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Everything posted by Lozz196

  1. I don’t miss those days but I most certainly remember them. Even when I had an Orange valve amp head of some kind it was still lighter than my cab.
  2. Awesome, I always had very good service from Marshall when I used their amps - and being only 30 mins drive away meant very easy to sort too.
  3. I voted 30”. I switched to short scale last year due to back issues and I’ve found that the ergonomics of an instrument that size just suit me better. It’s strange the way these things work out.
  4. I quite like his demos, some of the driven sounds are a bit much for me but I like to see the bass lines played, nice to see complicated lines played both so effortlessly and with such enthusiasm. Annoyingly after reading this thread I’m sure all I’ll notice forever onwards will be the gurning….
  5. Which might be in a case itself, aaarrggghh!
  6. In my old punk covers band we just used to have a vocal PA with each of us having our own monitor (we all sang). For a while we added to the PA and put everything through it to "spread the sound" but not to make us louder. A good few people who had watched us for years mentioned that it made us sound too smooth & professional and detracted from the punk music we played. So we went back to the original format of vox only PA.
  7. They do the same with punk too Pete, we played a couple of times, even the introducing stage was a proper big stage with full decent backline and playing to about 500 people.
  8. Great sounding amps, I’ve never heard a bad sound from them when I’ve seen them used live.
  9. I had a not exactly the same thing when returning a bass to them that I just didn’t get on with. I dropped it off personally and the first thing said was “it’s got Rotosounds on it, they’re not the stock strings”. My reply was they were the strings that came on it - which they were. They then tried it out, tested it etc, and finally relented and reimbursed. Did make me think about purchasing online from them again.
  10. Yeah, amateur, he’ll never get anywhere……….
  11. So they obviously didn’t.
  12. All off, clean the fretboard, replace strings, check intonation. As I use Elixirs I generally only have to change strings about once a year, if that.
  13. For me it’s: 1. Why you don't have any gigs? - We don’t have that many as our singer had part of his leg amputated at the end of 2022, hopefully he doesn’t need any further surgery so we’ll start getting more soon. 2.Do you rely on an agent ? - No 3.Who finds coordinates and confirms gigs? - Generally the singer. 4. Are you or any band members in this for the money? - No 5.How much do you want to gig? - The general feeling of my band (The Spacewasters) is about 10/12 a year. The others are also in other gigging bands so balancing the calendar is a task.
  14. Expensive option Fender Custom Shop 62s Reasonable price option Toneriders The Toneriders sound very similar to the Fenders at a fraction of the price.
  15. That’s gonna be a whole lot of fun NOT!!!!!!
  16. Nah, bin the furniture and make a lot more room for new basses
  17. I get where you’re coming from, for years I’ve always plugged into some form of Sansamp however recently I’ve got into the sound of bass straight into amp.
  18. Def, whilst I`m not a big fan of Metallica, so not knowing the songs on the auditions, I thought when Trujillo played there was a noticeable increase in solidity and power. One of those things where if I`d known nothing about them and it was happening live-feed I`d have thought "well he`s got the job then".
  19. Might be worth checking EBS out, their gear is meant to be modern sounding.
  20. Both will do what you`re looking for nicely so as above maybe try a Mustang just to see which scale you feel more comfortable on. After many years playing reg scale I`ve switched to Mustangs and I love them.
  21. In one band we use Farm Factory in Welwyn Garden City, which has Ampeg 810s and various amps, mostly small Peaveys, easy enough to get a decent sound. In the other band we use Mill Hill Studios, rather unsurprisingly in Mill Hill, they have all sorts, Orange, Laney, Peavey, Warwick, again easy enough to get a decent sound.
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