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Everything posted by bazzbass

  1. the xlr cable connects the mic to the 2i2's front combi input jacks. then via USB into your PC. try the webcam mic first as it's the easiest setup. If that isn't good enough, ask again here and we'll get your other mic hooked up via the Scarlett
  2. before or whilst coke was destroying her nose(s) great voice
  3. [quote name='acidbass' timestamp='1497531434' post='3318910'] Lightweight gear = lightweight tone! [/quote] the most ridiculous statement ever made here
  4. I love how you poms honour your legends , should be more of it.
  5. oh, so you're just pretending to be an originals band then? joking, sort of. Rely on the strength of your own body of work. This from an originals band member for 36 years. Certainly play the cover at gigs, but don't record it. imho ymmv of course, just my 2 cents worth.
  6. low enough to get fret buzz when digging in hard. Listen to isolated bass tracks from Geddy and JPJ, fret buzz is actually good.
  7. you left out the bit about actually rehearsing with them before committing , and more than once. I was asked to join a punk band in 1982 ish for a party. Went to the first jam, they played me the set of songs they'd written. I thought it might be fun, it was just a party. But at the next rehearsal.....it turned out I was the only one that rememberred how the songs went. I bailed hehe
  8. make good charts first. follow them for a while, but try playing without them as soon as you feel comfortable. But don't wait too long. The two guitarists in my originals band had the songs written and rehearsed before I joined. Took two years until we got a drummer for me to stop using charts. I'm 55 and a heavy pot user so my memory ain't what it used to be. But we had a gig so needed to teach the drummer 7 songs ,and that was the trigger. I practiced to the rehearsal recording on my own so my mistakes fell on deaf ears (literally). Now they are ingrained in my head. The one song I never ever have to look at notes was one where the writer showed me a specific difficult bassline he wanted. Got it right from the first play through. go figure. One reason I used charts for so long was a deliberate ploy so I would try different lines each time rather than learn a bassline and repeat it. I needed to know what type of chord I was playing to, minor diminished etc.
  9. I never understood why it is considered wrong for a player in an original rock band to use charts or cheat sheets yet it's ok for musicians in an orchestra playing 200 year old music for 50 years to still use full charts
  10. I gave my SX shorty P bass to my guitarist so his two musically gifted sons can jam with him. They are wonderkids, one of then learned the sax in a couple of weeks, plays guitar piano drums and now bass. He is TEN ! How good would it be jammin with your 10 and 12 year olds? Best thing I ever did. I think my position in the band is tentative hehe I once ordered a freebie Bass Strings Online nail clipper, and paid the $12 international shipping, just to have one. Jason felt sorry for me so he sent me TWO nail clippers, a beanie, a T Shirt, a strap and some stickers. Top bloke that Jason
  11. [quote name='Barking Spiders' timestamp='1497345519' post='3317389'] Strange. On the Download thread we've been saying pretty much the same thing. Way too much on the drums/bass with guitars sometimes lost in the mix [/quote] where can I hire this engineer ?
  12. what's that brown thing between the pickguard and bridge? +1 for putting Chromes on it happy new bass day
  13. go DI into the PA. That's what we all do, even the drummer ! yes, electric kit for ease of practice,real drums live.
  14. [quote name='DanH71' timestamp='1495301283' post='3302858'] Hah cheers krispin. I'm a little slow on the up take sometimes [/quote] yeah all those connectors look confusing til you get the hang of it to quote the great George Costanza when caught peeing in the gym shower " IT'S ALL PIPES !"
  15. the 1st Gen Scarlett 2i2s are notorious for not being able to handle electric guitars direct. Trade it in for a Gen 2 and you won't need a DI for guitar. Or just buy a DI. Radial J48 are awesome, but U may not need to go that high in price. I'd get an active one for a passive guitar, if it has a pre amp, a passive would be better.
  16. [quote name='NancyJohnson' timestamp='1497021562' post='3315375'] Australian market. [/quote] send em down already
  17. sheesh easy fix, nail polish or if that's too bodgey for you, pay 5 times more for Loctitie....which is basically nail polish hehe
  18. [quote name='mrtcat' timestamp='1495694712' post='3305848'] to look on tye bright side I see this as a chance to up the performance of the pc a bit. I use it for some light work stuff but also use it to run reaper and Lightworks. Can anyone recommend tye best upgrade to get the most out of it. [/quote] while you're at it, get a new keyboard that knows how to type "THE" hehe, sorry, couldn't resist, carry on
  19. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1496155515' post='3309184'] I'll consider this once I've worked out what Reason can do for me that Reaper can't, and I have €369 spare. That may well not be next week. [/quote] what he said but glad your DAW caught up with all the others
  20. if the pickup is preventing you from playing with a pick....you need to learn how to use a pick not being a smart arse, but you use a pick on the strings, ABOVE the pickup. You must be doing something wrong
  21. I too do it by eye, just a slight raising of the A and D saddles
  22. pfffft who cares? if you're not gonna tell me then I don't give a rat's tossbag what you bought. so.......what DID you get? go on, tell me , tell ME
  23. [quote name='Jecklin' timestamp='1496226333' post='3309651'] I was tempted by the Blackline 250 head but at 3.5kg, 40.0 x 36.0 x 21.0 cm it's getting on for double the size in all respects. [/quote] shows how lucky we are these days when 3.5kg is too heavy hehe My LM250 Blackline in it's backpack is very portable. And I also use it with everything set flat. Gorgeous tone.
  24. My LM250 Blackline has scratchy pots. I should probably dust more often moving them cw and ccw a few times usually fixes the problem. best customer service I ever got was when my friend's sister was Deputy Commissioner of Consumer and Business Affairs. "really? I'll just see what my friend Judy says, you know Judy? Deputy Commissioner for Consumer Affairs? , oh you WILL refund me? why thank you very much"
  25. [quote name='radiophonic' timestamp='1496742203' post='3313510'] 9 months seems incredible to me. Does the coating make them feel any different? [/quote] Mine lasted 9 months, playing 1-3 hours every day. Only changed them to try a different set, could have kept them on for another three months. The coating makes them smoother than normal rounds, very easy on the fingers of both hands.using a pick will wear out the coating faster. I found they had slightly less bottom end than my usual D'Addario nickel rounds, but I easily dialled that back in.
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