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Everything posted by PTB

  1. Wow! Congrats indeed.
  2. I agree completely. My old 4 ohm Peavey 4x10 was a great cab but impossible for me to move single handed even with castors. I went through a couple of cabs before getting a Barefaced Super 12T for all the usual reasons.
  3. My favourite was the singer whose false teeth fell out and rolled under the drum kit in a filthy rehearsal room. He shouted "guitar solo!" and crawled between the kick & floor tom in search of them. Once retrieved, he stood up, blew the crud off them & stuck them back in. That's when we stopped playing & sniggering and started laughing. He couldn't understand why.
  4. I have played & owned a few but now only have a fret less '85 Stingray with 3 band eq in trans red. It's road worn and I would like a fretted one to go with it at some point. A stingray always feels and sounds so right to me.
  5. Thanks - I'll pass this on.
  6. You connect them using a speakon cable. OBBM on here made mine for me at a very good price. I find it makes quite a difference have both combo & cab and wish I'd bought the cab sooner.
  7. I would if it were my case. I can ask my pal for some pics but any suggestions in the meantime?
  8. "I've ordered a wiring loom from KiOgon, stacked pots with separate tones and a series/parallel switch so excited to see what it'll sound like!" Based on the helpful comments in this thread & my love of the series setting on my Reverend 5, I'm ordering exactly the same setup from John & will also report back.
  9. Saw a friend at the weekend who keeps his bass in a hard case where two of the catches are broken. He asked me if I knew of anyone in the Croydon/ South London area who fixes such things. I don't and a search on here didn't find anything either. Any suggestions please?
  10. In 30 years of gigs, I've only had 1 broken string and 1 blown up amp (G-K 700RB). Fixing the string was easy but I've always taken 2 basses to most gigs since. The amp issue was resolved by borrowing a spare PA power amp. I was using an active bass that night so it was easy to drive it & get a good sound. Perhaps I've been lucky?
  11. I enjoyed it on iPlayer and bass (and overall sound) was fine. I have a Panasonic 5 way + sub system. Perhaps we need a gear porn thread for our TV sound systems or perhaps we should lobby Alex to make a Barefaced system.
  12. Whilst I would echo the recommendations of buying used off here & going for a separate amp & cabs, I would also suggest that Northampton isn't too far from Bass Direct in Warwick. You'll get much more from a visit there than one to a generic music shop.
  13. I like the Demeter Optocompulator. It's simple, effective and there's no issues with the top end.
  14. I've never heard of Peterbuilt basses either but the trucks are spelt Peterbilt IIRC. Off to google the basses too.
  15. PTB

    now sorted!

    Now sorted, many thanks!
  16. PTB

    now sorted!

    Thanks Lojo, we've tried but can't reach anyone there. Still in need of a BC rescue job!
  17. Our rented kit has arrived with no snare stand! Can anyone in the Brighton area loan us a snare stand for the evening please? We go on around 9-9:30. Expenses and more will be yours!
  18. Great blog Sylvia, sorry our paths didn't cross at the event.
  19. "Is the general verdict that Markbass amp heads are great, their cabs/speakers not quite so?" Yes, I think it is. I am very happy with my LMII into a Barefaced S12T.
  20. [quote name='CamdenRob' timestamp='1426501218' post='2718458'] This seems to be a popular theme with dingwalls, I've seen a few threads like this. Cracking build quality, playability etc but several people saying they sound a bit bland. [/quote] Yep, I tried mine both active and passive and could not get a sound I liked. I replaced it with an MTD 535 which is much better sounding and just as good to play IMHO.
  21. ......and I've just bought the S12 referred to above in this thread from Matt. It was a textbook transaction with clear regular comms and he even offered delivery at a very fair rate which saved me innumerable headaches. Thanks Matt!
  22. You've already received great advice so I'll not add any more. What I will say is that I was doing this kind of show 15 years ago with my girls feeling proud & nervous. In a couple of weeks, the 3 of us are part of a band doing a big corporate gig in a posh hotel for 350 accountants! I love playing bass for them now they can really sing and remain their biggest fan. Enjoy!
  23. I'm aiming to go see them again. I enjoyed the atmosphere of the Scala gig but, as I wrote on here at the time, all rows in front of me & my girls were Giants so we didn't see much. I completely agree on the "love an artist not a whole genre" point. Most of the fuzak that Bilbo lists leaves me cold whereas I really enjoy the Pups. I'm not into music that is merely admirable, there has to be some connection at a emotional level.
  24. I enjoyed a pleasant stroll around and bought a nice handmade strap. I didn't see any other BCers i knew - perhaps you were all in the live sessions? Highlights for me were the performances on the Elixir stand - hats off to them for consistent good stuff each year - esp. Yolanda Charles, Dean Marks & Mike Mondesir. For me, there were less gear highlights than before but I enjoyed looking at the Sadowsky's and meeting the man himself who was cool. The stand with double basses (Thomas Martin I think) was cool too with live bass building to watch. It seemed well attended to me but I prefered the mix of guests and gear last year, particularly Paul Turner & Lee Sklar.
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