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Status Updates posted by Rich

  1. I drink a lot of coffee during the day. A lot. But none of it ever tastes as good as the first cup of the day.

    1. acidbass


      How much is a lot?

  2. Frost* at Komedia in Bath earlier...

    Milliontown... oh my GOD.


  3. NSD... shiny new Elixir nickels on the ska bass :sun_bespectacled:

  4. Follow-up to my NSBD (New Skirting Board Day), finally got some in place. Very pleased with the design. I don't do a lot of DIY so I'm quite chuffed with this. 


    1. Bigwan


      I fitted a laminate floor in our bedroom and replaced all the skirting at the same time, rather than going the beading route. 2nd time I've done skirting. A satisfying job if your walls are square and plumb like they were on my 1st attempt, not so much when they aren't like, my 2nd attempt in a much newer house... But decent wood filler, decorators caulk and some patience with a paintbrush covers a multitude of sins!

    2. Rich


      Oh god, I feel your 2nd-attempt pain... this house doesn't have a flat wall or a 90 degree corner or a rectangular doorway in the entire place. The whole building is a Friday afternoon job. The walls are ~ and the doorways are \ / and the corners are \_ . 

  5. Just resurrected my old mic stand (and when I say 'old', it still bears the name of a band I was in that split in 1988). Very rusty and creaky, but after disassembly an overnight soak in white vinegar and a clean-up with wire wool soon got rid of the rust on the adjusting bits, and with a bit of silicon WD spray here and there it's as good as... well, not good as new, but it's got a new lease of life.

    1. martthebass


      Just retired my old mic stand to the bin.  Can't complain, it probably did 400 gigs plus with me....what surprised me is it's replacement weighed about half as much.

  6. NSBD (New Skirting Board Day). 6 lengths delivered, and I've just realised quite how long 4.4 metres is... O.o 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. andybassdoyle


      Pics or it never happened. That's certainly a thing for NBD, assume it would apply here too.


      Is the SB fretless/passive/etc? We need details please

    3. Rich


      It's completely passive, ultra-long scale, massive neck dive unfortunately, and sounds really sht. 

    4. andybassdoyle


      sounds like a keeper to me

  7. Wearing grey jeans and a grey polo today. I feel like John Major :lol: 

    1. SpondonBassed


      Pass the peas?



    2. Drax


      Remember the days when the worst thing about our PM was that he was a bit boring.. 

    3. Rich


      Yes... who would have thought that one day we would look back on it as the good old days. :( 

  8. Please keep your fingers crossed for my cat. Having ultrasound on a big lump. :(

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. Daz39


      Aww, that sucks. Sorry to hear that.

    3. GisserD


      sorry for your loss :( 


    4. Paul S

      Paul S

      :( So sad.  Breaks your heart even though you know you did your best by her.

  9. Yeah, that's just what you want at bed time isn't it... back pain that gets worse when you lie down. Great. :(

    1. Lozz196


      You have my sympathies Rich, back pain = not good

    2. TheGreek


      Got one of those. The dogs were both in season recently and weren't allowed off the lead. Didn't stop them having "disorganised dog fights".

      I'm all right when I'm upright - getting  up and sitting down is a different matter.

    3. stewblack


      I have been recovering from a lower back issue and tweaked it yesterday. You have my sympathy Rich. I couldn't roll over in bed last night and was concerned I might never move again it was so bad. Luckily my back support was within reach and I managed to get it on. This at least enabled me to move again.

  10. God help us all.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. martthebass


      There is no God......

      I'm picking out my spot just over the border in Dumfries to 'watch Rome burn'....

    3. TheGreek


      "God helps those who help themselves"....so a career in burglary it is then

    4. prowla


      This is reversing a stupid NI tax increase which hits middle-earners.

  11. NBD (New Bins Day)... nice new reading specs 🥸 

    #foureyes #speccytwãt



  12. Outdoor gig today... I'm gonna fry 😰

    But hey, it's a gig 😃

    1. hiram.k.hackenbacker


      I'd rather fry than get wet.

  13. Have just become hopelessly carried away in the Maruszczyk bass configurator... oh well, there goes the morning...

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. alyctes


      I like the blue one.  Too many frets though.

    3. MacDaddy


      ooh the bottom one. You would, wouldn't you‽

    4. MacDaddy
  14. 24 songs to learn for a dep gig tomorrow evening... eek.

    (although in truth, I already know a handful of them)



    Shower of bastards.

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. eude


      Yup, she won't be going by air again, not for a very long time.

      The Eurostar can get you to Rotterdam now, which is close enough, and although they've had issues too, you're only talking about a couple of hours delay, not a whole day and ultimately a cancelation after all that torture.

    3. Rich


      I've got to go to Italy again next year, for my stepson's wedding... got to say I am really really tempted to drive, via the ferry. I know it's a hell of a long way, but I think it'd be nice. Spread it over three days or so, take a leisurely route maybe. A whole load better than flying, that's for certain.

    4. mowf


      I think airlines are like couriers and car hire companies. I've had to use them a fair bit and if I blacklisted all the ones I've had bad experiences with, there wouldn't be many left!

  16. Yesterday in America it was 06/23.

    Today it looks more like 1923.


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Rich


      Yup. 'Other people' being anyone who isn't straight, white, christian and male. 

    3. alyctes


      America sliding steadily down the slope into barbarism.

    4. Daz39


      To be fair they were already close to the bottom of pretty much every sensible league table where Big Nations are concerned. I feel sorry for the tens of millions whom this will affect, and despise the tens of millions who think this is Jeebus answering their Thoughts and Prayers, and the millions who did not vote for Hillary because of her emails...

  17. When you’re stuck in an airport on the other side of Europe, completely stranded because your connecting airport is shut, the last thing you want to hear from the airline agent is “good luck”… o.O

    1. gary mac

      gary mac

      Are you still there Rich?

    2. Rich


      Got home at 2am today. See my post here:


  18. There’s a nightingale singing outside my bedroom window. Oh, glorious. 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Rich


      Rather a long way from Dorset, or Berkeley Square...

      Pomarance, Italy

    3. alyctes


      Ah well.  Thanks anyway, and I hope it's been back :)

    4. Bigwan


      Better than the bullock that was complaining outside my window all night because his bro bullock escaped yesterday and was deposited in a different field...

  19. Holidaying in Italy... I'd parked the car in a town car park while we wandered around, this was what I found on my return. Bloody Italians. >:( Luckily I managed to get in through the passenger door and scramble across. I may have accidentally scrawled the word 'TWÀT' in foot high letters in the dust on his bonnet before I left.


    1. ezbass


      Should've written stronzo, but maybe they'll have to Google silly billy, which will be much more fun.

  20. When you're at the airport waiting to check in, decide to have a quick browse on Farcebook while you're waiting, and the first pic that pops up on your screen is this. The algorithms are taking the pish. 


    1. alyctes


      Ancient History Day...  IIRC that was 1972.

    2. Rich





      TBH this is one of the most chilling photos I have ever seen. One can only guess at the sheer unadulterated panic and terror inside that cabin. 

    3. alyctes


      Yes.  I have seen (once, and never found again - I have a professional interest) a photo of a cloudscape over an American city; with an airliner in a 90-degree bank and its lower wingtip below the silhouetted buildings.  The photographer caught the airliner by accident.  There is no way that aircraft was capable of recovering.  So, everyone in it was about to die.  It is probably from one of the crashes which exposed the existence of clear air turbulence; so maybe 1975.


  21. Been doing some troubleshooting on my mute switch/tuner output thingy that wasn't behaving as I was hoping. Turns out there was one hair-like strand of a wire that was sticking out from a soldered joint causing an intermittent short to ground. I obviously need to brush up on my wire tinning skills. *slaps self*

  22. Get a real kick out of seeing my band listed alongside some big names. 


    1. SpondonBassed


      Which one's yours Rich?

    2. Rich


      Friday 17th June

    3. SpondonBassed


      Cool band name.

  23. If I ever take my car to mainland Europe again, I am definitely getting one of these. image.png.94142e7aabd631515fa79ed1f2e6ff2b.png

    1. yorks5stringer


      You'll need to win the lottery first unless its electric!

    2. prowla


      The people who run the UK are voted in by the people who vote in the UK; therefore, by association, the people of the UK must be idiots too.

      OTOH, France is a beacon of liberal thinking.

  24. The famous 'This England' speech from Shakespeare's Richard II is much beloved by demented flagwavers:

      "This precious stone set in the silver sea,
      Which serves it in the office of a wall,
      Or as a moat defensive to a house,
      Against the envy of less happier lands,
      This blessed plot, this earth, this realm, 
      This England

    How many of them know that the speech continues thus:

      "This dear dear land is now leased out
      Like to a tenement or pelting farm:
      England, bound in with the triumphant sea
      Is now bound in with shame,
      With inky blots and rotten parchment bonds:
      That England, that was wont to conquer others,
      Hath made a shameful conquest of itself

    Shakespeare knew.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. prowla


      Who are these demented flagwavers that I know not about?

    3. Rich


      Tarring? Not at all. I didn't say they were all demented, did I..? There are flag wavers and there are demented flag wavers.

    4. prowla


      Is "mented" the opposite of "demented"?

  25. OMG. Dave Wakeling of The Beat has just started following my ska band on Twitter. 

    1. Clarky


      Hands off, he's mine! :D


    2. Marc S

      Marc S

      That's brilliant! :) 

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