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Everything posted by hiram.k.hackenbacker

  1. My lines are a bit of a hybrid of everything to be honest. ‘David Live’ is a great album and I can see us doing Width of a Circle at some point. Our guitarist loves that one.
  2. You’re still on our list of places to get to if we can 👍. I will mention The Laughing Gnome. Again 😀. We were asked to do the whole of Diamond Dogs for a large event that never came off unfortunately. It was cancelled before we started working on the music. The album we are closest to pulling off is Station to Station. The only ones we haven’t done are Word on a Wing and TVC15.
  3. Episode 4: ‘Wind Yer Neck In’ I filed the ‘item not as described’ with eBay for the neck plate and that’s going back. Proper one bought as per @AndyTravis’s suggestion. Just before packing the dodgy plate up for return, I borrowed some genuine Fender bolts from one of my other basses so I could exactly where we were with the Flea neck fitting this body. Dug a used set of strings out and set to it. I had visions of me taking the neck on and off all afternoon adjusting the truss rod, but no, it all came together very well and the neck relief was spot on (for me). The saddles needed very little adjusting and the intonation was even spot on. I had thought about replacing the bridge, the saddles are almost on the floor and if I get one with a thicker plate, that could cause issues I fear. I think the next move is to purchase @KiOgon’s control plate and get this bad boy routed. All in all I’m pleasantly surprised with today’s events. Shopping list now includes shielding tape and wire for grounding (it does have grounding wires, but I’m going to replace them). Any recommendations for either? Stay tuned 🌧🌧🌧🌧😎🌧🌧🌧🌧
  4. Thanks @dmccombe7. I know one of the guitarists definitely wants to do Width Of a Circle and I think those last four songs are very good calls. The Laughing Gnome won’t be happening, although we will be doing Magic Dance at some point, just not this year. Sounds like you did what I did. I sit down to sort out some ideas and just end up listening to hours and hours of Bowie. I logged into Spotify last night and found another new gig from Paris in 1999. That was another hour and quarter gone just like that. That was the first time he played ‘Something in The Air’ and also did a great version of ‘It Can’t Read’. Just so much great stuff to choose from.
  5. We've only done 'Afraid' from that album. Our singer really wants to do '5:15 The Angles Have Gone' and 'Everyone Says Hi'. Part of the beauty of being in a Bowie tribute is that you can be a little 'elastic' in your approach to certain tunes. That's exactly what he would have done. 'Slip Away' is a lovely song. I'm listening to it now ☺️
  6. The band have had all but one gig cancelled for 2020 and I don't think that will go ahead. We've decided to do something that will be called 'C2B TV'. Nothing against streaming gigs, but we wanted to do something that we are a little more in control of rather than being at the behest of bandwidth and certain technical limitations. I know, there are ways of doing it, but the decision has been made and that is that. Given our current repertoire, what new Bowie songs do you think we should add? (Excuse the duplicates. They are alternate versions we work from in my playlist).
  7. That has been mentioned elsewhere in this thread. @cetera has a Batcave 😎
  8. Wow, thanks Douglas. I will, of course, pay you for your services and secure shipping both ways. I would be much happier sending it to someone I know rather than a stranger. I'm sure I could sort out a secure delivery to you if you could send me your address via PM. I must say that I'm very cloudy about what's actually on this tape. It might be cringeworthy at best, but it would be nice to hear it after all these years.
  9. I presume this has only happened as a result of the bridge swap?
  10. Hello good people of Basschat. In the words of David Coverdale - 'Ere's one for ya'. I've found this 1/4" tape which has been buried for several decades in the boxes in our loft space. It's a studio recording from (I think) the second ever band I was part of. I believe there are two tracks on the tape, but I have no means of playing it. What you see in the photo's is about as much as I can remember. I think it's kind of Northern Soul-ish in content. I would like to get it transferred to digital, but it must be with absolutely zero risk to the original tape, because as far as I am aware, it is the only one in existence. By that, I'm not saying it is anything special, it's just if something goes wrong with this or it goes missing, that would be a shame, as I would like to hear what is on it. The only information I can add, is that it was definitely recorded using my then go to bass, a Westone Thunder II. I only had one other bass at that time which was a Washburn Scavenger. I still have both basses. I would be grateful if you could suggest somewhere that I can Special Deliver this tape to that can guarantee it will transferred to digital and returned with confidence. I will of course share the results. However embarrassing they may be. Suit up!
  11. Thanks mate. Just bought that one and filed for a return on the other one. To be fair, the seller did reply stating send it back and they'll sort it, but I've no doubt it will be with parts of dubious origin. I can't understand how I didn't see the one you posted when I was searching. Oh well, just prolonged the wait by another couple of days or so. Much appreciated pal 👍.
  12. Thanks Andy. I’ll have a look when I get home 👍
  13. Well, another lesson learnt. Check the bolts before trying to screw the neck together. The bolts that were sent with the above plate are not correct. Had I compared them to any other bolt from any other Fender I have, I would have realised that the thread is wrong. They are too wide and don't extend the full length of the shaft. 'Item not as described' en route to seller 🤬.
  14. Teaser for Episode 4: ‘Wind Yer Neck In’ Ordered: Received: The one neck plate I didn’t want. On the upside, it’s looks like a proper one rather than the flimsy pressed metal copies that are floating about. I’m not sure if I can be bothered to argue with the seller over £14. Would you? Does it matter? It seems to be another indicator that things may not go smoothly during this process.
  15. @cetera - well let me know when you want to sell. There are a few there I would definitely be interested in 😎.
  16. I know there are people that detest gold hardware, but on the right wood, I think it just looks great. Nicely done 👍
  17. I di don't know that. In the land of the free as well. Doesn't that breach a Constitution of some kind 😂
  18. True, but I’m going to have to finish the J before I consider buying anything else 😎.
  19. Yes, modified at Roger Sadowsky's. Looks fab to me.
  20. Lull got round that by putting the B string through the body. Works 👍
  21. That nice one is a Monarch (I think). The other one isn’t. That’s about the sum of my knowledge on that one as all I’ve ever had are Monarch’s. @molan would probably one of the better people to ask.
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