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Status Updates posted by BassAgent

  1. I made a reggae remix of a song off the new Billie Eilish album.


    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. eude
    3. BassAgent


      @HazBeen I'm a teacher so that's how I knew her ;) Her debut album is amazing!

    4. edstraker123


      Sophistication well beyond her years. I wanted to go and see her live but saw a youtube clip of her in concert and its just a load of screaming teenage girls. More than a grumpy old man could take !

  2. I'm in Wiltshire until Thursday. Anyone up for a pint or coffe in Bath, Thursday afternoon?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. anzoid


      If I wasn't working I'd be over like a shot - always up for meeting a fellow Basschatter - unfortunately not possible this time around :(


    3. timhiggins


      careful a pint of coffee in the bath ,and you could end up with a brown jacuzzi !

    4. BassAgent


      @anzoidAhhh too bad mate! Next time lucky.

  3. A Dutch singer/songwriter/author has released a new single and she allowed me to go full Pino Palladino on it. Check it out:


  4. Just put the previous body of my Dingwall up for sale. No idea if the price is right, but hopefully it'll sell quickly :)

  5. Made an appointment for my second tattoo. I'm already nervous but also can't wait.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. discreet


      @TheGreek I would have removed your àrse for £400.

    3. gjones



      This is the guitarist in my band. About 3 years ago he went and got a tiny tattoo on his arm. Look at him now, he's obsessed!

      Image may contain: one or more people, beard and text

    4. SpondonBassed


      The only tattoo I'd have is one in Ink and Braille that says "Get your filthy hands off of my dirty ar5e ya perve!".  I'd have one on each buttock for full protection from drunken females.

      (I got groped once by ladies outside a club once when bending over to take my 'bike lock off.  They were pi55ed as newts and it was a real passion killer.  One of the hazards of wearing full leathers that I don't miss.)

  6. Now that I have your attention: check out the new vids for my fusion band!



    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. musicbassman


      Excellent. Real class and talent  🙂

    3. Rich


      Superb stuff.

    4. tthiggins


      Great stuff love it 

  7. It has been delivered! Box looks like this however. Body is flawless! Lovely.

    WhatsApp Image 2018-11-15 at 13.20.14.jpeg

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Daz39


      Crikey. What a kerfuffle. At least it's there now. Does Dingwall HQ know yet too?

    3. Rich


      Oh my god. What on earth happened to that?

    4. BassAgent


      No idea what happened. The body is undamaged though. I have already told Dingwall, but I think they're still asleep ;)

  8. It seems FedEx found my bass body yesterday without noticing me. It was in Memphis all along, and it's supposed to be delivered today. They just e-mailed me "out for delivery", no call, nothing. Thanks FedEx.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. BassAgent


      I now have seventy-five meditation apps on my phone.

    3. Marc S

      Marc S

      Couriers, couriers, couriers.... Is there such a thing as a good one? :(
      Sorry to hear of your woes. Fingers crossed, that it arrives promptly and safely for you

    4. BassAgent


      There are good couriers: I have never experienced problems with GLS and UPS (although I know many have had issues with UPS). I do know I'm never using DHL again.

      To be fair to FedEx: they did the shipping of the actual Dingwall bass flawlessly.

  9. Spoke to FedEx on the phone. They asked me if it would be a possibility that Dingwall sends me a replacement body. They actually asked it. 

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Dood


      Unreal. :( FFS. 

    3. big rob

      big rob

      Knob heads


    4. BassAgent


      No response from FedEx yet. They have 2 days until the body is officially lost. By FedEx. And they have to buy a new one.

  10. Yep, FedEx has lost my body. They have no clue where it could be. Somewhere between Paris and...the rest of the planet.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. discreet


      (Sings) I... ain't got no bo-dy...

      Sorry. Hope it turns up soon.

    3. Rich


      Any news?


    4. BassAgent


      No, unfortunately. FedEx called me last Monday and they've also contacted Dingwall for a description of the package. No updates yet.

  11. The new body for my Dingwall has been on its way from Paris BACK to Memphis (long story) for eleven days now. I'm starting to think they've lost it.

    1. Bigwan


      You couldn't make this stinky poo up!

  12. Never thought I'd get myself a Dingwall. And now I have. It's. Amazing.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Machines


      Nice score, had my NG3 a few months now and it's still impressing me.

    3. Bridgehouse


      I looked at a Dingwall fretless. The concept made stuff leak out of my ears...

    4. BaggyMan


      I swapped my ACG for a combustion 5.  Best deal I have ever done ...and there have been a few.


  13. In England at the moment, have some free time in Bath Thursday afternoon, who's up for a beer?

    1. Marc S

      Marc S

      Wish I was able to join you mate.... but I'll be in work :(
      Hope you have a nice pint, or three ;)
      Some nice pubs in Bath. Check out the tiny, charming "Volunteer Rifleman's Arms" - great little place,
      tucked away in a small lane. Nice atmos, nice beers

    2. BassAgent


      Thanks! I'll sure try to find it :) We'll be leaving around 8 pm so if you have time, let me know :)

  14. EP of my fusion band Tyranni Flock is out! Check it on Spotify: http://sptfy.com/14rz

    1. wombatboter


      Listening to it as we speak :-) Great stuff !

  15. Single for my fusion band, Tyranni Flock, is out TODAY! http://spoti.fi/2trV3Il

    1. Ceebass


      Love it man. Moog bass?

    2. BassAgent


      Thanks! Moog in the beginning, but throughout the tune is my '71 Precision.

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