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Everything posted by hiram.k.hackenbacker

  1. The only thing I have that is battered is a couple of pieces of cod in the freezer. #sadicantjoinin ☹️
  2. Funny you should mention JD. ‘Tis that which I am currently imbibing 🥃
  3. OK. I’ll play, although I fear you are suffering from the ill effects of something....😂 I know quite a few excellent drummers. Finding a good video of them at work has been a bit difficult.
  4. It would certainly gird @Dad3353’s loins.
  5. A link or two to said drummist might enthuse your audience somewhat.
  6. Have you forgotten to take your medication again? 😂
  7. That little riff in the chorus sounds very Geddy like in construct and sound which might take me to Wal eventually.
  8. Just a quick update. The cost of this ‘putting basses together’ business sure racks up if you don’t keep an eye on it doesn’t it? To be fair, rather than trawling web sites like some insomniac skip rat, I’ve taken the easy route and bought a few bits new rather than used, so I only have myself to blame really. Most of the pieces have either arrived or are now en route. Full list as follows: Squier CV Jazz bass body colour white (to be re-finished) MIM Fender Flea ‘61 Jazz bass neck @KiOgon stack pot control plate and harness (knobs to follow) Lindy Fralin Jazz bass pick-up’s Fender Vintage Bass Bridge (en route) Fender big ‘F’ neck plate Vintage White 10 hole scratchplate/pickguard Fender scratchplate/pickguard screws (en route - old ones were mank) Shielding tape/wire/pickup foam (foam en route) La Bella 760FS Deep Talkin’ Flat Wound Strings (en route) I have yet to tackle the routing issue. The control plate does actually fit in the body, but it’s very snug. I’m not kidding myself, I know I will need to make the cavity bigger, but as there is no soldering involved, I’m thinking I could put it together so it makes some noise first and see where we go from there. I’m ahead of schedule in respect of the body going to paint, so why not? I’m 99.9% sure what the final colour will be, but we’ll save that for another day. No spoilers please. You know who you are 😎.
  9. Nope. They do it all for you. When theY collect, they affix a sticker to the package which is peeled from a card. They give the rest of the card to you which has the same number on it. You can track from the number on the card one it arrives back at their base. That’s where the labels go on.
  10. @ped - you’ll never guess what? It worked!! Dear hiramkhackenbacker, Thank you for your reply and for providing us with documentation showing your experience with basschat.co.uk. This has allowed us to verify your experience in accordance with our guidelines. We’ve now reinstated your review on Trustpilot. You can see it by logging into your Trustpilot profile. If you have any questions, please visit our Support Center, or feel free to contact us by replying to this email.
  11. Yes, sometimes KISS is a very useful tool in a band context. As long as you get something out of it, that’s all that counts. As we’re in a sharing mode, this is one of my favourite drum clips. I’ve seen Jean-Paul many times and really enjoy watching what he does. Proof, of it were needed, that you don’t need a massive kit to be effective. Great band, great song, great drummer - but all in my humble opinion and I won’t be offended if it doesn’t do anything for you 😎
  12. Now you’re talking. MM is quality. Seen him a few times and never ceases to amaze.
  13. I think there is some confusion. My comments were in relation to the ‘Beat It’ video.
  14. I did watch to the end hoping there would a reward. There wasn’t. Adequate at best.
  15. I’m sure he is a good drummer, but I don’t think this video necessarily demonstrates that. I didn’t see or hear anything special - or am I missing something?
  16. Sorry, but I cannot abide reaction videos. I could not give a flying funk about someone’s reaction to something they are watching. You Tube is drowning in them and they irritate the hell out of me.
  17. I used one of these (with an extension cab) for function gigs for several years. It more than handled any venue we played and it never let me down. Good bit of kit. GLWTS.
  18. E-mail received and forwarded to Trustpilot. I'd give them 1 star for their work so far. Even that is being generous 😂
  19. @ped - it’s only taken Trustpilot a month to reply, but I received their response this morning: ”Dear hiramkhackenbacker, Thanks for getting back to us. Your review has been removed from our platform because we were unable to verify the authenticity of it. However, we’ll be happy to revisit our earlier decision if you can provide us with documentation verifying your experience. To verify your review: Find your order confirmation, invoice, delivery report or proof of service with basschat.co.uk. The documents should show: the name of the business, the name of the buyer (your name), the date, and a reference number. See more here. Send your documents by replying to this email. We accept forwarded emails from basschat.co.uk, screenshots of user registration/profile or similar, and pdf attachments.” Gonna struggle with that one 🙄.
  20. Commendable 👏👏👏👏
  21. I was just about to pull the trigger on a set of Fender CS60’s for my jazz build, but looking at the Creamery set, I think I’m going with those instead. Slightly cheaper and I get to buy British too. Thanks for the tip 👍
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