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Everything posted by lojo

  1. [quote name='Bilbo' timestamp='1496305353' post='3310293'] Never heard it all through. Will look it up. [/quote] Enjoy , That's like saying you've never seen Star Wars I used to have it on cassette for my Walkman on the tube when I first worked in London , not heard it for about 25 years , maybe I should rediscover it. There's many so called classic albums I've not heard , these anniversaries whilst commercial are good I think
  2. Id find it easy to play the 11th fret on the D rather than 16A
  3. Remembering words and having a feel for he song are 2 different things , anyone can forget words , but if you don't know where to come in from feeling or instinctive memory , it's going to be hard to learn that I'm assuming we are talking about covers and not originals that one can't listen to at home over and over
  4. I've got 3 M/CIJs all fantastic 450 is a good price
  5. I've got it on a Dep set list I'm doing soon , it's a laugh every now and then Last time I did it (also as a dep) the bass player for the band after us was standing on the side of the stage so I gave him my bass and went to the loo , wasn't out of disrespect for MS but because I'd drunk a lot of ale and needed relief and knew he know the song
  6. plenty of people in their late teens / 20s will say how they feel they where robbed of a decent music scene for the growing up years , everything is safe or contrived , of course with some amazing exceptions , but few exceptions
  7. Don't do but seen it done , It wouldn't suit me but I definitely in the there should be no rules camp these days , to many players think there are right and wrong ways to make nice noises As for key changes , most changes I come across want to take you down the board into D tuning or 5 strings , so I can't think of a situation where a capo would help me without the line sounding to high
  8. Saw them in the early 90s , they where fantastic , can't believe they are still doing it , I really should try to go again
  9. Met a bass player during my working day today at his house , I plucked them and all his basses where setup with too low action and he didn't even have a Jazz , what's wrong with some people ? Add to that he didn't offer me a cuppa and I even think I saw a music stand !
  10. It's bass playing for sure , not my taste , but it's bass playing , why would it not be ?
  11. [quote name='Thunderbird' timestamp='1494954880' post='3299949'] Someone's Mrs said no lol Glwts [/quote] Ha ha Yep good luck
  12. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1494876894' post='3299275'] It doesn't take long to plug the Jack back in really does it? [/quote] No but I still find it annoying , i had a jazz bass setup before and never had to keep pulling the plug, and I'll pick it up for 5 minutes at a time when I get a mo First word problem it is , but still if we are being geeky, it's an issue and talking point
  13. I find it annoying you can't leave it plugged in , I like leaving a bass set up in my office
  14. [quote name='casapete' timestamp='1494782043' post='3298492'] Along with 'Young hearts run free' maybe...... [/quote] Add I will survived to the set
  15. She's amazing , And Paul S Denman was the reason my first real bass was a stingray (copy )
  16. [quote name='hiram.k.hackenbacker' timestamp='1412107722' post='2565793'] Just before Madness ensued.... [/quote] Great set , have fun Looks like Ade Edmonson with the glass
  17. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1494532509' post='3296836'] My band has be lucky enough to play the infamous Summerfest for the last 6 years as a support act on headline stages. However they have always been weekday slots early in the day, 12:30 or 1:30. One year we had a 3:30 on the Johnson Controls Sound stage and we had about 1,200 people. This year, and I don't know how we lucked out. We play July 2nd , a Sunday on the ULine Rock Stage at 7:30. Peter Frampton is the headliner and he starts at 9:30. I'm thinking we will be playing to at least 3,000. I'm already nervous as hell. I'm conjuring up images of me hyperventilating and having an anxiety attack. Biggest gig of my life. Help! Blue [/quote] Congrats on your gig I did summer Festival a number of years ago and split ale all over me on a hot summers day , I was then hounded by some wasps , my wife commented how I was dancing more than usual , she couldn't see the wasps I was trying to shake off . I'm sure yours will go well , your a time served player , just do your thing
  18. [quote name='hiram.k.hackenbacker' timestamp='1494359489' post='3295378'] Perhaps it should be changed to Guitarstard (def: musician born outside of wedrock) 😀 [/quote] That's a good suggestion , better than the current one , and I can say so because I am a Bstard
  19. I totally get Burittos point that it's a play on a word which should not really be used to discribe someone who is challenged in anyway , however I also believe that when it's used as we are the motivation is not in anyway to offend those connected to or struggling with physical and mental challenges. Most likely time to find another word , but the banter should not cease , very much like calling the backs "girls" in rugby
  20. [quote name='Roland Rock' timestamp='1494331225' post='3295005'] Sorry of already mentioned - Kenny Kravitz Primarily a guitarist but plays much bass. I believe the first album is all Lenny on bass and there is some really lovely playing on there. Check out the middle break in "does anybody out there even care" - fantastic bass playing [/quote] Let Love Rule , great Album , great Basslines
  21. Andy Bell , played with oasis , so not that involved , but he was solid Steven Stills (only literal evidence of this to my knowledge , but would bet he'd be great)
  22. Providing that when commissioned they give you an outstanding professional and personal service , I think that fact that small business can operate like this a good thing , what I mean is that they must be busy enough and won't entertain every request from potential cleints when they should be focusing on current ones (perhaps the 10 page form weeds the serious ones out , perhaps it covers all the things they've had issues with before?) Anyway , you vote with your feet and it seems you'll go elsewhere . I'm not saying they aren't arrogant , just that it's nice all our small businesses aren't like American food outlets on the face
  23. I find a lot of it really boring , but that is a good thing , if I liked it all or hated it all it would mean it was not varied , I've certainly discovered some great acts through it.
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