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Everything posted by hiram.k.hackenbacker

  1. Yes, that's what made me ask as you also have a blend control in the line above.
  2. That's LOT of stuff to be put off because of one string 😀. I've had Cobalt Flats on one of my 'Rays for years and they've been great. Absolutely right to send them back though.
  3. Is that switch as it says, a pick-up selector, or does it split the coils?
  4. It does look the business. If I was looking for another 5’er, I’d be tempted. GLWTS 👍
  5. Appreciate your position, but you would only need one photo left behind and it can be such low resolution that it would barely impact on the your account.
  6. Yes, the amount I’ve seen, it wouldn’t leave time for much else. Thanks for the clarification.
  7. It has been discussed before. I think the idea was that such items should be reported and the Mods can do a Time machine thing on them and put them back how they were before locking them. I may have that wrong. Paging @Silvia Bluejay.
  8. Also extremely unhelpful in determining the market value of a bass should you need to. It’s actually less work to leave it be. Maybe remove all photo’s apart from one of the full instrument.
  9. Slight amendment in respect of the guard. Having screwed it in place and laid the control plate next to it, all 3 control plate holes are marginally out and will have to be filled and re-drilled for the perfect fit. I’m going to get to grips with the Dremel today. Thinking about it, I should probably put the batteries on charge first.
  10. It’s only just arrived. Won’t be able to play with it until tomorrow now. All notes with thanks 👍.
  11. Ordered this last night, which should be here today. Time to get busy enlarging the control cavity. The eagle eyed among you will also have noticed that the knobs are missing from the control plate. I’m waiting on these, but there’s plenty of time yet, even before it goes to paint.
  12. Yes, because the bell plate is slightly out, the screws holes for the scratch plate were slightly out as well, so I didn’t bother putting it on. It does fit perfectly on its own though.
  13. Episode 5: Jazz Bass - Assemble I’ve spent an enjoyable afternoon assembling the Jazz today. This was very much a ‘put it together to see if makes any sound’ type experience and I’m pleased to say that it does. I didn’t bother doing the intonation or string heights, but I did adjust the pick-up height to the recommended distance. Issues identified: The screw holes in the body don’t line up with the bell plate holes. Well two of them do, but the other one is a bit off and it’s a bit too far to get it in even with a slight angle. I’m think I may have to fill that and re-drill before it goes away for the refinish. The control cavity is very tight. My next purchase will be a Dremel as recommended previously. I’m going to take a couple of mm off both sides. I may do this first as I think the bell plate may line up with all three holes once done. The G string doesn’t split the poles perfectly. I’m gonna wear that as I can’t doing anything about it and it’s debatable whether it an issue sonically anyway. There a 6 holes in the body that are surplus to requirements. They are getting filled by Dave when it goes for painting. On the upside, it’s amazingly quiet. Not a hint of an earthing issue. I replaced the bridge earthing wire with some newly acquired 22AWG and it works fine. I had a little worry for a second when I though the bridge pick-up wasn’t working until I realised the series/parallel switch was pointing the wrong way 🙄. I’m considering drilling flush mounted strap locks into the body. I know they’re not for everyone, but I like them. Nothing else to report for now I don’t think.
  14. The cat can’t read notation. It can only read tab.
  15. Get a room you two 🙄😂
  16. Damn. I was just thinking what I would do with this last night. Looking forward to seeing your build.
  17. I’m not actually sure where it’s going to get baked now you mention it. You may be right!
  18. Yes, I believe it was this one that you were looking at. That's a shame about the Black Fade. Stunning bass. I would love hear those FF pick-up's first hand.
  19. Long story short - I was all set to send the tape off to @Dad3353, when out of the blue, a local option popped up which seemed more sensible in that I could hand deliver it to the studio. Had a call this morning that having spooled it up, the tape made it through the test tones and then went wobbly. Tape is sticky all the way through and needs to go off for baking to remove the moisture. Tape is said to be in good condition, but cannot be used until this process has been completed.
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