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Everything posted by bazzbass

  1. just a heads up, a song like this does not always sound so good without a horn section, depending on how you play it
  2. Top Gear The Allman Brothers - Jessica some tasty bass playing, as usual
  3. email Hipshot, they'll tell you. They sent me 5 allen wrenches for the teeny tiny saddle screws on a Hipshot bridge I bought used a year earlier. They sent em free from the USA to Oz. With that sort of customer service I'm sure they will steer you right
  4. [quote name='Dropzone' timestamp='1498047791' post='3322198'] the thought of a joint going at the start of a gig and not having a back up scares the pants our of me. [/quote] yes a joint before the gig is a great idea
  5. Hit Me With Your Rhythm Stick is not an easy song, don't be so harsh on your abilities great bassline isn't it? I can play it, but my left hand cramps up something shocking by the end of it. Been playing on and off for 30+ years and I'm still learning, it never stops, THAT's the beauty of playing an instrument. You just learn more and get better I've found that the more time I put into it the more I get out of it, like most things I guess
  6. we found a great country singer name from a few missing letters from the sign on the roof of the take-away chicken shop Charco l hickens ONE day I'm gonna use it
  7. [quote name='mcnach' timestamp='1498811957' post='3327169'] !!! ON my first gig ever, we played to a full bar. It was awesome. A week later at a different place there were 6 people. SIX! And I knew them all. We could have thank them individually by name too [/quote] to be fair, it was a warm up set before midnight. It used to get packed after midnight when all the pubs used to close and we'd play til 3 am, it was a 'club'.
  8. get your doc to prescribe Avanza (Mirtazapine) for you, or something he recommends. I had anxiety so bad I'd pull out of an evening with my best friends for no valid reason, just extreme anxiety. Since the doc put me on this drug I sleep easily without laying awake worrying about work etc. Even gigging again after 20 years off doesn't faze me, and we're playing gentle originals that are not my favourite musical style. My life literally change from the moment I started taking this drug. Drugs are good man Hope you find a workable solution, best of luck
  9. [quote name='The59Sound' timestamp='1498755982' post='3326866'] What next? The fax machine has a resurgence?! This argument that vinyl is better quality, yadda yadda is rubbish. Blind test no one would have a clue which is which format. [/quote] utter rubbish. I guarantee you that an audiophile will very quickly tell you which is which. Even with my damaged ears I reckon I could still tell the difference. Through decent gear though, quality needs quality. Vinyl through a bluetooth speaker boom box ain't gonna do it. Have you ever played an album thru a decent turntable and stereo system? Chalk and cheese between that and an overcompressed CD. Don't get me started on 128kb MP3s.....
  10. [quote name='bassbiscuits' timestamp='1498729302' post='3326573'] I'm not sure where this idea has come from that a week before a gig is too late to change strings? Have i missed something? I've regularly changed mine the day before a gig - as long as you keep giving them a good stretch and play them a good bit before the gig they will have settled down and will stay in tune no problem. I did exactly that last weekend. Quite whether the change in sound was appreciated by the punters is a different matter tho! I should have asked them both... [/quote] I should have said a week is too close to change strings UNLESS you are gonna get 4-5 hours to play them in. Dependant on what strings, rounds might sound too clanky new, flats not so much re your two audience members, I can beat that from a gig in 198? " Thank YOU. You're a lovely audience, Wayne " true story
  11. Noel tapped into Britain's nostalgia for proper music like what the Beatles made. Like, exactly what the Beatles made hehe T
  12. whew, lucky Thick As A Brick isn't your favourite song
  13. Gibson could halve their prices and it still wouldn't be good value, especially down under where our dollar is worth two pesos these days, imho ymmv.
  14. I lost most of my hearing in my right ear coz the drummer wanted my cab as close to him as possible, so I was close to his cymbals. The perils of playing with others that need you to keep time for them. No more, if the drummer or guitarist need to hear me, I'll let them find a solution.
  15. [quote name='bassman7755' timestamp='1498063865' post='3322321'] So if the keyboard player is using a dodgy patch on the synth is it the sound mans fault because he didnt take a midi out and use a "better" sound ?. [/quote] quote of the year. I'm gonna use this analogy next time a soundman wants a clean DI signal. No fathermucker, I paid good money for all these pedals, so you and everyone else will hear them, that's why I use them. Put up a sign saying "I am not responsible for the bass player's tone" if you are that sensitive hehe
  16. I'm so old I remember when Made In Japan meant poor quality Cars and guitars . Japanese were the cheap knockoffs in the 70s. Then they became good. Really good Then it moved to Korea. Then Indonesia and China. Chasing the poor underpaid workers lol I suppose India is next in line.
  17. For some people their perceived lack of the right gear is an excuse for poor technique. NOT saying this is true in your case. I think you need to set your amp as flat as possible and slowly EQ it till you are close to 'your tone'. Maybe try an EQ pedal or pre amp, that helped me find the right sound I wanted.
  18. thanks for sharing, I really like them I am SO out of touch with what is out there, keep em coming
  19. all of a sudden I don't feel so awkward lol you mean transferring my weight from one foot to the other ISN'T dancing?
  20. Email them and I bet they will send you some for free. If they don't, get a Hipshot bridge instead, their customer service is awesome. I emailed just asking what size allen key was needed to adjust the saddles as it was teensy tiny,and they sent me five allen keys for free all the way from the USA to Oz. THAT's service
  21. no quality issues with my Indonesian made Little Mark 250 Blackline
  22. I just came here to tell you that you are spelling bassline wrong, but I am mistaken hehe
  23. the good news for us that are financially challenged is that budget gear these days is infinitely better than in the past. I got GAS the other day and bought a new Jazz bass. SX brand , cost $299AU, probably a hundred quid over your side of the pond. great value.
  24. Congratulations As I feared, it's now refreshing to see a wedding pic with a woman AND a man
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