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Everything posted by bazzbass

  1. saw the Wonderstuff in 198? the crowd were yelling out their favourite Stuffie songs that they wanted to hear (considering it was their second CD, chances are good you're gonna hear them all lol) The singer got pissed off and said "we'll play what we f@#$ing well want to play, that's why WE are up here and YOU are down there" I was half pissed off at his rudeness, and half impressed at his confidence and logic
  2. that's because all the posers play guitars. we play bass coz we want to play bass plus we are the practical members of the band, everyone else is unorganised, that's why WE carry drum keys, guitar strings, and all the other spares. That's why WE are the bookers . And the sound mixers.
  3. Led Zeppelin - What Is and What Should Never Be and Ramble On, my two fave basslines, wait, no Lemon Song too Red Hot Chilli Peppers - Soul to Squeeze - one of Flea's most melodic basslines
  4. The Lemon Song, no guitars needed
  5. the very first guy that walks up to ask you something, kick him in the mouth. Problem solved. I hate the punter that comes up to you the second your set is finished to talk bass. "I have a Fender too, mine is.." why do they think I give a damn about what they have? But I always talk to them coz, well, at least SOMEONE is talking to me hehe
  6. [quote name='SpondonBassed' timestamp='1496470482' post='3311639'] That's all very well but are they stupid enough to do so while the bass player is shagging a large Grizzly? I really don't want to slag off any punters for being stupid. If you want to use those sorts of terms the fact that they are [i]your[/i] audience means that [i]you[/i] are fuel for that stupidity. If I am shown appreciation, whether it is from a teen who just likes to be in a room where the music is made or a seasoned muso with opinions, I am happy. At the end of the day, punters pay the bills. [/quote] dude it was a joke sheesh
  7. the guys and gals playing songs THEY wanna play are getting gigs, playing their Rush and Led Zep covers....to three blokes on their own. While the rest are playing poxy Kate Perry and RHCP and Bruno Mars tn bars crowded with dancing girls..... your choice
  8. hehe no all is good I am in utter shock today, went to play along to The Beatles Hey Bulldog upon the recommendations on here. I'm a big Beatles fan, as a 3 yo i was in the 300,000 Adelaideans that turned out to welcome them. I have original EPs my mum bought. The box set on vinyl but no turntable and I just discovered that The Yellow Submarine is not in my CD collection. I even have the USA mono re releases, but I never bought this one ,well, coz it's sh*te really . But now I have to grab it, why have a hole in my collection I guess I'm fixing a hole...... I'll go quietly now........
  9. [quote name='SpondonBassed' timestamp='1496315472' post='3310410'] Alarmist Marmoset? [attachment=246397:AlarmistMarmoset.png] [/quote] you made tea come out of my nose
  10. [quote name='Nicko' timestamp='1496338207' post='3310708'] Play the relevant scale over the sample and pick a note that sounds great [/quote] Hey ! that's MY lil secret
  11. I learnt after a few shows that the only time the punters notice mistakes is if you all look like rabbits in the spotlight. Act as if nothing happened and they never notice. Made gigging much easier when I figured that out hehe Punters are stupid, some are even stupid enough to have sex with the bass player
  12. [quote name='lojo' timestamp='1496331274' post='3310614'] Enjoy , That's like saying you've never seen Star Wars [/quote] I haven't seen any of those movies. 2001 fulfilled my space movie needs
  13. [quote name='Chezz55' timestamp='1496317518' post='3310430'] Sorry but ..................................... I didn't rate Sgt Pepper then and I don't rate it now. I never came to grips with all the fuss and hype, and I still don't. Chris. [/quote] it isn't even about the music, it is about the PROCESS of multitracking that opened up a whole new way of making music for every single artist since .
  14. you DO know you can wait til they have it in stock and THEN pay them, don't you? I hate handing over money without getting a toy to play with, I wait til they have it in stock, pay them and take it home then and there. What did you think, they'd RUN OUT of them before you can grab one?
  15. money and drinks rider. get that sorted. Preferably money up front if it's not based on percentages of drinks sold. * Ask when you can soundcheck coz most pubs serve meals right about when the band usually sets up make friends with the security staff. * if you're getting a cut of the bar, be like us and have a LOT of alcoholics as friends
  16. watched that Britney clip....what was the question? hubba hubba
  17. [quote name='Shawman' timestamp='1496223202' post='3309615'] Personally, Soul to Squeeze by RHCP always does it for me. I struggle to think of a bassline i enjoy more [/quote] oh yeah, thanks for this,I am not a big RHCP fan, but I mostly love Flea's lines He even made Alanis Morrisette sound OK.
  18. probably coz it was written by a pianist. A bassist would have used the open E
  19. it's called PRIDE you have it, they don't find new bandmates with aforementioned pride.
  20. nothing you do will help, the guitarist is out of tune with something hehe try playing thirds rather than the root on repeating chords to add variety. There is no rule that says you can only play roots, really.
  21. firstly, ignore all the ads wanting a base player..... and those that say "Fenders only" not that I mind, I love my Fenders, but yeah no also avoid any like this :we are an original band, we've been together for 5 years, we have three originals ready to go....... I hate the ones saying "no timewasters", I LIKE time wasting, watching TV, reading BassChat etc
  22. ta, they changed bassists a bit. And guitarists, even Tony Iommi was a member long enough to appear on the Stones Rock n Roll Circus dvd
  23. glad you got your gear back, and understand about not being happy that the perp got away with it. BUT, if it was a car that was stolen you would never see it again unless it is burnt out, and he may actually have bought it in good faith from the robber.
  24. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1495909906' post='3307530'] Me either, to this day I haven't a clue to what these guys are talking about. Blue [/quote] I'm guessing you have a leather strap with a rough underside, if not, this will fix neckdive for most people
  25. another great melodic bassline [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EsCyC1dZiN8[/media] and this one is fun to play [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Da9sc6YDBo"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Da9sc6YDBo[/url]
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