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Everything posted by binky_bass

  1. @Kiwi - might be good to consolidate the now numerous threads on this topic - all sharing similar concerns. (I'll stop tagging you now!)
  2. @Dad3353 is dead on - this feels very dishonest and scam-ish. Companies that specifically design complex and unobvious processes to effect the outcome they want are not companies I'd expect Basschat to affiliate themselves with. @Kiwi - You have to agree that the massively overly complex way to actually truly 'opt out' of their cookie gathering process is not morally acceptable. Again, if the pop-up (like 80% of cookie pop-ups) simply gave the 'reject all' option, then no one would have any issue. This particular cookie pop-up isn't acceptable and I expect is legally grey as companies have a duty to not purposefully and obviously skirt data gathering permissions.
  3. @Kiwi - This new policy is clearly going to alienate a good number of very loyal members. The fact that the cookie notification pop-up is extremely unclear as to how to reject said cookies does bring into discussion the morality of the company you've partnered with. If the pop-up was a typical one where you can simply click 'reject' then I'd have no issues, as I assume few people would. The way this has been set up comes across as dishonest and makes people feel like they are having their privacy violated which is not the Basschat way. I appreciate you're in the unenviable position of balancing this website in all the ways it need balancing, but this isnt going to do the site any favours when some of the most long serving members are going to pack it in because there's no clear and honest way to reject cookies.
  4. As a general rule, I reject all requests for cookie acceptance. 99% of website have an option to decline cookies or to manage them at least. I've not come across a site that simply crudely says 'got it'. There should be an option to reject. If there isn't, personally for me this is a bit of a deal breaker. As a near 20 year member of the various iterations of Basschat, I'd hate to have to abandon ship, but unless I have the option to manage cookies to my preference, then I'll be left with not much option but to leave the site and with it my membership. I expect others will probably do similar, so in an attempt to draw an income to the site you might inadvertently loose a good few paying members... I get you need to balance the books, but not at the cost of selling our data please. I'd be happier paying more towards membership.
  5. Yes it did! 😀 For anyone interested, this is what eventually arrived... Probably the finest guitar Alan of ACG has created. Would of been a tragedy if it got lost in the post.
  6. @Gardenerben - would you potentially meet at 'Travelodge Barton Stacey' at around midday-ish? A bit specific I know, but we'll be travelling down towards Devon on that day/time!
  7. Ooh... tempting. I have a Purple Chili Phatt Bass 750w head and a PC212 cab, these would go nicely with that. Though space and funds don't permit additional purchases at the moment!
  8. Don't forget you have to pay VAT on the shipping too! Adds a nice little extra kick in the teeth to the whole equation.
  9. Any idea of the intended location?
  10. Myself and @Hellzero used to buy/trade/swap basses quite frequently, probably 20+ 'transactions' prior to Brexit. Post Brexit we've not done any deals for obvious 'prohibitive cost' reasons. It's a real shame as the very specific kind of bass I like is a rare beast and when buying from Europe was an option it meant that the open-to-me market was of course so much bigger with so much more choice. Now, it's a VERY rare day indeed I see anything (UK Based) in the for sale section that interests me and I've completely written off buying anything from Europe due to tax and various other needless complications. Sad times, but hey... 'the people' got what they wanted right? 🤔
  11. I think I found that one on Gumtree probably about 4 years ago. I've never seen another one for sale before or after in the years I've been on the hunt for these anniversary editions. Salmon, Cranes, Wild Flower and Pegasus are the hardest ones to find, the ones I own are the only ones I've seen in years and years. Good luck on the hunt!
  12. Tempting... our current power amp for the practice room could do with upgrading... 🤔
  13. There's a few builders over the years that have seemingly great products but seem to fall completely over when it comes to customer service and delivering on promises, or even just communicating regularly! A few of us here fell foul of a builder, Letts not name names, and it all got very bitter. Luckily after sending a letter before action most of us got made whole. I sincerely hope you do get your money back!
  14. Bought my 4th item from Alan! Yet again a great person to deal with, exceptionally honest about condition, always very happy when something I want/fancy is being sold by Alan, I know I'll get a nice and easy transaction! Russ.
  15. Dang this would look nice next to my EBMM BFR Bongo 6!
  16. Another terrible website... I set the filter to 'stock' only to weed out the 'sold', and set the 'No. Of Strings' to 6 and 7. The return was 9 bass, 5 of which had 'sold' written above them... what's the point in setting a filter to weed out sold units if still over 50% of the returns are sold!
  17. Of course - I'm no amateur. To get mildy back on track, I had the 4x12 cab and 100w head version of this combo, an absolutely fantastic bit of kit, I can imagine this will be every bit as good, just in a far more conveniently sized package!
  18. Sounds about right to me! Never personally used them, not sure if Mr Hellzero did...
  19. I reckon you might have got them off of me, and I got them from @Hellzero... @TheGreek - I'd say for £30 they're well worth the punt. I doubt anyone would spend the time and effort to make bespoke wooden covers from what looks like nice quilt maple if they were poor quality.
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