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Everything posted by essexbasscat

  1. Oldest song that keeps coming back ? Happy Birthday !
  2. [quote name='Dan Dare' timestamp='1429026910' post='2747182'] [sub]Nothing whatsoever. [/sub] [/quote] This, apart from the endless entertainment of tinnitus. What fun
  3. [quote name='alyctes' timestamp='1428714012' post='2744078'] Nice [/quote] Very, very nice
  4. I've done some reflection on this since last posting. Since your GP has already done the referral, you could contact the GP's and ask which hospital the referral was made to. Once this is known, you can contact the orthopaedic department for further info (including the expected waiting list time). Google the names of the surgeons in the department and see what comes up. Also, you could join local special interest groups, they will be a gold mine of information. You're welcome to PM me if you like
  5. There is an orthopaedic surgeon in my borough that specialises in the management of Dupuytrens. Once he has done the initial assessment, he will present the options appropriate for that time. He really does know what's good for a given circumstance. Of course, the patient still has to consent to anything that happens. Recommend you find the name of your area specialist and research what he's like. If he's good, recommend him to your GP. Best wishes with it
  6. Remember playing a Les Paul Custom through an HH in the 70's. It sounded great at the time, the guitar's natural tones came through beautifully GLWTS
  7. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1427975432' post='2736521'] The current mrs discreet has the opposite - I actually exist, but apparently she can't hear me. [/quote] First good laugh of the day !
  8. [i]As for the musty guitar case....... Pssssss[/i]
  9. I used to play a Bb tuba in the school brass band, about 12 - 13 years old at the time. Took a lot of puff when you're that small Such an enjoyable instrument though, I always look back at that time with affection. WInd instruments allow kinds of expression that a plucked string can't hope to match. Good luck with the sale
  10. Marvin; I also I have tinnitus, which is an audio hallucination, for want of a better expression. It's a sound that you can hear but doesn't actually exist. This ^ SSSSssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss
  11. After five hours of abdominal surgery, your lower trunk will take more than a bit of time to recover. How long can you sit up straight without leaning back against something ? or slumping ? it really is best to seek the advice of your surgeon, or his registrar, as someone has said earlier. Gig in haste, repent at leasure. Best wishes for a good and speedy recovery
  12. I'd love to see that. Have a blast and tell us all about it please
  13. Are there multi channel limiters out there that can be used for multiple PA desk inputs ?
  14. UPS about the best so far. Wouldn't trust anyone from My Herpes or Parcelfarce to sit the correct way around on a toilet seat. CityLink went out of business for good reasons in my experience.
  15. Suspect you'll get a range of advice on this one, but there will be no real substiture for seeing you in action. A good investment may be to have a few lessons with a decent tutor Alternatively, you could post some footage of you playing online and wait for the response. That may not be everyone's cup of tea though Good luck and best wishes for your career
  16. First of all, you could gather the physio's opinion about what's causing the problem, that may be illuminating. In the meanwhile,something to think about; 1) Do you think there's any connection between you starting to play a heavy(er) bass for longer periods of time than before and the onset of symptoms ? 2) You've played basses for many years, yet your post indicates problem has not emerged before now. If it were your posture (looking over the bass as you play) would that not have at least indicated something over the years ? (surely you must have had periods where you play longer sessions over the years ? did anything not happen then ?) Any thoughts ?
  17. Been thinking around this one myself. For the smaller gigs with not a huge amount of cables, I use cable ties to keep each cable seperate and a rucksack to haul them around. The extra rucksack pockets are handy for various connectors etc. If you get the larger rucksack, there will be enough space for mics in boxes For the slightly larger gigs, a Stanley mobile work centre has two compartments to seperate 240v power leads from other stuff. XLR cables can go around a drum, such as a small garden hose reel. This solution keeps things relatively seperate without the hassle of carrying around too many boxes, which take up space in the car
  18. Do you want to keep playing with guitarists that don't listen to the music you're playing ?
  19. [quote name='doctorbass' timestamp='1424879272' post='2701507'] [sub]There at the birth of Rock n Roll - farewell Joe[/sub] [/quote] ^This, (but bigger)
  20. Stadium Elites on my Goodfellow Rumour, they feed that on board eq quite nicely
  21. Thread resurrection here Any more recent observations on guitars BC ?
  22. MIne is Ziggy Stardust, listened to it last night. Great to see Hendrix, Deep Purple, Aladin Sane, Sheer Heart Attack and Quadraphenia coming up, all could easily appear on my list White Noise ! I'd almost forgot that one !
  23. This being a family forum, I'll refrain from expressing my thoughts about Mustang Sally. Just to say the language is decidedly viking Safe to say that one will never appear on a set list that I'm responsible for ....
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