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Everything posted by bertbass

  1. I wasn't a great fan of banjos until I heard this, I can't stand solo sax though and don't get me started on recorders!
  2. I use dunlop 1mm, the black nylon ones, they work well. It's amazing what a difference different picks make to the sound.
  3. Acoustic bass here. Just pick it up, play, put it down again.
  4. Bearing in mind that we all turn up together in the van, from arriving to ready for sound check, about an hour. Depending on the usual.
  5. Wear something that you wouldn't wear in the street, you are entertaining after all.
  6. YOU WERE LUCKY.................................
  7. I'm trying to find a big hairy spider to hang on my tuners, but then I might frighten myself. I've been in Vegas for a couple of halloweens, Fremont street, and it was absolutely brilliant. The parade was a bit of a shambles though. Frank and the Steins were superb.
  8. Might be worth bearing in mind that a duo gets squeezed into a tiny corner just big enough for 2 guitarist to sit / stand side by side. Certainly less room than needed to set up a drum kit.
  9. Fascinating! Looks a bit cranky today but what wonderful innovations for the time.
  10. [quote name='EBS_freak' timestamp='1508320145' post='3391285'] This makes me laugh this talk of drum gear - why is it as a bass player that doesn't play drums, I'm the owner of a full set of drum mics, a full set of percussion mics, drum screens, a set of triggers... Hell, I have more vocal mics than the lead singers in the band too... And the guitarist has also taken to using my amp too... Go figure. Hashtag mug. [/quote] You as well!
  11. Straight from Shure themselves. [color=#4B4B4B]To ensure good diversity performance, space antennas apart by at least one-quarter of a wavelength (about 5 inches at 600 MHz). The receiver antennas should be angled apart in a wide “V” configuration, which provides better pickup when the transmitter is moving around and being held at different angles.[/color]
  12. While I love playing short scale basses, lighter, faster, great tone, as I play pretty hard, the E always seems floppy and goes sharp when hit, sorry plucked, and comes back in tune a second or so later. It you play lighter than I do then it will be fine.
  13. I searched for me and only found me! I must be unique!
  14. I never, ever, ever have leads running across the stage, nothing to do with high heels, I don't want to trip over them. All leads always run round the edges of the stage and behind backline or across the front and taped down! I never have noise problems either.
  15. I've done this many times when making a right handed neck left handed or in one case making and 8 string from a 4 string. My method is to cut off the bit you want to change make it perfectly flat and square, then do the same to the bit of wood that you want to add. Glue the 2 together and when the glue is dry, clean up and shape and finish as desired. Works great. I bought a box of maple offcuts on Ebay a few years ago and I've been working my way through that. Just re-read your post, do as above to both sides of the head making a paddle and then shape and finish as desired.
  16. Go here, http://www.billfitzmaurice.com choose your design and buy the plans from bill. Not the most expensive in the world and you'll know that the cab will be one of the best that you could ever own.
  17. We have it but never claimed on it. Needed it to get some gigs though.
  18. I also had to sell mine through poverty. Wish I still had it though!
  19. I want one! Bit lacking in the left handed department though.
  20. [quote name='outsider70' timestamp='1503227035' post='3356534'] [url="https://youtu.be/GQVTtpE9J7s"]https://youtu.be/GQVTtpE9J7s[/url] Highway Star- Chickenfoot [/quote] +100
  21. After I was forced to sell my 69er I built myself a 6x10. Not the lightest cab in the world, ceramic speakers, but very easy to move about. Sounds great and I can always hear what I'm playing. To move it I just lean it back and pull, rolls along nicely on the 2 large wheels underneath. I put a handy handle on the bottom so my band mates can help me up stairs as well. Handle on the top and a handle either side, covers all eventualities. I've put speakons on the back and also one on each side so that I can just push the cab against the wall and can always plug it in easily. We have a ramp to get the gear in the van and I can easily drag it in and into position. Looks quite business like as well. I think you'll be quite happy.
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