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Everything posted by bazzbass

  1. message from my future self "when the drummer says he needs you next to him so he can hear you........PUNCH him in the face. Set up as far away from his cymbals as you can. Wear ear plugs., oh, and make the f@#$%r keep time"
  2. I try to not think whilst playing. Otherwise I think "is this the 3rd verse or the last?" Better to learn the songs and let auto-pilot take over
  3. yes, purgatory, you will be going there but seriously, you don't have to like what I like, honestly I doubt Sir Paul gives a rat's what you or I think either Have you posted a clip? otherwise you're just posting solely to diss someone's opinion,
  4. "New" music to me is when I go see a young band live in a pub. Anything that is commercially successful these days is just rehashed tripe,overdone with autotune. In my day, if you couldn't sing in tune, you sucked and never made it. Now that is almost a recipe for success, sigh. now get off my lawn you varmits
  5. I don't mind covers, as long as the cover band is Yes and the Beatles are the original band bit of a wanky prog intro for 2 minutes, then it goes off
  6. no, it's FINGERS (joking, I use both picks and fingers, and thumb too) but really, both pick and plectrum are OK, plec? never heard anyone say that
  7. learn to play loudly AND softly with either method it's all about practice practice practice OR buy a boost pedal but, really, practice practice practice
  8. get a decent PA stack, a kitten could knock that over
  9. awesome playing mate dang you, now I gotta go grab my bass.........
  10. I use the EBS flat cables and changed pedals a LOT. Not one problem in three years. Home, recording, on stage.
  11. I have a lot of Pre amp DIs. Tried the B7K, sold it. Have the AmpegSCR DI and like it. Have the Tech 21 PBDDI and like it. Have the MXR M80,it's ok. But the one I'm using to record our album is the MXR M81. That mid frequency selector knob is the magic. That is where all the good bass notes live
  12. I don' have any advice about which bass to get, but if you can only be a bedroom player, buy Rocksmith for PC and learn to play along to your favourite songs, no time wasting, pure enjoyment
  13. I'll be 57 in two weeks and I'm not even the oldest in my band. But you probably ARE too old if you think you are lol it's just a number mate, ignore it, act like a teenager
  14. definitely superglue a few good whiffs and you won't feel the pain hehe
  15. Live album by local band The Bodgies, before they had a bass player. I am clearly heard yelling "Get a bass player" and "get a bass player you FiretrUCKers"
  16. Fender basses, Markbass amps, TC Spectrcomp and Polytune 2 Tech 21 Bass Fly Rig and everything else by Tech 21, PBDDI, VT Bass, Bass Boost Chorus and the MarkBass Bass Keeper http://markbass.it/product-detail/bass-keeper/
  17. In my gigging years in the 70s-90s I had crapola gear, cheap basses, cheaper Peavey amps. Now I have started again, I have 3 Fender basses, 2 others, a Hartke amp, a MarkBass amp and two Hartke 210 cabs. Very happy with the quality of my gear now. I have no excuses now, if I sound like crap it means I AM crap hehe
  18. Not dissing anyone by saying I only want to play originals am I?
  19. the problem with mixing cabs is that the 210 will get the same power as the 115 cab. the two 10s will only have half the power of the single 15. This is not ideal and is why a lot of people recommend two identical cabs. two 210 cabs stacked vertically is really good,especially to hear yourself as the speakers are closer to your ears
  20. I have it on good authority that we have evolved, we weren't created as is In the future our thumbs will evolve to another pinky sized digit to aid texting
  21. what the HECk are you trying to start here pal? like we don't have enough issues with GAS you have to bring in another element to our addiction, shame on you now, where can I buy tortoise shell shoes?
  22. I feel sad for you, playing and recording original music is SO much more rewarding than being a jukebox. The thrill of playing covers disappears the second I've learnt it . To mock an original artist when you are just copying others work seems silly but go for it
  23. ahh it must've been while she was kiss...ing me
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