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Everything posted by visog

  1. I want to fat-shame your bass. Bet it sounds good though?
  2. Back to the OP - for me Jaco was like a technical upgrade in bass playing from 16-bit to high definition: rhythmic subdivision and authority harmonic sophistication melodic phrasing and articulation tone and timbre It was a revelation...
  3. If you watch the full vid, they comment on how this works in conjunction with distortions - amp or pedal. Very saucy.
  4. Not my experience. When awesome Mr Shuker set-up my ramped-GB, I went back to my Warwick sans ramp and it was like walking on a net where you keep slipping through. For me it's a different experience: without a ramp it's a bull-fiddle for getting physical where as a ramp turns it into more of a classical guitar. You might justifiably ask how does that fit with the traditional role of a bass but there we are... that's my take.
  5. DDP is amazing but uses a thumb-pick here.
  6. Like you I tried their website: https://www.ibanez.com/usa/products/detail/sr2405w_1p_01.html No weight but I looks like a saucy bass with interesting electronics!
  7. What!? It's a double neck Warwick as per the OP?
  8. Speak of the devil... https://thebassgallery.com/collections/bass/products/warwick-thumb-double-neck
  9. SFG obvs Who do you think you are? Elvis?
  10. Ooh! Ooh! Ooh! Back to the OP - I've got another: Trio of Doom - sabotaged by Jaco
  11. Electroharmonix do an electric piano simulator... maybe worth a look if you end up doing this for any length of time... https://www.ehx.com/products/key9
  12. I suspect it sounds ok because you're new to the idiom and maybe your rhythm and swing is doing the heavy lifting. I suspect that the more you get into it, the more you'll hear some lines working better than others and those are the ones where you start to emphasise and anticipate the chord tones. Basically your ear will get sharper. Here's Jeff Berlin schooling a student on this very topic...
  13. Saw them supported by 'Cry Before Dawn' - me neither. Town and Country Club I think. Miles Copeland introduced them. Stanley had about a dozen basses there... It was filmed and has been shown on telly but I don't have a copy. I don't think it was cheesy. This was actually what ended up from the 'Electric Rush Hour' project which would have had Allan Holdsworth on guitar too if he'd agreed. Anyway back to the OP and I'll go Golden Palominos.
  14. Well I'm not short of opinions! Probably wont get to try one until BD get a sixer or the Manchester Bass Guitar show next March. Suspect the six will be in the order of £3.5 kilopounds. Possible more if Brexit actually happens.
  15. So minor pedantic point is that you posted in 'Bass Guitars' which may not get you the best response compared with 'General' or 'Technique' forums. So admin out of the way, go tell your guitar player to f**k off. As long as you play the music, technique is secondary. And your technique whilst uncommon, is not unusual and I suggest you seek out the work of Damien Erskine to see how far you can take it. He's written a whole book on it called, 'Right-hand Drive' and he incorporates fingers 1 & 2 together with the thumb to get some serious dynamics and expression down. Some of his lines are phenomenal.
  16. I think this is a case of try one to see if it suits you. On paper it doesn't look good: £2,900+ for an off-shore build and a shape that looks like garden implement. But I suspect the standing weight, and sitting positions, together with that compound neck and fan frets will tell a different story. If your value proposition is ergonomic - you have to try one! Keen to hear feedback from that perspective?
  17. Very nice. Agree with all the posters previously. Built like tanks!
  18. My knobs are different to yours (!) but I'm confident both sets are the originals from Bernie. I've tried a few GBs with your style knobs and I think it's just a case of him running out of them for mine. I certainly didn't specify a smaller knob! With regards to being out-Spitfired - I wouldn't over-think it - they're all built to a very high standard and beyond that, have their own personality. That six-bolt neck joint Bernie helped popularise isn't going anywhere and I think the electronics are the same. Enjoy your GB.
  19. Here we go... I'm ashamed as pics prior to Jon Shuker's wonderful wash and brush-up, had half a cat and dog collected around the pick-ups... Bernie has some pics of my bass on his site too: http://www.gbguitars.co.uk/gb_spitfire_gallery3.asp Mine's the second to last row right (Spitfire 5 with matching ramp) and then the first of the last row showing the through-neck. Specs I think is the same as yours. Mine's a 35" scale too and assumed yours would be. Not sure if I've not played yours at Bernie's (which was the inspiration for my purchase).
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