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Everything posted by essexbasscat

  1. He has real respect from me, as he was there at the very beginning. I still play his basslines today as part of our set. RIP
  2. Just thinking around this one. How does one tell what the problem is ? after all, in many cabs there's the crossover and tweeter as well as the main driver Is it possible the problem may be something other than the driver ? loose wire ? Just some ideas
  3. [quote name='paul h' timestamp='1423228186' post='2682475'] I'm a terrible bass player, musician and person so I never even try to learn most bass lines! I much prefer making stuff up on the fly so I learn the chords (roughly) and then just throw in the odd riff reminiscent of the original to keep the rest of the band off my back [/quote] Classic
  4. I'd imagine that TWO of them would probably be enough to deafen people across the road !
  5. You could get in touch with WD music, they stock a good amount of bits n bobs. I've found them helpful in the past
  6. [quote name='funky8884' timestamp='1423338807' post='2683747'] I had a play with this set up the other day and found the Crossover quite sensitive, I was giving the cab loads of level. Wish I had more time to mess about with it. [/quote] I'd imagine that does sound [i]rather[/i] tasty. Is it a monster sound ? and..... apologies for the gentle thread highjack
  7. Bought a mesa head from Graeme, which arrived in it's original box from Mesa -it was like opening a brand new head straight from the manufacturer. I couldn't have been happier, the box was well wrapped and everything as good as you could wish for. Highly recommended Thanks again Graeme
  8. It seems the zed 60 -14 and the soundcraft mixers don't have any monitor sends. Or am I missing something ? Is it the case that small mixers don't have monitor sends ?
  9. Electronic drums have really worked well in the recent past. The decrease of on stage volume made harmonising vocals so much easier. Overall, it led to better individual performances and improved real time communication between musicians. That's on stage. Off stage- volume was more appropriate to the circumstances. Reality is, it led to more bookings for the band
  10. Killer Queen is fun Oh, along with House of the King by Focus
  11. I've used them for years, more so after the tinnitus kicked in. Even keep another pair in the car, as they really take the edge off road noise too. Custom moulded plugs do a better job, but they're a heftier price
  12. Putting together a Bowie tribute band is on my bucket list Good luck with your project
  13. [quote name='Maude' timestamp='1422300019' post='2670925'] The bridge may make a difference, it may not. Nobody watching you knows or cares, just get out there and play the damn thing. Spend the time saved not worrying about it practicing. Your improvement in playing ability will sound better than any improvement from a bridge. I try and convince myself that this is the best approach but I still spend hours fiddling with my basses regardless [/quote] Great post
  14. If the current deal falls through, please do contact me Thanks
  15. Your starter for ten..... Paul sold me a tuner which arrived in good condition, well packaged and protected with bubble wrap. Everything went smoothly and quickly, no hassle whatsoever. Recommended to BC Thanks Paul, nicely done Tom
  16. [quote name='JapanAxe' timestamp='1421675722' post='2663813'] If someone coils my cables I have to uncoil them and start again! [/quote] I end up doing the same. The guitarist says I'm a bit obsessive about my gear - this from someone that allows a onboxed PA desk to bounce around in the back of his car.
  17. In the end, I went with a system that allows a name to be written on the label. As for getting other band member to coil the cables properly, that's an ongoing task.....
  18. What an interesting programme. Went all the way back to Thomas Edison's invention of the tin roll to capture sound and play it back for the very first time, showing the machine that did it and the very first recorded sound ever heard - Edison reciting Mary Had a Little Lamb. Later on, the very first blues recordings, including Louis Armstrong playing a mean trumpet and improvising vocals on spot - again a first on record. Absolutely fascinating
  19. Look into BAPAM, an organisation of health professionals with special knowledge and interest in health problems associated with the performing arts. They came to my attention through an article about the treatment of a member of the London Philharmonic Orchestra Best wishes for a good resolution for your issue
  20. A friend gave me one to set up for his son in law. I found the build quality of the through neck construction to be very good and the instrument very very playable (once I had set it up, I admit). I didn't test the guitar at gig volume, so can't comment on how the pickups are in that situation. That being said, if they were found to be wanting, I would happily invest in a set of Kent Armstrongs or Seymour Duncans for the instrument, as the finished result would be a very usable guitar. Are they worth the money ? definately. A used one ? bargain !
  21. What bass player turns up to a gig without a bass.... Erm... Oh dear. Luckily the guitarist in that band lived around the corner and I borrowed a bass he had in a back room The guitarist in the current band also left both guitars at home last year. No -one is immune.
  22. Two; - A maple/maple 73 precision with white scratchplate helped to fund my first Goodfellow. Ah well...... - Hohner Jack, from new. Light, great pickups, cigarette paper action, faultless build. Why did I sell this ? DOH !
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