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Post your pedal board - Basschat style!!


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[quote name='TomWIC' timestamp='1353788020' post='1878531']
Bass -> Boss TU3 -> Barber TonePress -> Dunlop CryBaby 105Q -> Ibanez PD7 -> Boss ODB3 -> Sansamp PBDDI -> Line6 Echo Park -> ISP Decimator -> Amp.

I like this one, a lot. Really want to get myself a Decimator some time!

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[quote name='chrismuzz' timestamp='1354195161' post='1883366']
I like this one, a lot. Really want to get myself a Decimator some time!

They are brilliant pedals, the amount of noise my setup generated is no more and with no loss of tone whatsoever. Best investment I've made in a long time.

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changed up my board AGAIN, more in depth details over on sheps blog:
it was a follow up interview to one we did previous (which is linked on there too, with my old board)
you can also check out my basses etc up on there, ive just started routing up a pedalboard for another project, which should have weirder bass effects (not just LOUD - haha)
so i'll get some shots of that up soon, it's looking pretty wacky
lets geek out!

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I haven't actually got a pedalboard yet so I 'photoshoped' one. I'm now about to finally recieve my 5th pedal...ever (I feel like a child learning to ride a bike again!).

My guitarist is giving me his Marshall Guv'nor OD pedal soon as he just ordered a Boss ME-75 and is adament he won't need it. According to it's rep online - it holds it's own as a good vaule OD for bass and should work well blended with my Fuzz. Any of you guys had experience with it?

And now the time has come for me brothers... to buy a pedalboard!
What would you guys recommend? I gig once/twice a month and really don't have the funds to blow 100 quid on one. Something of good vaule that and can hold 5 pedals? Thanks! Edited by PedaloFred
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A pedaltrain mini looks as if it would be spot on for what you have there. You may want to double check with [url="http://pedalboardplanner.com/"]THIS[/url] . It doesn't really take account of the space needed by jacks very well, but it should give you a rough idea ... that'll hopefully confirm a PT mini will work.

EDIT: Things might get a bit challenging with the 3 jacks per side on the LS-2 ... I use 'pancake' right angle jacks to make the most of space but the jack sockets are so close together on the LS-2 that won't work ... you'd need normal right angles for one out of the 3..

Edited by BigBeatNut
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[quote name='Ant' timestamp='1354877322' post='1891456']
changed up my board AGAIN, more in depth details over on sheps blog:
it was a follow up interview to one we did previous (which is linked on there too, with my old board)
you can also check out my basses etc up on there, ive just started routing up a pedalboard for another project, which should have weirder bass effects (not just LOUD - haha)
so i'll get some shots of that up soon, it's looking pretty wacky
lets geek out!


Awesome setup. You still using the Pearce BC-1?

Ive just noticed the ugly head thing on the cab too, i swear I had the same one about 20 years ago!

Edited by deej
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And suddenly BOOM like you're saying take a look at this big hunk of pedal power.....

Signal chain is:
TU3 Tuner
Nova Dynamics Compressor
EBS Octabass
Bluberry Bass Overdrive
Deep Freeze (chorus)
Modded Q Tron Mini (still massive though :unsure: )

Powered by a Dr Tone PSU10 Power Supply.

I have the option (if noise is an issue) to go back into the second 'engine' of the Nova Dynamics at the end of the chain and use it as a Noise Gate. However I've been astonished at the noise reduction since using the Dr Tone instead of individual power supplies and don't see a need to do it.

The QTron has been modded so it now has a volume control on the output level (the signal comes out so hot I'd given up using it) and the power socket has been swapped out replacing the 3.5mm Female Jack for a standard 'Boss' type 2.1mm Male socket, just to make life easier - it also has an extra hole in it for air circulation, and not at all because it was drilled in the wrong place ;)

Future plan is to rehouse the QTron in a smaller casing, and make a little space for a Quasar if I can ever afford one!

Edited by gilmour
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I'm currently building my own board, something I have never done yet! Been buying pedals like crazy lately haha.

So far I have:
EHX Bass Big Muff
EHX Micro Qtron (Mini for sale ;) )
Aguilar TLC compressor
Behringer BSY600
MXR Bass Octave Deluxe
Soundlab Power box

Having spent all my money on pedals I am going to try and build my own board. Just ordered an [url="http://www.ikea.com/gb/en/catalog/products/10213713/"]Ikea Gorm Shelf[/url] to cut down to the size of my board.

So now I'm just very much hoping everything goes to plan! :D

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[quote name='cheddatom' timestamp='1355736369' post='1901849']
I've been all over google trying to find out how much current this PSU supplies. I can't find it anywhere, could you have a look on the back?

I'm pretty sure it's an OEM product that's branded as Dr Tone just for Dawsons in the UK. http://www.dawsons.co.uk/dr-tone-psu10-power-supply I've been impressed with it, so has our guitarist who just went and bought himself one!

In the manual (piece of paper) it says Output voltage is DC15V, 1A - is that what you're after?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Finally got around to starting my more portable setup. The huge board is amazing, but logistics are nightmarish! Quite a bit has been removed and I'm still at the rough layout phase which i'll use for a few rehearsals before changing my mind again, but at the mo, its working a bit like this (with a few minor tweaks happening this week)...


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[quote name='pantherairsoft' timestamp='1356741959' post='1913255']
Finally got around to starting my more portable setup. The huge board is amazing, but logistics are nightmarish! Quite a bit has been removed and I'm still at the rough layout phase which i'll use for a few rehearsals before changing my mind again, but at the mo, its working a bit like this (with a few minor tweaks happening this week)...


i love that this is your portable board lol!

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[font=tahoma,geneva,sans-serif][size=3]Been buggering about and this is sounding more like what I'm after...

Pedal Train II - MarkOne Audio 3 Channel Loop >
1. Sonuus Wahoo
2. Owen Electronics Bass Bomb Driver & TC Vortex Flanger
3. MarkBass SuperSynth
all out through EBS MultiComp & TC Tuner

...all I'm really missing is a decent (and tiny) Octaver - so the SuperSynth's Oct channel will do for now !

Please ignore the taped-on presets/reminders on the Wahoo - these are now redundant ![/size][/font] Edited by mxm
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Ditched the mahoosive PT3 board and settled on these on a PT mini


Tempted to get a Diago Commuter board.......

Edited by sk8
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