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Is BC a community, or just a source of information?


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I absolutely see it as the former.


Itā€™s the first thing I look at in the morning, and the last thing at night. Itā€™s a blessing (banter, information) and a curse (for sale section), but itā€™s a safe place, full of like minded folks, of all backgrounds and ages.


Some people here Iā€™ve known for decades, some I meet on a daily basis, and most feel like friends. I was relatively young ish when BC started, now Iā€™m not, and Iā€™m definitely financially worse off.


Of course thereā€™s often a difference of opinion, sometimes even a bit of needle, but mostly weā€™re all on a similar road, just donā€™t mention politics šŸ˜’


Generally though, to have this resource as a reference for information and advice about all things Bass is a wonderful thing, and I just think everyone involved in the running of Basschat should have a pat on the back. Because it takes a lot of work to keep this place going.Ā 


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I've been here since the 100-member days of BassWorld. Hell yes it's a community, at least IMO. I've met some really lovely people through this place, and whilst I don't see any on a daily or even weekly basis (more's the pity) it's always lovely getting together with them at the Bashes.Ā 

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There are some amazingly supportive people on BassChat, whether itā€™s to do with bass, music in general or just life with all itā€™s ups and downs.


There is just one other forum I follow. I check it every morning just before coming here, but I only really look at two or three threads, and I very, very rarely interact with them. Then I come here and spend most of the day checking for new posts. Joining in when I can and trying to help if I can, to try to give back some of what I get out of the forum.


I feel happy and included here, and I have never actually met a BassChatter in person. As such I donā€™t think I can say I have friends from here, I am too shy and reserved when in private conversations (I think) to make such a close connection; but there are some members that hold a special place for me for the caring and support I have got from them.


So, for me, this place is a community first (day to day or even week to week, other than my wife, this is the only place where I interact with anyone) and an amazing information resource second.

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59 minutes ago, Machines said:


18, to be precise.



L-R: Me, Matt, Mike, ā€¦. canā€™t remember his nameā€¦. and Allan. Iā€™m holding a Yamaha BB3000Sā€¦.. god knows how much thatā€™s worth now šŸ˜ž

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Both I'd say. Probably the best of both.


I've had the pleasure of meeting maybe 100 or so BassChatians over the years from deals done, never had a bad experience yet! (Well, one buyer YEARS ago, but we'll forget about that...)Ā 


There's a few 'controversial' posters out there, but that just adds to the diversity and discussion!Ā 


I think I've been a member of Basschat in its various iterations for 18 years or so, and I shall continue to be a member until it, or I, kick the bucket!Ā 


Here's to meeting another 100 of you fine and terrible folk!Ā šŸ˜„

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Iā€™ve been a member on here for 16 years and it remains the best forum for me.

Bought and sold a few things over the years with not one problem, which speaks

volumes about the people who participate. Iā€™ve learned loads of stuff, found places

to resolve issues with gear and been introduced to lots of new music / bands IĀ 

probably would have otherwise missed. Long may it continue. šŸ˜Š

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It's a resource when one first joins up, because you know no one, and have met no one.Ā  Then stuff happens over the years.Ā  I've been here in all 3 versions of BC, though not a prolific poster to start with, but that's 16+ years - ish,Ā  all in.


The way some folk pile in with help and assisstance, with their knowledge on technical stuff, most of it way over my head, and at times to the point ofĀ  surprising generosity.


EG,Ā  member Deedee who knew i was looking for a vintage Trace combo, found one, paid for it, picked it up and delivered to me halfway between us, and simply wouldn't take any petrol money.Ā  If that isnt community , iĀ  dont know what is.

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I tried Talkbass initially but was very, very quickly made to feel most unwelcome by shouty idiots, I joined BC in 2014 and it's been a huge source of information, has completely changed the basses and amplification I use and it quickly became a forum I use every day. Everyone I have met, both at Bass Bashes and whilst buying and selling gear, have been lovely folk, turns out that bass players are very reasonable. As a dyed in the wool misanthropist BC has been a real surprise, certainly the closest thing to an online community that I've ever experienced. If you want to discuss minute details about obscure Japanese basses from the 70s you can, or, if you want to contribute to a 3346 page long thread filled with absolute nonsense about FA then you can do that too. The aforementioned thread was a huge refuge for me during lockdown and several of the contributors have become friends off site, so I'd say BassChat is both a glorious source of information and a community. In fact, I'd go a little further, it is actually exemplary in that the Internet is, of course, famous for shouty rude nonsense spouted by vacuous bellends, I don't use Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, don't get me wrong, I've tried, but invariably someone has said something stupid or rude within seconds of joining, so to find a genuine online community and resource like BC appears to be incredibly rare. I know we have the occasional spat, but really, given how many of us frequent the place, you have to say it's incredibly civilised. I'm rambling, essentially I'm proud to be a member* here, long may BC continue.


* easy tiger

Edited by Frank Blank
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9 minutes ago, Frank Blank said:

I tried Talkbass initially but was very, very quickly made to feel most unwelcome by shouty idiots

I found the same, and generally speaking you donā€™tĀ tendĀ to get that here, although I have found myself caught in the crossfire a couple of times. In my youth Iā€™d fire back, but these days I stay out of any flack when I can.

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4 minutes ago, Rayman said:

...although I have found myself caught in the crossfire a couple of times. In my youth Iā€™d fire back, but these days I stay out of any flack when I can.


Which is exactly what I was saying, an online forum where people avoid the flack..? It's an almost unheard of level of civility and one we can all be proud of.

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A community without a doubt. Last year a fire in my flat took most of my earthly possesions, including anything to groove on.Ā  I reached out and in just a couple of weeks the lovely folks here had got me back playing by sending various bits of bass gear ... I will never forget their kindness ... if not a community, this would not have happened!


S'manth x

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41 minutes ago, Frank Blank said:

I tried Talkbass initially but was very, very quickly made to feel most unwelcome

Oh god yes. Very early on, I was publicly boIIocked on TB for apparently breaking their no-politics rule by simply mentioning the two words "Tony Blair" on a thread about celebs who play instruments. I then got a second public spanking for expressing surprise. Suffice it to say I feel no sense of community there at all and visit very infrequently.

Edited by Rich
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4 hours ago, Rich said:

I've been here since the 100-member days of BassWorld. Hell yes it's a community, at least IMO. I've met some really lovely people through this place, and whilst I don't see any on a daily or even weekly basis (more's the pity) it's always lovely getting together with them at the Bashes.Ā 

Bassworlder here too!

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