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Everything posted by hiram.k.hackenbacker

  1. Roll up, roll up, roll up - buy this bass before Andy smashes all his children's piggy banks 🤣.
  2. This being my first Spector, I’m in love with the body design. Super slim with that curve in the back. Genius design. I actually crossed my mind whether it would be possible to get that neck shaved down slightly, but I think I would be inviting a large bill and at the risk of ruining that lovely green gloss. Safer selling it I think.
  3. SOLD I'm no authority on Spector's, so I've nicked this specification from the original listing which I believe to be accurate.... Spector Euro 4LX TW - finished in the legendary high gloss green. BODY - Carved European alder body with a USA figured maple top and a slice of Walnut. NECK - 3 piece Maple with graphite rods inside for additional strength. FINGERBOARD - Rosewood with mother of pearl crown inlays. NUMBER OF FRETS - 24 SCALE LENGTH - 34" HARDWARE/BRIDGE - Spector zinc brass alloy locking bridge with intonation screws and brass nut. PICKUPS: EMG 35TW ELECTRONICS - ACTIVE TONE CONTROLS: Spector Tone Pump, bass and treble CONTROLS : Bridge pickup volume with push/pull function for single/dual coil selection, neck pickup volume with push/pull function for single/dual coil selection, treble boost and bass boost. Overall in excellent condition and was very well cared for by it's previous owner Weight - 9lb 4oz. I'm happy to ship within the UK for cost. The bass comes in a functional hard case.
  4. I’ve just realised that I did used to have a bass with a Just-A-Nut fitted, but didn’t keep it long enough to tinker with it. In fitness, I had no need to as it was set up perfectly well on arrival. It was an Adam Clayton Reverso....I know, I know - I didn’t buy it new 😂
  5. These are from the colour catalogue that also came with it which says ‘effective from January 1, 2008’.
  6. Not sure if these are any use. They came with the Modulus Flea I bought from @Chiliwailer. These first two shots are from the owners manual, so I’m assuming it’s correct to the bass which is dated 2008, the last year of the Flea Bass before they became the Funk Unlimited.
  7. I don’t think I’ve had any remorse over a custom build, yet. I had a Stingray put together which you would be unlikely to find another of, so I guess that counts as custom. That’s a great bass and a keeper. I had a Limelight Precision made as a clone of John Deacon’s Live Aid bass. That’s also going nowhere. I’m now having a crack at putting a bass together myself. We’ll see how that goes.
  8. @Chiliwailer - yes, I still have the catalogue. I’ll dig it out in a bit.
  9. Despite having owned two (I still have one), I can’t help. @Chiliwailer might be able to assist though.
  10. I’ve long had my suspicions that you are in fact a Time Lord, or at the very least have access to a TARDIS. Absolutely stunning. You don’t have a Jazz in that condition anywhere do you? Asking for a friend 😉
  11. Erm, unless he broke his neck twice (which he may have done) I think the way he ended up in a neck brace was someone was using him as a weight lifting bar and dropping him.
  12. Ah man, I’d go clear all day long. Enjoy.
  13. Good job it’s a fretless. I really like that design.
  14. Yes, it did. I have now been refunded by the seller. The Lindy Fralin's arrived today. Just waiting on the bridge and then I'm going to put it together to see what needs altering.
  15. Hi Malc, Welcome to Basschat. Plenty here to keep you busy, especially if you’re a builder of basses. Don’t know if you’re aware, that signature of yours is huge and appears in part to be duplicated. You’ll find a lot of people here will set that to ignore anyway. Might be worth downsizing or removing. Have fun 👍
  16. That’s a good shout actually. I’ve always wanted a Dremel and I have a scratchplate that needs a little Dremel love as well. The original tort one for my Flea ‘61 no longer fits it after the Status neck went on it. I guess the heel must be a slightly different shape and Rob must have taken a bit off the custom guard that’s on it when he put the graphite neck on it.
  17. True. The only issue I’ve had with a nut is one that had split and needed replacing. Knocked the old bits out, stuck a new one in (pre-filed) and was good to go. It’s owner was very happy with it.
  18. There are similar ones about in solid colours, but if you want a purple burst, it might be easier getting one refinished.
  19. @Chiliwailer knows far more about this kind of thing than I do, but I’ll weigh in. I know nothing about the Just-A-Nut, but that’s got to be bang on before you start looking anywhere else. Assuming that it is as it should be and the problem persists, it may be that there are two issues at play. My guess, and it is a guess, is that adjusting the nut correctly may eliminate the issue you have near the 4th. Could be something as simple as a slightly high fret further up the neck causing issues at the dusty end. Get the nut height sorted, then get the frets levelled. You’ll know where you are after that. If you still have issues you should be able to sort them with truss rod adjustment. The good news is it’s a bolt on, so shimtastic. Never really saw the point of the Just-A-Nut. Seems a bit gimmicky to me.
  20. Well, ‘Don’t Give Up’ as Levin plays it, doesn’t feature the B string. The section where he’s playing along with drums has a couple of 5th string notes in it, but it’s not hard to find a video that gives a better idea of what the whole bass sounds like. I fact, this is the first video that comes up when searching ‘30th Stingray’, just above two already mentioned 😎.
  21. The specs are quite different between the white version and the other three. Different basses in my opinion.
  22. I'm going to take a wild stab in the dark here and say that the demo video may not be the seller. There is nothing that I can see to link it with the particular instrument for sale. If you're that bothered about hearing what this model can do, there are plenty of other demo's on You Tube.
  23. I know someone who is Dijon on a Cajon. Does that count?
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