our projects. We proudly turned on our lights, which obediently flashed for a while, until the accumulated voltage in the capacitor exceeded its rated limit, and the thing blew up with a magnificent 'crack', showering us all in waxy fluff. A lucky escape; it could have been much more dangerous.[/quote] That sounds like a resounding success! Many a time we have sent the clueless to the stores for bags of holes of a particular size or a 'g-string', a device for measuring the loads on helicopter main rotor heads (...apparently), it's a great game, and once the storeman is in on it, it can go back and forth all day :-)
  19. That's a great first post mate, welcome to the site.
  20. Wow, there's no guessing why that's only a quid! Hideous.
  21. [quote name='Clarky72' timestamp='1417703879' post='2623238'] My back is jealous of yours... [/quote] Your back sounds like mine bud, a bit crap perchance? If so I know what it's like, that's one reason I have the kit I have. The 2x12 is a (careful) one hand lift, the amp I could probably lift with one ear... And I've not worked out how GK have crammed so much loud into such a small box, it's a great little thing.
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