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Everything posted by TheGreek

  1. Ebay seller: Items for sale from propertydisplay propertydisplay (23776) https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Personalised-Flip-Wallet-Phone-Case-Cover-Custom-Printed-Photo-Picture-Collage/161738334423?ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&var=463211526946&_trksid=p2057872.m2749.l2649 |
  2. Here you go...just happy to recover what it cost me.
  3. Best P Bass??? The choice is virtually endless (the most copied bass ever??). Have fun finding one you like at BD...
  4. I've had a few of the cheap clip on tuners - IIRC a company was selling them for £1 each and somebody posted a link here. I've yet to find one that shouldn't be thrown straight into landfill. The best little tuner I've found is a Yamaha YT100 - you can pick them up for under a tenner - never had any issues with either of the two I have. I found one in a gig bag I'd forgotten about a while back - RESULT!!!
  5. I have one tucked away somewhere which I haven't used for a while...never had any issues with it. Would have no hesitation in recommending them.
  6. Just bought Silk Degrees from Amazon...
  7. I remember my elder brother having the album when I was a kid...I liked it without realising how good it really was.
  8. In response to the OP's question, I think the home in question may be for the visually impaired.
  9. @Deedee, You should be given some sort of award for your services to mankind for saving those beauties.. Also a sure deterrent to any would be noisy neighbours who want to "come and have a go"..
  10. I'm fairly sure this is the ugliest bass I've ever seen...
  11. I contacted Steve - he wasn't happy taking on the complexity of my project.
  12. Brand new, never used, custom case for iPhone 5s - ordered in error Photos to follow
  13. I was thinking about commissioning something from him. His website says if you can draw it they can build it.
  14. Strangest looking Yamaha bass I've seen...😉
  15. I have mine through an original TE 1x10. These are the extension cabs for the original, MIUK, series gear - they don't come up for sale very often - if you see one for under £75, snap it up.
  16. Do it!! The TE combos, though great to use, are far too cumbersome to be practical to those of us of a certain age with "well used" backs who need to move their gear. Personally, I'd pull the head and rack it. They are manageable this way (12kg - ish?). Leave the combo intact but transplant the speakers into another cab (I have an empty 2x12 cab with grills if you need it) - just replace the "face" for one with two 10" holes. Doing this means you can finish the cases any way you like - I was well impressed with the blue snakeskin head and cab that were for sale here recently. You can also transplant all the parts back into the original case if Bruce Banner ever comes round with the cash and wants to buy it from you.
  17. Currently on eBay - Jazz style Jaydee fretless https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Jaydee-Supernatural-Custom-Bass-guitar-Fretless/333536292623?hash=item4da84fef0f:g:NacAAOSwSydeTp-y
  18. Similar quality to the Nanyos??
  19. Proper bargain....they say that Space is infinite, if this was the case in my flat I'd have them... GLWTS
  20. I have one in my living room - seen them sell for significantly less
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