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Anyone here playing a paulownia bodied bass?


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Long story short..
Found out I have a herniated disc and two desicated (yes, like coconut!) discs in my lower back so need to go seriously lightweight as it ain't going to get better anytime soon.

I see there's a couple of places online (GFS and EYGUITARS) that sell really lightweight paulownia P bass bodies for not much dough. Anyone here got one? What do you think?
I already have a reasonably light P bass (8.5 lbs) and have lightweight tuners but if I could lose another pound, it wouldn't hurt (as much ;) )

These bodies are cheap I know so it might be a crap shoot quality control wise so I'm really interested to see if any fellow BCers have trodden this path with any success?


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[quote name='dannybuoy' timestamp='1394019380' post='2386917']
There's a [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]7lb 6 oz Mike Lull P Bass for sale here for £1350 if you're feeling flush: [/font][/color]http://basschat.co.uk/topic/229647-mike-lull-p4-final-price-drop

Love the Lull but no, seriously unflush right now unfortunately. Cheers though.

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There is someone selling Pawlonia p-bass kits on ebay. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/P-BASS-KIT-PAULOWNIA-WOOD-BODY-NECK-BRIDGE-TUNERS-PICKUP-STRINGS-AND-PARTS-/231168129249?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item35d2b1b8e1

I looked into them, but found someone online (can't remember where) who said that the wood was too soft, and that items such as strap buttons may pull out if subjected to too much force.

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[quote name='Geek99' timestamp='1394022646' post='2386976']
Use much longer screws ? It can't be THAT soft that a deeper mounted screw won't sidestep the issue

If I recall correctly, the discussion was that Paulownia was used for very cheap basses, where the makers may not be too concerned about making the thing last. Obviously if someone wants a quality light bass, then they can make adjustments and replace bits to address any issues.

I first heard of Paulownia after running across a cheap no-brand p-bass which weighed absolutely nothing. I don't know if it was Pawlonia, but I picked it up, and the first thought that ran through my head when I felt how light it was was 'balsawood'. Someone suggested it might have been Paulownia based on that. (Edit: Actually that was my second thought, the first one was "WTF?").

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[quote name='Roger2611' timestamp='1394045577' post='2387366']
A Precision Bass Lyte might solve your problems, they won't break the bank, sound great and I have to tie mine down to stop it floating away when it is on the stand :)

I have wondered about the P Lytes actually. Any idea how much yours weighs?

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If you suffer back/neck problems and need a light bass I'd seriously consider an Aria Sinsonidia (may be too many 'i' or 'a' in the spelling). They do literally weigh nothing and have a decent tone... probably not best suited to a 'ROCK' band but saying that I used mine once in my rock covers band and it sounded great with a few raised eyebrows... and compliments later in the evening! ;)

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Not a bass but a Yamaha pacifica guitar cheapest model (s/h £60). Ignoring the slightly angular edges, a very good guitar. I have two USA strats and it is comparable in terms of action and playability - pickups a different matter, but easily and cheaply sorted. Lightweight basses - Alder body Warwick Rockbass Corvette - makes my others seem heavyweight, also was cheap as chips.

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[quote name='warwickhunt' timestamp='1394051008' post='2387461']
If you suffer back/neck problems and need a light bass I'd seriously consider an Aria Sinsonidia (may be too many 'i' or 'a' in the spelling). They do literally weigh nothing and have a decent tone... probably not best suited to a 'ROCK' band but saying that I used mine once in my rock covers band and it sounded great with a few raised eyebrows... and compliments later in the evening! ;)

Whoa! That's a crazy looking bass, defo an eyebrow raiser!
But necessity is the mother of invention so it goes :)
Although I really love my P bass (project I put together with choice parts) I fear/feel the best way forward is probably to part it out further (already sold some bits) on here and start afresh. I know that being a bit particular about things, I would only be disappointed with a cheap P body as the shape of some of them does look wack, a bit off.
Shame, as I do love a P bass and I've just bought a load of nitro to refinish it too :( Got the news about my back the day after my fiesta red arrived actually. For the last year I've been told it was only muscular so I always thought it would clear up.
Only way forward now is good health rather than cool aesthetics (unless my numbers come in and I buy that Lull P ;) )
Thanks for all the suggestions guys, some good food for thought there.

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I need to play lightweight basses. My lightest is a Precision Lyte - just weighed it and it comes in at a fraction over 7lbs. It resembles a Precision bass but is actually closer to a Strat body size. No idea what it is made of but I have taken it to bits several times and the screw holes still work ok. Doesn't sound exactly like a P Bass, either, but it is a good proper bass. Great necks, if you like thin necks.

My next lightest is a Shergold Marathon which, almost impossibly, comes in at around 7.5lbs. Followed by an Ibanez SR800 and Hohner B2A, both of which are around 8lbs. A few others are scattered around 8.5lbs, including my main bitsa Precision.

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[quote name='warwickhunt' timestamp='1394051008' post='2387461']
If you suffer back/neck problems and need a light bass I'd seriously consider an Aria Sinsonido (spelling corrected). They do literally weigh nothing and have a decent tone... probably not best suited to a 'ROCK' band but saying that I used mine once in my rock covers band and it sounded great with a few raised eyebrows... and compliments later in the evening! ;)
This. Fretted and fretless models available :)

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I tried a few Arias in the former bass centre shop and the E strings sounded consistently dead. I couldn't determine whether that was due to the strings or the construction of the bass though. Has anyone tried one with new strings?

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Kala U-bass as per the previous post - 2.5 lbs or 1.33 kg!

I thought that the Tanglewood Traveler may be compromise between a normal bass and a ubass - but [url="http://www.soundsliveshop.com/p/Tanglewood_TWRB-E_Traveller_Electro_Acoustic_Fretless_Bass_Natural/TWOOD-TWRB-E"]this site[/url] lists it as being 10 kgs! I presume that's an error :) (And I'm guessing that a Tanglewood may be too downmarket for the OP).

Ashbory bass?

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[quote name='owen' timestamp='1394313327' post='2390278']


Awesome, thanks. Hadn't found those threads during my searches.
One thing that niggles me though is that the shape of the GFS Tele bodies seem to look more authentic than the P bass bodies. The P's look a bit wrong to me. I am probably being a bit anal about it though I admit :P

What do you guys think of this one? Direct from China (well Hong Kong I think) £60 including shipping. Could this be where GFS sources it's bodies from? Maybe..


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[quote name='miles'tone' timestamp='1394319941' post='2390362']
What do you guys think of this one? Direct from China (well Hong Kong I think) £60 including shipping. Could this be where GFS sources it's bodies from? Maybe..


There might be some customs and handling fees to pay on top of that. I'd be interested in your experience should you buy one. I'm vaguely interested in this:


But on the other hand, when money is available, there's someone who sells Mighty Mite necks on t'bay for not much more (or any more?) than these ones cost.

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