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Everything posted by binky_bass

  1. I bought this fairly recently, but as I've just bought a new bike (I know, NOT a bass!) I need to recoup some funds. It's a Chinese made faux 'Gretsch' White Falcon, its been properly set up, it plays really well, it has a 'kill switch' on the upper bout, the action is really nice and low, no dings or dents, all in a great playing bass. Looking for £200 for it, I can post if need be as I have a few boxes (but no case!). Call it £220 shipped or £200 collected from Wickford, Essex.
  2. To chime in again, these older eden heads are great bits of kit. I've been right round the houses over the years, from the actual heaviest amps in the world to the lightest and now I'm back to the heavier ones because they just frankly sound better! Currently running an older Mesa rig and it just kills against Trickfish and GR Bass, not to say those aren't superb amps, but honestly, the older heavier stuff just rocks.
  3. @BITE Guitars - those headstocks look great!
  4. Any chance this is our friend Mick Mason?
  5. No. The Bongo is absolutely immense and in immaculate condition. The ACG was a superb bass, and definitely no less of a bass than the Bongo. However, I own 4 ACGs still and rarely used the 30.5" one since getting my two 33" ones. So to swap out one ACG that I didn't use for a Bongo BFR that I will use, while still retaining 4 ACGs that I do use seemed sensible. No regrets for now!
  6. You shall be awaiting a long time sir! I won't be going all Henry The 8th on this bass any time soon!
  7. The Basschat gods are mocking me... I bought the bass bits of these exact strap locks new the other day, within minutes a used full set came up here (that I ended up buying!) and now the counter part to the bass bits I bought from new has come up separately! Stupid Basschat... 😆
  8. Sometimes retailers won't move on price, but may lob in some extras... GuitarGuitar threw in 2 sets of Rotosound SM666 strings with my recent purchase, worth a good £80 or so. Always worth an ask!
  9. I find the spacing quite comfortable to be fair! But then again, I did have an 8 string Noguera that had 20mm spacing... that was a bit much!
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  11. Bit of a freak show of basses... Left to right they are: Warwick Alien 6 Music Man BFR Bongo 6 ACG Recurve 9 ACG Salace E-Type 6 Bee Bass 'Binky' 10 ACG Salace E-Type 6 (another one...) Conklin USA Custom Shop 8 Peavey USA TL6 6 Ibanez 1979 Roadster 4
  12. So here it is... Number 23 of 72 - A Ball Family Reserve USA Music Man Bongo 6. It is ridiculously good. I was VERY sceptical as to whether I'd made a good or bad choice buying this, but DANG, it's a monster. The tone is like nothing I've played before, (and I've owned a Bongo 6 before!) it cuts like a hot knife through the mix, the pallette of tones is exceptionally good and really easy to dial in. The neck is probably the nicest neck I've felt, and it's not half bad to look at! It's on another level this beast... I totally agree the aesthetics are very much Marmite, but I think I might just be on the 'love' side of that arguement! I'm very pleasantly surprised by this bass. I was expecting it to be a great bass, as well it should be for the RRP, but I wasn't quite expecting it to be a phenomenal bass...
  13. It has arrived... the neck is obscene. Time to go plug it in and give it a bit of a set up.
  14. Don't we know someone who's an expert in Bongo headstock extraction? 🤔
  15. It's a stunning bass... I'm already suffering sellers remorse! 😭 But... it just didn't see any use against by two 33" scale ACGs, so sending it off to a good home and replacing it with something 'a bit different' seemed sensible.
  16. Hoping once the Bongo arrives (tomorrow if I'm lucky) my current feeling of sellers remorse will subside! The gap needs filling!
  17. Well, the deed is now done. For good or for ill. The deal was an outright sale of my ACG 30.5" bass to then buy a Grabber Green BFR Music Man Bongo 6 that GuitarGuitar just got in. The price for the ACG was very fair indeed, and I doubt I'd have ever sold it if it wasn't for the fact that I have 4 other ACG basses, all of which see significantly more play time that the baby ACG. Plus the BFR Bongo 6 is rare as hens teeth and I'd not likely see another for sale any time soon. So why not shift on something I essentially have in triplicate for something that's rare, cool and that I'll use. Plus it came with 3 new sets of Rotosound SM666 strings, which I could definitely use! Not sure if I'll live to regret it, but it's done now. I still have 4 ACGs, so can't be too sad I suppose... Here's the one out, and the one in:
  18. That's the driving factor in this particular scenario!
  19. Yup - and that's the perpetual fear! I have a feeling I may end up with sellers remorse shortly! Hopefully that'll be somewhat mitigated by the new bass at least meeting my expectations!
  20. I think most of us at some point have been in a position to either trade or sell one of our basses to acquire another... sometimes its a no brainer, sometimes it's a no-goer and sometimes it's a huge internal debate/struggle to come to a conclusion about which you'd rather own - the one you already have, or that shiny new thing calling out your name! I'm in such a position now, where I've pretty much committed to moving on a very special bass to acquire another very special bass! (I'll post details once everything is done and dusted.) I'd be interested to know what trades have been made out there where you've either regretted it, or thought you might regret it but ended up actually being really happy with the new acquisition. Pictures of the old and new basses are encouraged!
  21. If there's any appetite to do it in Wickford/Runwell in Essex, my neighbour looks after the Runwell Village Hall, it'd probably be pretty cheap to hire for a day and looks to be spacious enough... Happy to enquire as to availability for any prospective dates?
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