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Everything posted by jacko

  1. Thanks for that. 58 last month so any compliment is welcome. We only ever had copper kettles for the gas stove till about 20 years ago when I couldn't afford to replace the last one. All the electrics we've had (and seen) since have had bases.
  2. that's an interesting one cos I've never had an electric kettle that had a removable cable.
  3. I've just been listening to this - see my 'favourite Yes album' thread.
  4. Prompted by the Rush album thread I thought I'd put this one out there. I first saw Yes in 1973 and have been a huge fan ever since. Needless to say, seeing Squire having so much fun on stage was what turned me to the dark side. So, I've been working at home this week and the wife's been out quite a bit so I've had the Hi-fi turned up and boy is it a hard choice. In the end I narrowed the choice down to the Relayer, Going for the one and Tormato era. I know Tormato has some weak tunes but they're more than compensated for by On the silent wings of freedom. Going for the one is a strong album throughout, with Chris soaring majestically on Parallels but I'm going to state for the record that Relayer is currently my favourite Yes album for a number of reasons, not least that it was the first one I bought myself instead of stealing from my brother. I don't think Chris squire has played bass better on any other album and it has a certain aggression that's missing on much of the later stuff (I can't listen to the last 2 albums - utter shite to my ears). Played very loud the album takes on a whole different aspect to when I first bought it new in 1974 and had to play it very quietly to avoid upsetting my ma and pa (perry como fans to this day). Gates of Delerium really does sound like a battle is being fought - Alan White's drumming is stupendous. Surprisingly, I even like the cha cha cha bits in Sound Chaser and To be over is sublime. I'm going to stick my neck on the block and say Moraz is perfect for this album. Wakeman couldn't have made it any better. So that's my choice. What's yours? edited to fix the date - was the topographic oceans tour at Newcastle city hall.
  5. That's quite some generalisation. The spacing on all my 5's is the same as my old precision and when I was initially looking at 5s around 1996, the majority available had wide spacing (apart from a rik 5 ). That said, I can't double thumb anyway (nor would I want to).
  6. Look up Sarah Jefferey playing it on her team recorder youtube channel. Makes it look a piece of fosters on an instrument usually reserved for primary school kids (and me )
  7. The aforementioned Spirit of Radio greatest hits compilation gives a taste of them up to 1987. Chronicles is a two disc compilation that goes a bit further.
  8. I don't really have a favourite album per se (although my favourite track is The trees) but the album I appreciate the most is Vapor trails as it marks the return of Neil from one of the darkest places imaginable. The intro to One little victory gets me going every time.
  9. a lot of the Grateful dead's output seem to be about flowers.. Sugar magnolia, Scarlet Begonias, China Cat Sunflower, Ramble on Rose, Jack Straw, Infrared roses, It must have been the roses, Let it Grow. and so on..
  10. Love this. I'd have it in a flash if I didn't already have one (and a wife who knows how many basses I have)
  11. This shares the stage with me most gigs although I've since swapped the 212 for a 410. Almost as good looking as me
  12. £350 for tat isn't bad. some idiot just paid £350,000 for a used pair of nike trainers. I bet he's not even a jogger. https://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/fashion/nike-moon-shoe-trainers-auction-world-record-sale-olympics-a9019091.html
  13. Living in the Gaza Strip is a dangerous thing Not knowing how to set up your own bass? Maybe not so much.
  14. if it had been 8 ohm I'd have been straight over the river for it
  15. depends what you want coating. just about every large town will have someone blasting and coating alloy wheels.
  16. you could always avoid touching your mic. turn it up a bit and sing 6 inches away. stops it rusting with all that slaver too.
  17. an interesting discourse on the evolution of ramps here.. https://bassmusicianmagazine.com/2014/03/the-evolution-of-bass-ramps/
  18. Yes. I love playing live, to the point where a week or so ago I figured if I hadn't had to work for a living and do other family stuff I might have applied for the Edinburgh Royal Tattoo job purely for the joy of performing.
  19. I still have my first primary school recorder from around 1967/8. A very well worn plastic Dolmetsch descant that I still pick up from time to time although I'll usually play one of the wooden ones in my collection.
  20. Argent. Hold your head up. Jim Rodford doing what he did best.
  21. Even as we speak there's a very tasty rackmount G55 setup for sale on here
  22. i'm going to throw a curveball into the mix and mention the markbass LM 800. Surprises me regularly with the amount of power it has and despite what some folk on here say it's as versatile tonewise as just about anything else I've used (mostly mesa).
  23. and for vinyl, the Rekord Shak up Clerk street in edinburgh, not far from the queens hall gets my dosh once every couple of months
  24. I believe Guitarguitar in Glasgow has a dedicated bass department. No idea what they sell though.
  25. Harvest Leather in Germany. http://www.harvest-guitar.com/ I have their bag for two basses and it's put together better than most hard cases. Will soon be ordering a single bag.
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