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Everything posted by dudewheresmybass

  1. Big +1 to the octoplus. Flippin great pedal. Lovely character to the sound. Stupidly cheap too- been seeing them on eBay for tiny amounts of cash!!
  2. I actually really like my Marshall reflector. It's a great price (they can be found for around £40), and sounds really nice.
  3. [quote name='Ben Jamin' timestamp='1430558879' post='2762541'] I guess it's kind of like Fodera making an expensive version of a P-bass. Pick-up, volume, tone. I mean I'm sure it'd be great but that's not why you buy a Fodera? Or a P-bass, for that matter. [/quote] Many many boutique makers have been doing this with the jazz bass for a long time. In their case everyone applauds the instrument, rather than looking too closely at the copying aspect. Is the question here more about the pricing? Copying at a cheaper retail makes it a bad thing, whereas copying at a higher price makes it better?
  4. I may be wrong, but isn't the sub machine the slash octave fuzz in different clothing?
  5. Iirc it's a clone of the ehx bass blogger. That might give some more opinions/ vids
  6. I go through phases about the basses I use. I enjoy my actives, and for the right situation they sound awesome in the mix, but these days I'm finding that I'm using the Passives more and more. They seem to sit better in most situations for me and give me a more pleasant playing experience. IMO ime etc.....
  7. I'd really like to see someone like steve di Giorgio, Neil Murray, or even someone like lemmy make appearances at the show. Considering the artists we have already seen at the show over the years, there are some real challenges to keep the standard high!!
  8. There won't be sufficient volume from the tuner to drive the headphones. Something like the ehx headphone amplifier would be ideal
  9. Still waiting to try one Irl. If it sounds like the vids, I'll be happy
  10. Some great points made here. As a full time bass tutor for the past 12 years, I'm shocked at the content of the original post. Walk away from this chap, and find a tutor you can work with. It might take a couple of attempts, but you'll hopefully find someone you ' click with' At that point learning should become fun, and you'll learn real world ways to improve, rather than party piece playing, which to be honest has only a VERY small place in the usable bass world
  11. When I first started learning, I didn't have an amp, so I developed a loud unplugged style, whilst trying to learn iron maiden and whitesnake parts. I'm still a ridiculously heavy hitter!
  12. I've been playing for 28 years, and been earning my living from teaching and playing / recording for 13. Ability wise I see players that I feel are better than myself, but I know that if needed I could reach the required standard fairly quickly for almost any situation.
  13. Not had that experience with mxr products- I have a significant number of both their bass and guitar pedals
  14. Congratulations on a great score! Very jealous ! 😉
  15. Correct me if I'm wrong, but the mooer has a switch which selects either modern/vintage (?) Does that then make it a clone of the evh?
  16. I wasn't planning on being there this year, but a friend sorted a guest space for me. The main problem this year for me ws the sheer volume. It was offensive in the extreme. There was supposed to be a 50 minute noisy period, and 45 minute quiet spell. No one except those using headphone rigs took any notice whatsoever. I did get to spend some time with some interesting gear though- mainly pedals ( and through headphones!) The new boss bass driver has some potential, and I don't feel the vids from namm do it justice. The hookers green bass machine sounded great too! I shall be returning to the shop to try these two and some others too, in a more 'friendly' environment. I got to meet stu Hamm and Doug wimbish too
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