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Everything posted by binky_bass

  1. Someone got a bit of a bargain on eBay just now... (not me I'll add!)
  2. Just noticed my old Warrior in the background!
  3. https://youtube.com/@russellnewton8794 That should be a link to a few YouTube videos of me playing 8, 9, 10 string basses. They're all pretty old though! And I'm glad to say I'm now significantly 'smaller' than I was in those videos. I think there's one playing a 7 string guitar too (the forbidden instrument!). Pay no attention to the other random videos of Kurt Angle, Pat Sharpe, Tim Russ and Mr Heckles!
  4. I see there's YET AGAIN the 'Jaco only needed 4' debate going on. Its a fools argument. Does it matter? He's one player, one I don't personally rate if I'm honest, but each to their own. We wear different clothes, we drive different cars, we have different jobs etc. Why is there always an arguement that because one person played a 4 string bass reasonably well that we should all do it? If you don't want to play 6 string, then don't! I play 6 string, I also own and play 8, 9 and 10 string basses. I also own a 4 string bass! And a drumkit... wow, great... who cares. Play what you want! We have that freedom. Jaco played 4 - whoop for him.
  5. That fretboard is fantastic. Really intense 'grain' on the abalone - one of the best I've seen in some time. If that was a 6 string there'd have been a strong possibility you'd have woken up in the morning with it 'missing'!
  6. I glad you bought this! I was sooooo close to grabbing it myself then decided against it last minute. Clearly gone to the better home! Great work on taking a decent bass and giving it the shot of steroids it needed to be a superb beast! Looks awesome. 👍
  7. Picked this up today, it plays superbly well. The prior owner worked for Burns Guitars and did a full set up, changed the machine heads and strings etc. The action is nice and low , for a copy it's a really funky motown-sounding kinda beast!
  8. Not having the spare time now to dig into a new artist to the point where I have an equal connect to one that I have admired for decades is hardly 'refusing to discover others'. Your comment is hyperbolic, and hyperbolic arguements loose their validity! My point, as I think you know, is that Stu Hamm is a known quantity to many, and many would be happy to contribute to his project based on what'd they'd get in return from an artist they know and admire. This doesn't detract from Tils, but there will be a correlation between someone's fame and the level of public contribution they will receive. Tils will get contributions I'm sure from those that know his work. I have a plane journey to Copenhagen next week, I shall use this time to investigate Tils. And anyway, we're all just grains of sand in the vast desert of the cosmos and nothing we do or say matters!
  9. It's less 'help the rich' than it is 'help someone you've actually heard of and like their work over someone I have never heard of and know nothing of his work'. The talent of the individual is not the barometer we use when contributing to such things. It's whether we know them and have a link to them in some personal manner. For me, I'd contribute to Stu Hamm because his work means something to me and being a small part of his next album would also hold meaning. That's what I'd be paying for. Consideration of his personal wealth wouldn't really factor in. I'd need to spend time to form that same connection to Tils before I'd considered contributing, and if I'm honest, I probably won't spare the time to do that - not at least in the immediate future.
  10. 'Needs' is a strong word. One could argue that there are causes more worthy than music to donate to. Though to support your comment, Stu Hamm's 'estimate net worth' is somewhere between $3-$6,000,000 so your arguement of 'does he need the money?' is valid, but if people want to pay a 'famous' man for involvement in his album and feel like the contributed, then the 'famous' man will probably always bring in more money through crowd funding than Loris Tils, even if Loris Tils is equally talented. Fame has its perks!
  11. Err... err... did you not slate Stu Hamm for doing just this? HYPOCRISY!!!!!!!!!! 😋😂
  12. I've got a lot of time for Stu Hamm, and I have absolutely zero issue with him crowd funding as most of the funding is in exchange for various levels of 'perks' - he's not gone out with a begging bowl. So you pay your money and either get an album when it's done or pay more and get other 'extras'. If people want to fund it and get something back for it, then why not do it? I suppose it also mean Stu isn't bound to a label that'll rake 95% of the profits. And finally, Stu Hamm always has and always will instantly remind me of a more trim, rock version of John Goodman!
  13. I had a near identical rig to this 11 years ago, they sound as good as they look! Proper old skool bassness!
  14. Excellent systems these, I have one and it never misses a beat.
  15. I was on the hunt for one of these a few months back (no longer needed). After a lot of research into what would be the best Delay/Reverb combo pedal, this was the one that came out on top by a country mile. If I was in the market, this would be the one I'd buy.
  16. Yup. It's an absolute bastard. In September (when our mortgage and energy tariffs renew and childcare costs kick in) we'll be £1400 a month worse off. Look out for my fire sale if a few months. Savage times. 😬
  17. Likewise... didn't even know the infamous Shuker 7 was for sale!
  18. It basically is. They both run on 8 KT88 power valves.
  19. I've had numerous terrible experiences with DHL, probably 50% of the time they just drive up to the house, wait a minute, then leave so their tracker shows 'they tried to deliver'. Its ridiculous. To balance the equation, I bought a Warwick Alien 6 string acoustic bass from Richtone a week ago and from the point I paid to the point I was playing it was exactly 19 hours. Delivered by DHL, so that particular delivery driver was spot on! If only they were all like that.
  20. £34 is a bit of a steal, these are really quite useable instruments. Someone take it before I do!
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