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Everything posted by TheGreek

  1. I have mine through an original TE 1x10. These are the extension cabs for the original, MIUK, series gear - they don't come up for sale very often - if you see one for under £75, snap it up.
  2. Do it!! The TE combos, though great to use, are far too cumbersome to be practical to those of us of a certain age with "well used" backs who need to move their gear. Personally, I'd pull the head and rack it. They are manageable this way (12kg - ish?). Leave the combo intact but transplant the speakers into another cab (I have an empty 2x12 cab with grills if you need it) - just replace the "face" for one with two 10" holes. Doing this means you can finish the cases any way you like - I was well impressed with the blue snakeskin head and cab that were for sale here recently. You can also transplant all the parts back into the original case if Bruce Banner ever comes round with the cash and wants to buy it from you.
  3. Currently on eBay - Jazz style Jaydee fretless https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Jaydee-Supernatural-Custom-Bass-guitar-Fretless/333536292623?hash=item4da84fef0f:g:NacAAOSwSydeTp-y
  4. Similar quality to the Nanyos??
  5. Proper bargain....they say that Space is infinite, if this was the case in my flat I'd have them... GLWTS
  6. I have one in my living room - seen them sell for significantly less
  7. Jaydee Mark King model. Not sure how it differs from the Supernatural, which sell for under a grand. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Jay-Dee-Bass-Guitar-Mark-King-Edition/392710799803?hash=item5b6f6341bb:g:CwUAAOSwhiJeSrsY
  8. An Affinity model for a mere £200 or thereabouts...
  9. I've sent a message feigning ignorance querying the bolt on neck....interested to see how much shite they're prepared to risk giving.
  10. I think I lost a tenner around the same time...if anybody found it..
  11. I've been disappointed by most of the Class D amps I've owned. I wasn't impressed by any of the three Mesas I've owned, after the honeymoon period I found the Genz Benz 3.0 characterless, the TC similar. I bought a Markbass on recommendation by a close friend - sold it shortly after - as he did with his when I pointed out what I thought were it's shortcomings. Don't even start me on the Darkglass... Having said this I thought both the Glocks I had were very impressive - IMO a class above most of the competition - would highly recommend them for the warm tones and range. Surprisingly good was the Tecamp Puma brought along to one of the Herts Bashes by Ordep - not sure if it was the Class D or the valve model though.
  12. I have an Ashdown EVO combo which is ideal for home use. I also have TE heads - ideal for making lots of noise and light enough (10-12lbs) not to be a problem when you need to take them out. Having owned more than one combo in the past I really would avoid them for the benefit of my back.
  13. Really like this but it's an unlined fretless - not something I need. I'm sure somebody else might. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/80s-Ibanez-Fretless-Bass-Guitar/324085240737?hash=item4b74fc53a1:g:~W0AAOSw~wZeVsN7
  14. Not sure what the scam here is... https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Gibson-bass-eb-2-eb2-1967-Vintage/274294695174?hash=item3fdd3ce506:g:adoAAOSwUAVeXovA https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/American-Fender-precision-bass-1963/264655084651?hash=item3d9eac1c6b:g:8JIAAOSwqOxeXoPc https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Alembic-Spoiler-Custom/352991118527?hash=item522fe904bf:g:u5IAAOSwA9teXrD2
  15. Nice bass...I expected more interest TBH.... More a matter of "when" rather than "if" this sells.
  16. Probably worth it (another Spector fanboi) but I suspect this is a typo
  17. How did this slip through virtually unnoticed?? Many of us know Frank Blank's - amazing bit of kit - sure this is the same. Good luck with the sale.
  18. I know the 5 and 6 strings are very well regarded - can't understand why the 4 strings aren't as popular...
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