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Everything posted by bazzbass

  1. buy her new shoes or a handbag she'll spend AT LEAST a half hour in front of the mirror trying it with different clothes. You could sneak in a whole rig without her noticing
  2. hehe my guitarist keeps saying bass should be felt not heard. I either reply with "what you FEEL, is the soundwave, which you also hear" or "you'll feel the bass alright, mister...."
  3. Arguing over string choices, is this TB?
  4. Ummm we already know how important bass is, go tell the guitarists
  5. I've taken my empty case to the car declaring "just going to the shop for parts for this old thing......." also used "this? this? my dearly departed former bandmate's widow said he always wanted me to have it if he died" yes, I have no shame
  6. FLATS seriously if funds are tight, put Chromes on, plenty of bite and they'll last a decade
  7. great job tabbing such a busy bassline good luck with your website, looks good, I'll have a longer look around later on
  8. hehe I always wanted to record a silent dog whistle and stick it in a song and watch the mayhem haha we are recording our debut album at the moment, so I might try this hehe
  9. One day they'll realise that a young kid hankering for a Ric, would buy a Ric copy to start with and would dream of a real Ric when he gets better/older/richer. But he can't buy a fake Ric so he buys a Squier P bass, then when he gets better/older/richer....he buys an Am Stnd Fender P bass.....
  10. contact D'Addario support, I bet you they send out a free set
  11. I too am amused that us right handers use our left hand for the trickiest part of playing bass
  12. bazzbass


    I could never get a sound I like out of the MXR M87, so tried a Spectracomp. Left it's only dial at noon for our recording session BOOM there is the punch I was seeking right out of the box.
  13. I have the Rockboard LT and it lasts for hours and hours running 4-5 pedals. How long are your gigs? I run a daisy chain off one output and my G30 wireless off the other and get literally 6 hours at least best value rechargeable power unit. Don't waste money on another brand.ditch that pedal.
  14. that is not normal, I should know, I've used XL Nickels since 1979. I get a good 3- 6 weeks before they lose their zing, then they are good for a couple of months more.
  15. I went for a pizza lunch with friends. parked next to a guitar shop I didn't even know existed. Fell in love with an SX shorty P bass. Bought it right then and there. PIZZA, I WENT FOR PIZZA FFS !
  16. gotta love popping octaves Dancing Queen has a great bassline, actually most disco has great basslines, so it can't be all bad hehe
  17. your lady singer is the boyfriend of the guitarist? you should learn Walk On the Wild Side "and then he was a she..." but WHY do you need vocals transcribed? can't she listen to it and then sing along to it? I think your problems might be more than finding this transcription best of luck
  18. buy the best you can afford. My budget was $700AU so I got the Scarlett and for my level of recording expertise and microphone quality, Scarlett is a great fit for me. I record live with direct monitoring so latency is not a concern in making my decision. If you need amp sim vsts etc you may need better latency performance. Buy the best you can afford
  19. yeah as Si said, it's not an intrusive bit of software and a driver, that's all.(In fact for Apple it's not even a driver, I think?) I love Focusrite products, just recorded my band live with my Scarlett 18i20, really really happy with the results Here's a great tutorial on using Focusrite Control, I found it useful https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FUlooITi3Eg
  20. yep, I mute with my palm or free fingers too I DO like fret wraps when recording, just on lightly to dampen finger noise on roundwounds This is my stage stand velcros to the rat fur on my cabs
  21. "Play L.A Woman " from the American couple in the front row. We play stricly all original music We don't have any keyboards So of course our singer replied "we just played that song, and we don't play repeats" then every song was preceded by "this is a Creedence cover" to wild applause from the Americans hehe
  22. the game times down under are midnight and 4am , so yes, OF COURSE I play the bass whilst watching. Through headphones, of course, I'm not THAT crazy England's side of the draw looks easiest, best of luck to you Pom bassists, hope you make the final Personally I'd like a new winner, so Belgium looks the likliest of the non winners
  23. Listening to 80s albums makes me appreciate the Beatles even more. Their albums still sound fantastic and relevant. FIFTY years later............ And yes, listening to Nevermind leaves me with the impression that they sucked so much that they had to speed or slow things so much that they are impossible to play along to now, nothing is standard tuning . And I don't mean alternate tunings, just flat or sharp.. Junkies without tuners is a BAD mix lol
  24. yes mate we try new tempos at rehearsals not live, when did I say that? But we DO improvise our individual parts, maybe that is difficult for you to understand,it's OUR music,we can play it however the #$%@ we want ! completely different mind set from doing a cover of a cover as above lol nice and condescending of you, but no,we don't need you to FIX anything for us lol what arrogance lol
  25. Mate, I only play originals, in two bands. We choose our tempo. Sometimes the drummer wants to try it slow, and it changes the groove, always in a good way coz we all improvise depending on the tempo. Yes, it is a skill, we've been playing originals all our lives I understand in a coverband you need to match the recording....but, you've heard the recording, many many times so why the metronome?
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