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Everything posted by Bolo

  1. Yes edit: same goes for jazz guys.
  2. I play the bass and the mic, bass guitar and vocals? I am the bass player and the vocalist. Singer is a solo artist.
  3. https://goo.gl/images/3NmvKP If you check her Facebook you can see and read how she toured some South America with Jamiroquai. literally one minute google.
  4. Nice! Until the singing started.
  5. We were last described as "blackened thrash metal"
  6. Sounds lifeless to me, but I don't think that surprised anyone.
  7. To hear the compressed track on a 20p piece of rapidly degrading plastic 😂 Who are you kidding mate? 🤣 Good is good, better is in your imagination.
  8. I'm surprised that CDs haven't been replaced by USB sticks or micro SD cards! Cheap, reliable, plenty of storage space for digital artwork, take up no space, etc. etc. I still buy CDs, mainly from bands I like the live show of, or enjoy their music on Spotify or YouTube. The CD still sounds better than MP3 and/or Bluetooth and can sound as warm as you like with a little EQing. I like records, sentimental things aren't they? Clumsy old things but keep you busy. All tape should be molten into solar panels or somesuch. Unreliable crud.
  9. Bass in a hardboard case resting on the steering wheel and under one arm and a H&K basskick (I think, the blue batskin one?) balanced on the luggage rack of a knackered old bicycle. To and from practice every week.
  10. Maybe Robert Trujillo most of all. Ever since Lights, Camera, Revolution! He literally changed my world. Honourable mentions go to Les Claypool and Jo Bench.
  11. I used to break strings regularly 15-20 years ago when I was still on EB power slinkies I think. Haven't broken one since switching to DR strings back then.
  12. Tuning should always be done silently, or as silent as possible for acoustic instruments. Not a soul in the world wants or needs to hear the sound of tuning.
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