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Everything posted by visog

  1. To be fair, their 'Komodo Dragon's a steal at $30,000...
  2. Yes - good Euro-Jazz which you'll not be allowed to enjoy post Brexit. I think Pat Metheny's jammed with this lot which shows their credibility...
  3. Ah yes... on second look you're probably right..
  4. Ok I'll chime in with a guess that he's flicking the string in a sort of flamenco motion... The downward motion to his 'thunderfingers' tapping up stroke.
  5. Good Heavens! Who's a Lucky-Ducky?
  6. Did we find out who bought this in the end? What's the story behind what must be one of the most expensive basses in history?
  7. Oh sorry! Back to the OP... looks like the same bass? Fender (Maple) Precision?
  8. Slightly OT I know but here's Neil in an unusual setting of the mighty Bill Bruford and Allan Holdsworth...
  9. Are you sure that quality is transferrable? Wonderful looking bass... GLWTS
  10. Didn't Ritchie Blackmore do the whole Echoplex pre-amp thing first?
  11. I always click on these posts with a 'really!?' attitude and then learn so much about the provenance... Can't help but enjoy and learn. Modern life is rubbish, etc.
  12. I want one of those but with a whammy bar...
  13. Yes great player with a good ear. Saw him last with Gary Barlow I think...
  14. Some nice tones from an EHB here...
  15. This. No-one listens to music now. No-one likes rock or jazz. No-one acknowledges bass. No-one plays fretless. I'd imagine the last time fretless bass featured in the Top-20 was '80s or possibly 90's. Total fretless market in the UK right now is probably single digit including you.
  16. Nice colour scheme. Think I've hear Rufus Philpot play these...
  17. Point of note... Jon Anderson of Yes sings on a track on this record.
  18. Hmmm, another 'help identify' thread premised on a sh*t photo... has 'your mate' not got an iPhone?
  19. Gary Moore was unhappy with the way his contribution was cut and used over several episodes. He thought he'd be featured in one episode. Christ! His rig had serious noise. Series Two also saw Deidre playing the Synth-Axe before cutting to... Allan Holdsworth absolutely tearing it up on one. Re. 'Minder' theme - think that was Mo Foster.
  20. Great another tone thread. I get to post this again! Compressed squelch clank for days...
  21. Really! I can't take my eyes off his toupees over the years... Sorry bit personal that... I think his technique was pretty impressive.
  22. Thanks for highlighting... I did search the forums using the title but no matches. Did think it was odd that there was no mention...
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