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Everything posted by lojo

  1. [quote name='bubinga5' timestamp='1485060999' post='3220795'] What is the actual point of this record. I have no idea. [/quote] I'd suggest it's a novelty record like the Birdie Song , for fun or silly dance routines at parties, nowt wrong with fun That however might be an insult to those involved as it got to no1 and kept Whitney Houston from the spot I guess music has as many different intentions from taking itself seriously, political, relationship content through to dance to extreme silliness, and whislt they might compete for spots in sales charts many of them can't be compared on any other level, because they are not the same product Surely a vote for worst song of all time has to go to one that was intended to be taken more seriously
  2. [quote name='ivansc' timestamp='1484763909' post='3218260'] Are you anywhere near Cambridgeshire? I rcycle old laptops & give the resultant good ones to local charitable things like mencap and the RNIB, both of whom have free software to give to people but generally no computers. Doesnt really matter if the computers are old so long as I can get a few working ones out of the donated ones. [/quote] Nice one , but sorry no computers
  3. [quote name='Stylon Pilson' timestamp='1484748706' post='3218051'] My post seems to have spawned a lot of defensiveness and name-calling. It's really not necessary for this to turn into a huge cage match. It was just a simple, and to my mind perfectly reasonable, question. If something important is happening on the site, like a data breach or something like that, then I want to know about it. However, I'm not interested in receiving promotional offers. I was just wondering if there was a way for me to choose one but not the other. S.P. [/quote] Totally reasonable, My post above and some of the others are just jests , nothing more
  4. [quote name='ped' timestamp='1484736515' post='3217862'] I don't think so. There will be an option soon though on the new site. We don't send mass emails often, last one was in 2013. Sorry if it caused annoyance. [/quote] once every 3-4 years is bloody annoying overkill, can't you limit it to once a decade
  5. [quote name='fleabag' timestamp='1484747152' post='3218025'] When i read the thread title, i thought someone had rung her bell, permanently [/quote] That was another amazing Anita , Ward
  6. If you like the clean sound of your bass then MarkBass is a great option
  7. My Fav Police track is Bombs Away
  8. Some of the songs in our 80s set our considers cheese , but get a room of partying people and they couldn't be more fun to play live Live music fun does not have to equal what you'd play at home for enjoyment
  9. We are trying to decluter and get on top of our stuff , I'm amazed what's come up , so do you guys use stuff that's dated (I still use a tape deck) ? I've got the following stuff that seems a shame to throw out ... 1 brand new used of Recordable Audio CDs Box of mini discs Roland 626 (forgot I had it will see if it works) 3 crates of cables , old chargers and leads of untold sorts Box of Broken iPods , cameras , phones etc What happens to it all ?
  10. [quote name='yorick' timestamp='1484588319' post='3216566'] So What- Anti Nowhere League..... [/quote] I've been to Hastings
  11. You've done nowt wrong , but guess it's worth mentioning in any ad the approx age of strings then the buyer can't even try it on
  12. Not sure it spoke to me , but I'm pleased to have discovered Young Gun Sliver Fox recenlty
  13. [quote name='Grangur' timestamp='1484030711' post='3212006'] You mean there's more than one man with that name? Wow! Confusing! [/quote] Sorry over my head , can you explain ?
  14. No real Fav but Man child and thrust are both great albums
  15. Best Fast Show Jazz Club Clip (Imo) https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x2zuxwr_jazz-club-desolate-shore-fast-show_music
  16. [quote name='Painy' timestamp='1483744333' post='3209887'] I think my Aguilar rig looks stunning and classic in its Chocolate Thunder (sniggers childishly) livery. Just wish it didn't have the slight head overhang . [URL=http://s38.photobucket.com/user/Richard_Pain/media/Mobile%20Uploads/IMAG0485_zps8n7ykf5o.jpg.html][IMG]http://i38.photobucket.com/albums/e113/Richard_Pain/Mobile%20Uploads/IMAG0485_zps8n7ykf5o.jpg[/IMG][/URL] [/quote] Yummy I love my mark bass but it doesn't look like you could eat it
  17. [quote name='chrisanthony1211' timestamp='1483787009' post='3210067'] I think regular pub goers may appreciate live music more if pub bands turned down a little, it also seems to be that the worse the band the louder they play, almost as though being as loud as a jumbo taking off makes up for the fact that they're not very good.... I think some bands also hit the pubs when they're not ready, you've got to hit a reasonable standard if you expect people to want to listen to you. I've seen some shocking bands play where most people did not stay very long... and those people may not return! [/quote] Agreed
  18. Things NG has said ... 2. On interviews: "I have an opinion on everything, and if I don’t have an opinion, I’ll f***ing make one up on the spot." Which is what makes his interviews entertaining, but the danger is people take him seriously Personally I'd like him to host a chat show
  19. [quote name='martthebass' timestamp='1483707059' post='3209387'] What saddens me is the number of 'young' bands that play a set full of Cream, Hendrix, Free and Bad Company........ BTW I'm a fifty something and can categorically state that I don't play Hey Joe in public you ageist git Pete ;-) The pub scene in my area has gravitated to Classic Rock acts, SKA tributes and Punk multiband nights. When I was doing Classic Rock I was on at least a gig per week. Now that I'm doing mainly 80s, I'm only doing 1 per month in the local area.... [/quote] This is all so subjective , I don't see what's wrong if younger bands what to play whatever genres they love from the past , be it classic rock, ska or Abba , it's all music to be enjoyed. My main band is an 80s tribute and we can't keep up with demand , the middled aged want us for birthdays and 2nd weddings and I'm always surprised the amount of the younger crowd that know all the lyrics Bruno Mars does a great version of Fire by Hendrix
  20. [quote name='Bassassin' timestamp='1483725451' post='3209652'] What - the examples of discriminatory attitudes that we reasonably wouldn't tolerate, used to highlight the fact no-one bats an eyelid at ageism? Apropos of nothing - I might be a bigot. In the event I decide to return my band to a gigging format, we might need to find a drummer. I think I'd struggle with anyone under 40-odd. Does that count? [/quote] I don't know what the answers are or what the thread is really about , just pointing out to Op sites race and age in the Post , so it's on topic , whatever that is .
  21. His description is traditional comedy stereotype of Jazz. I think he's far less serious than people believe him to be, he interviews with black or white opinions for effect , and can be entertaining to listen to.
  22. The classic rock covers band I used to play in is predominantly older guys but one of the drummers was a teenager who played with them until recently (he went to uni) , he fitted in brilliantly and had been a fan of the material since a young age.
  23. [quote name='Bassassin' timestamp='1483700190' post='3209325'] I'm slightly confused how a thread about ageism - where the OP illustrated his point with some examples of discriminatory attitudes we [i]wouldn't[/i] tolerate - has become one about racism. [/quote] The original post contains questions on race in the first or second paragraph
  24. [quote name='FinnDave' timestamp='1483565788' post='3208387'] Can't see the point of 'sounding like the original'. Might as well just play a record. Live music should bring something new even to such over-used songs like Mustang Sally. [/quote] There's a place for everything , I love playing alternate versions but my main band does it's best to recreate 80s songs as best we can, I enjoy that process and the performing , and so do the crowds we play to.
  25. Being a white skinned guy with a very dark skinned birth father it's difficult to know what I actually am anyway. I've been the only white skinned guy in an all black all male band I've been the only white skinned guy in an all black , mixed gender band I've been in all white bands and mixed race bands of various gender make ups I've been in bands with ex mods, rockers , hippies , privileged people, poor people , nice people and not so nice I've also been in bands with Chinese, Vietamise, Scottish , Irish , Italian , French and many more I'm not quite sure what the question is ?
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