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Everything posted by bertbass

  1. [quote name='Maude' timestamp='1482922139' post='3203495'] I keep toying with the idea of a Rick 4005 copy off there. [/quote] Me as well. Who's going for one first? Left handed one for me though.
  2. Don't know anything about that I'm afraid but did have a Wharfdale 15" passive monitor once and could only just lift it. Bloody heavy. Made of MDF.
  3. [quote name='Maude' timestamp='1481903425' post='3196161'] I've bought s/h doublebass strings to see what suits me and my bass. At £150 and upwards it's expensive to buy new strings just to bin them after a couple of rehearsals/gigs if they don't suit. [/quote] How much?
  4. Strange how half the lights don't work for support bands either.
  5. Put it this way. I don't play guitar or drums. Anything else you can think of is down to me!
  6. Carry on with what you're doing but make it more so then you'll be the one who gets noticed and is talked about. The others will start to feel a bit left out and, with a bit of lick, start trying to out perform you. Instant stage show.
  7. I use a Peavey power amp that I have to point a fan heater at for a few minutes to get it working at this time of the year.
  8. Isn't the question not what the band is worth but what the venue is willing to pay.
  9. But he does own a left handed screwdriver and hammer!
  10. Personally, I'd lift the scratchplate and have a look, probably just needs the contact bent a bit. If it's a duff socket then I'd change that myself as well. Seems like a lot of effort to take it back for a 5 minute job.
  11. The Soundcraft looks a useful bit of kit and I've read a few reviews. The main complaint seems to be that it drops wifi a lot. Is this a serious issue for you using them or are they just an unlucky few?
  12. Alex has come pretty close with this, http://barefacedbass.com/product-range/FR800.htm Just add a pre-amp of your choice. Perhaps a pedal sized pre-amp mounted to a pedal board. Sounds like a plan to me.
  13. It's normal to not hear yourself well in the monitors at first against others singing, but it's something you get used to over time. your own monitor is a must and having all the vocals in your monitor helps you balance your voice against the others for a good balance and again it's some thing that only comes with time and experience. Don't panic or give up just persevere, you'll get there in the end, I promise!
  14. AH, but it's towards the cost of P.A. and lights!
  15. If it was me, I'd do your suggestion, try and set up oriented across the room and just "play to the room" and effectively ignore the rest of the pub - not even try to be heard out there? If the audience want to hear and see the band then they'll come to you.
  16. Being left handed, I spent the first few years of my playing life trying to get away from them as it always made it look as though I couldn't afford a proper left handed bass. The fact that I couldn't actually find any was besides the point.
  17. I'd suggest a Fender Rumble. I ended up with a Rumble 500 head after my GB Streamliner 800 died and I have to say I'm mightily impressed, great sound, loud and incredibly light.
  18. I tried Entwhistle pickups because at the price you can't go far wrong. I'm really glad that I did as they are superb and I'd say that they are as good as the EMG actives they replaced, actually, I think I prefer them.
  19. Have you all tried tuning to the same tuner? They're all supposed to be the same but quite often they're not. You get more 'lag' being the other side of the stage than from latency.
  20. Keyboards, so versatile and you get to sit down.
  21. Hate this sort of thing. It's just karaoke. Any decent guitarist doesn't need to thicken up his sound, just learn to play better. Anything on a backing track is totally unacceptable to me, so there!!!!!
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